Photo prompt round-up – Empty #writephoto

The photo for this week’s prompt was taken early one morning as we took the long way north for one of the Silent Eye’s Living Land weekends in Ilkley last year. For some reason, the route we had chosen headed far south and west before heading north and east… and the adventures of the road spanned a number of blog posts in the telling. We had visited Marlborough, where we had acquired a pair of staffs. Walked with the great stones of Avebury and seen the White Horse of Hackpen Hill. We had overnighted in Worcester, then left before dawn, following the back roads northwards to avoid the rush hour traffic, stopping wherever the land seemed to want us to stop. Heading down a narrow lane, we found a pretty churchyard that gave on to fields. The misty September morning was suffused with gold and offered a moment of sheer magic as an alternative to attempting to traverse Birmingham. And all that was before the workshop. The road home was just as weird and wonderful. There is much to be said for taking the longest road.

More wonderful entries this week. Thank you to everyone who took part. Please click on the links below to visit all the posts and leave a comment for the author! A new prompt will be published later today and I will reblog as many as I can through the week as they come in… but given the volume of entries we are getting now, that will not be all of them. All contributions will be featured in the round-up on Thursday.

The vagaries of WordPress mean that occasionally a pingback won’t get through. If you have written a piece for this week’s challenge and it does not appear below, please leave a link in the comments and I will add it to the list.

Come and join in!



Barren after the harvest

Believing the illusion

We see emptiness

Yet tomorrow’s seeds are sown

By the hand of yesterday


Mist clouds our vision

Walking a shadowed landscape

Haunted by longing

We forget such shades are light

Interrupted by presence


Infinite distance

Imagined separation

Calls the heart onward

When the seeker’s quest begins

The longest road leads homewards


Many thanks to this weeks contributors:

Reinventions by Reena

Sarah at fmme writes poems

Trent P. McDonald

Helen Jones at Journey to Ambeth

Sisyphus at Of Glass and Paper

Craig Towsley

Lady Lee Manila

Jane Dougherty Writes


Ritu Bhathal at But I Smile Anyway

Michael at Morpeth Road

Willow at willowdot21

Isabel Caves

Pamela Morse at mermaidcamp

Hayley at The Story Files

Kim at Writing in North Norfolk

The Urban Spaceman

Diana Wallace Peach at Myths of the Mirror

Ellen Best

Neel Anil Panicker

Raymond Roy

Bernadette at  Haddon Musings

Barb Taub

Stuart France

Geoff Le Pard at Tangental

Joelle LeGendre at Two on a Rant

Robbie Cheadle

Sangbad at Thoughts of Words

Carl Bystrom

Luccia Gray from Rereading Jane Eyre

Sarah Brentyn of Lemon Shark Reef

Emma Hyde

Hugh Roberts of Hugh’s Views and News


About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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20 Responses to Photo prompt round-up – Empty #writephoto

  1. barbtaub says:

    Thanks so much Sue for all your inspiration.


  2. Reblogged this on ladyleemanila and commented:
    empty 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ritu says:

    Great takes again Sue!!


  4. The last line of your poem is a killer, Sue. Brilliant!


  5. Wonderful poem, Sue. Great responses this week and as always. I love the variety and amazing imaginations. 🙂


  6. It’s great to have the seeker return home.


  7. I enjoyed your take on this prompt, Sue.


  8. Pingback: Gold And The Green Flash #WritePhoto | mermaidcamp

  9. Pingback: #writephoto Beyond Dreams « Covert Novelist

  10. Pingback: neelwrites/fiction/shortstory/thursdaywritephoto/01/04/2017 | neelwritesblog

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