Photo prompt round-up: Dream #writephoto

Beauty of heart’s home

Haunting dream and memory

Heather in the blood

Endings and beginnings marked

Fragrance of honey lingers


The photo for this week’s prompt was taken on the moors, where Yorkshire meets Derbyshire. The heather is usually at its best mid-August… and I am hoping that I will be able to see it once more this year.


Thank you to everyone who took part, visited or reblogged the posts or left comments for their authors. A new prompt will be published later today. As always, I will reblog as many contributions as space and time allows as they come in… and all of them will be featured in the round-up next Thursday.

All the posts are listed below, so please click on the links below to read them and leave a comment for the author!

Pingbacks do not always come through… if you have written a post for this challenge and it does not appear in the round-up, please leave a link to your post in the comments and I will add it to the list.

An invitation to writephoto writers…

As there are usually too many contributions to reblog all of them every week, and so that we can get to know their writers, I would like to invite all writephoto writers to come and introduce themselves on the blog as my guest! Click here for details.

Come and join in!

Thank you to all Contributors!

Fandango at This, That and the Other

Christine Bolton at Poetry for Healing

Haroon Mirza

Ruby Manchanda

MMA Storytime

Lisa Coleman at Our Eyes Open

Annette Kalandros at Hearing The Mermaids Sing

Louise Bunting at An Enchanted Place


Shilpa Nairy

Priya at Cozy Quiet Corner

Margo at That Little Voice

Daisybala at freshdaisiesdotme

Dr. Crystal Grimes at Mystical Strings

Lisa Thompson

Craig Towsley at A Bunch of Dumb Words in a Row

Kitty’s Verses

Keith Hillman at Keith’s Ramblings

Neel Anil Panicker


Kerfe Roig at K- Lines that Aim to Be

Shweta Suresh at My Random Ramblings

The Indishe

My Forever

Geoff Le Pard at TanGental

Happysoul at Live Love Laugh Learn

Frank Hubeny at Poetry, Short Prose and Walking

S. S. at Mindfills

Anita from Anita Dawes and Jaye Marie

Aashi D Parekh at Falling Upwards

Michelle Navajas at michnavs

Na’ama Yehuda

Jules at Jules Pens Some Gems

earth sky air

Trent P. McDonald at Trent’s World

Di at pensitivity101

Jim Adams at A Unique Title for Me

Brian F. Kirkham at The Inkwell

Balroop Singh at Emotional Shadows

Reena Saxena

Smita Ray at The Wide Blue

Anjali Sharma at Positive Side Of The Coin

Tessa Dean

Goff James at Art, Photography and Poetry

Anisha at Crazy Nerds

Alethea Kehas at The Light Behind the Story

Lady Lee Manila

A.A. Azariah at Wallie’s Wentletrap

Honoré Dupuis at Of Glass and Paper

Willow Willers at willowdot21

Iain Kelly

Left in the comments by Joelle LeGendre at Two on a Rant

Sadje at Keep it Alive

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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40 Responses to Photo prompt round-up: Dream #writephoto

  1. willowdot21 says:

    Lovely poem Sue I hope you do get back this year. Brilliant entries from everyone 💜 💜


  2. Thank you for hosting this prompt, Sue


  3. Thanks Sue. It must be glorious at its best. Hopefully you’ll get to see it this year.


  4. Oh you didn’t get mine for the past week? Here it is:

    The Climb

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Fandango says:

    My post didn’t seem to make your roundup.
    Here’s my take.

    #writephoto — Is That OZ?


  6. Patty says:

    Reblogged this on Campbells World.


  7. memadtwo says:

    I hope you get to make your trip Sue. (K)


  8. Lisa Coleman says:

    Reblogged this on Our Eyes Open and commented:
    Here is the awesome roundup for this week’s #WritePhoto. I almost missed it!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I really like your tanka, particularly that last line.


  10. Thank you for collecting again all these wonderful contributions, Sue! Each to other unique, bun wonderful. Thank you the contributors too. Have all a beautiful weekend! Michael


  11. Jules says:

    Honey fingers for the bees to kiss!


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