A review by Robbie Cheadle : Notes from a small dog: Four Legs on Two

 Ani would like to thank Robbie and Michael Cheadle for a wonderful review of ‘her’ book.

Reblogged from Robbie’s Inspiration:

What Goodreads says:

“He asked me what it is with balls…why I love them so much. I had a think about that. It is ’cause they fly. Like birds. I’m supposed to chase birds. I’m a bird-dog. ‘Course, she won’t really let me. It doesn’t stop me barking at ’em and seeing ’em off from my garden. But it isn’t the same. Somewhere, deep inside, I know what I am supposed to do, what I am supposed to be. But I can’t be that for some reason… things aren’t quite set up right for me to chase birds all day and bring them back to her. On the other hand, that’s who I am…and you can’t be anything else than that… so the balls let me be myself in a world where I can’t catch birds all day.

“She says that’s not unusual… She seems to think that we all know who we really are, deep down, and that we spend all our time trying to find a way to be that in a world that doesn’t quite seem to fit. We either find other stuff to express it…like balls…. Or we try and be what others think we should be… But you can’t be a terrier if you are a retriever, can you? A bit like asking a fish to climb trees. It can be done, but it isn’t easy!”

Ani, a very familiar spirit, was named for one of the ancient gods. It should, I suppose, have been no surprise when she took over the keyboard and began to write. A year later she had me collect her writings into a single volume at the insistence of her fans… who have been taken by her playful love of life and her odd wisdom…largely because she is saving for an automatic tennis ball launcher. The book is a collection of Ani’s periodic posts, Notes from a Small Dog, on scvincent.com, with some other pieces she has asked me to include. She even lets me write occasionally… By this time you may, of course, think I am barking mad myself… you may have a point… but I stand with Orhan Pamuk, “Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen.”

My review:

Where to start with a review of Notes from a Small Dog: Four Legs on Two by Sue Vincent? I loved this books so much and so did Michael. It became a bit of a contentious book between Mike and I as I sneakily read ahead and Michael realised that I wasn’t starting where I had finished reading to him and made me go back. He was very determined not to miss a single word. I love this type of story, told mainly through the eyes of a small and very cute dog called Ani. Sue depicts day to day life in such a humorous and fun filled way and I found it a wonderful way to end each stress filled day to sit down and read a few chapters of Ani’s antics to Michael [and to myself of course thereby sparking Mike’s intense displeasure as mentioned above]. Sue writes beautiful descriptions of the natural environment where she lives and her depictions of some of Ani’s learning experiences are very funny. I can just picture the surprise of a small dog taking a flying leap into a pond that has frozen overnight.

Continue reading: My review of Notes from a small dog


About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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23 Responses to A review by Robbie Cheadle : Notes from a small dog: Four Legs on Two

  1. Of course I wanted to read it. I forget, sometimes, that our Amazon and YOUR Amazon are not exactly the SAME Amazon. You are on my list, but with the shipping … well … I’ll have to wait a little while. But it sounds wonderful!


  2. Mike and I are so glad you like our review, Sue. Amazon is slow to South Africa as well but we are anxiously awaiting Laugher Lines.


  3. Wonderful review Robbie for Ani and Sue.. x


  4. What a lovely review. You and Ani must be smiling 🙂


  5. Rae Longest says:

    Am going to order book (just for the descriptions).


  6. adeleulnais says:

    Excellent review. xx Love to Ani xx


  7. dgkaye says:

    Congrats Sue and Ani on Robbie’s wonderful review. ❤


  8. Congratulations, Ani! We enjoyed your book too. Much love, Millie and Pearl xx


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