As good as it gets…

The window had blown out of the shed again with the overnight gale. The horns I’d been spraying gold in there needed rescuing from the garden. The car, the nice shiny car, now covered in sticky petals from the cherry tree. decided that if I was coughing and spluttering, it might as well join in. Nothing major, but it meant a trip to the local motoring centre for supplies and a long run to try and clear the problem. The alternative doesn’t bear thining about…

The short Sunday at work turned into a major debate and took a lot longer than usual. The other son was at the hospital with a granddaughter… nothing serious, but …

At least it was sunny. The racing clouds revealed clear blue skies and the spring flowers are in bloom.

The manuscript for the workshop needed re-checking, polishing and the formatting finishing. The dog wanted to walk and play. And, to cap it all, the weather forecast got it wrong when it said there was no risk of rain.

Very wrong.

When it rained, it not only rained, it poured.

The advert I designed for next year’s annual workshop needed tweaking. And then I noticed I had it dated for 2929 instead of 2020. I may be an optimist, but that is pushing it too far, even for me. I redid it… and wrote the title in wrong, being as I was trying to type, field the small dog’s ball and hold conversations by both phone and email at once.

By eight o’clock in the evening, I still hadn’t got round to breakfast…

….and then, just for good measure, it snowed. A lot. One look at the dog, joyously catching snowflakes in the blizzard, was enough to put the cap on my day.

March winds bring a change

Petals and snowflakes mingle

Uncertainty rules

The small dog is delighted

I dream of hibernation








About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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55 Responses to As good as it gets…

  1. Ani was no doubt in her element. We had rain but no snow, but the wind is a killer. Hope you have a better day today.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. jenanita01 says:

    I think the title was a bit of a tongue in cheek, as this cannot be as good as it gets! Most of it reads funny, but I bet it wasn’t at the time. Reminded me of that old saying… “Best laid plans…”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. ksbeth says:

    you had it all in one day, all over the place, life can be like that at times )


  4. LucciaGray says:

    Lovely photo and Tanka, Sue 💖 I hope March weather improves in your part of the world. At least we know spring is near!


  5. Alli Templeton says:

    Ahhh, your dog looks so cute in the snow! It’s funny how animals often seem impervious to the cold. Lovely account of your day – we certainly have had a lot of bizarre weather recently, and those winds… By the way, I went to the church at Lillingstone Dayrell yesterday, and I loved it. The medieval floor tiles, it’s long history. Wonderful. We did it as part of a ‘church crawl’ around the area – a good thing to do in a day of gale-force winds and, yes, snow! Thanks for letting me know about this gem of a church.


    • Sue Vincent says:

      Ani looks cute everywhere… and knows it 😉
      It really is a superb little church, especially its situation out there in the fields. I have to say that we are really fortunate in this area to have so many of the ancient churches still standing open.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Alli Templeton says:

        Ani looks gorgeous, very photogenic! We certainly are. Rich pickings for a medieval fan like me. Have you ever been to the little church at Chetwode near us? It’s got the most stunning full stained glass window that’s been in place since the reign of Henry III. It’s pretty awe-inspiring.


  6. Mary Smith says:

    We had everything weatherwise yesterday from rain to blizzard, from blue skies to dark grey. I’d be happy to join you in hibernation! 🙂


  7. fransiweinstein says:

    That sounds like a truly awful day. Hope by now things have settled down. We’ve also been having crazy weather — the latest being non-stop rain and gale-force wind.


  8. Sounds like how things typically go around here…


  9. Jennie says:

    Ani makes it all good. 🙂


  10. One of those days, Sue. The good thing is that they end, and a new day dawns. ❤


  11. Widdershins says:

    Thank goodness for small dogs and snowflakes. 🙂


  12. Blossoms and a blizzard… Wow!


  13. willowdot21 says:

    It never rains but it pours… Hang on it never rains it snows! 🙋🤭💜


  14. noelleg44 says:

    We all know how much Ani likes snow, so this was a treat for her, if not you! Perhaps the rain washed off all the sticky pink petals? We are being warned there will be a pollen dump starting this weekend because everything is going to bloom at once (a string of very warm days) and everything will turn yellow.


  15. Pingback: Five Links 3/15/19 Loleta Abi | Loleta Abi

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