A bit more than a break ?

The Daily Echo has not, you will have noticed, been running at full speed for the past couple of weeks.

In fact, few things have been running as normal. Me least of all. About the best I can do is hobble a few steps.

The day we were supposed to be heading off for adventures in Scotland, I had a phone call from my GP. After listening to the results of that morning’s X ray, it was decided that travel was the wrong option.

I spent my birthday in the scanner, and had nothing to do but wait for the results.

Ani blamed herself, thinking that the black mass in my lungs was a fur ball. She even nearly had a bath.

As I have mentioned before, it was cruelly ironic that one of the most important bits of our planned trip north had been to meet up with my friend, Mary Smith, herself documenting her journey with her recently diagnosed lung cancer.

Monday, I ceased being able to breathe and, sirens blaring, was rushed to hospital for more tests than the national curriculum and an appalling diagnosis in record time.

Without going into detail, there is a lot of nastiness going on in my chest and bugger all they can do… except loads more tests… apart from making the last bits both a tad easier and further away. If I’m lucky. And if the tumours … yes, two of the buggers… attacking lungs and heart are amenable.

I am still in hospital and may be so for a while. I don’t like the idea, but the alternative isn’t exactly enticing 😉 More tests, scans and biopsies to come, and hopefully a little good news about the time we might buy.

Because there is far too much we want to do for me to go out without putting up a fight.

And anyway, I cannot have the small dog blaming herself 😉

Thank you to those wonderful friends who, knowing something wasn’t right, got in touch to find out what, offering whatever support was needed, it matters more than I can say. Especially now, when serious illness, the possibility of losing your nearest and dearest… or even your own life… must, thanks to the Covid monstrosity, be faced alone.

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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191 Responses to A bit more than a break ?

  1. Jen Goldie says:

    Oh Sue I didn’t know. I hope the tests prove to be promising! I really don’t know what to say. Except my hopes and prayers are with you… ❤🌸


  2. Sadje says:

    I was apprehending something like this from one of your comments and the previous post you wrote. I pray that your health providers can deal effectively and swiftly with all the nastiness. Lots of prayers and hugs.


  3. Felicia Denise says:

    Sending love, light and prayers for support and strength to you, Sue. 💕🙏


  4. Ritu says:

    Oh, Sue! 😢
    I thought something was fishy, but what with my own life madness, I didn’t message you like I usually do.
    Prayers for you, my lovely.
    💜 🙏🏽


  5. I am so sorry to read this, Sue. I knew things weren’t good when you didn’t send a follow up email to me, but I thought it was better to let you deal with the results of the test your own way. I knew you would let us know when you were ready. I am praying to a good treatment plan for you. Hugs.


  6. besonian says:

    I was shocked and saddened to hear that, Sue. Thinking of you. And your son. And the little dog.


  7. I can only offer you my very best wishes for your speedy (and successful) recovery, Sue 🤗❤️❤️❤️🤗


  8. Darlene says:

    I´m so sorry to hear this latest news. We are all here for you my dear. Sending hugs, best wishes, positive vibes and prayers your way. And lots of love. 💕


  9. TanGental says:

    Oh heck and beyond. Why is the body so inconvenient at times when you’ve so much planned? Much love to you and Ani from me and Mylo.


  10. willowdot21 says:

    Sending love, light and hope, healing vibes and an extra heavy duty pair of wings 💜


  11. Hello Sue. I am so sorry to hear this horrible news. You are not alone. We are all thinking about and praying for you. I do miss your prompts, Like, Willow, I send healing vibes and best wishes. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  12. SC Skillman says:

    I am so sad to hear this. I admire your courage being so open and honest about your health and about the difficult and challenging situation you are facing. My prayers and thoughts will be with you over the coming months, for you and for the medical professionals caring for you, for wise decisions and healing.


  13. I’m so sorry to hear the news you’ve told us in this post, Sue. When I didn’t see a #writephoto post last week, I thought I’d just missed it by mistake, but then I started wondering earlier this week if something was wrong. Of course, if there is anything I can do to help out with the blog, then you only have to ask. I’m always happy to help.
    In the meantime, take good care of yourself.
    Hugs and love to Ani and you.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I didn’t know either, Sue. I’ll join in with my prayers as well. It sounds like you’re getting good care. All the beat. ❤ — Suzanne


  15. I didn’t know either, Sue. I’ll join in with my prayers as well. It sounds like you’re getting good care. All the beat. ❤ — Suzanne


  16. quiall says:

    We are with you in spirit, holding tight in a Global Hug!


  17. I’m keeping the faith over here, Sue. You are dearly loved and I join the many in envisioning the best for you. ❤️🙏❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  18. bobcabkings says:

    Wishing you and the doctors success


  19. noelleg44 says:

    More hugs for you from this side of the pond. I hope with all the love and prayers coming your way that you will recover and be back blogging in good time. We do miss you!


  20. Goff James says:

    Hi, Sue. Sorry to hear about your health news. Suspected something was amiss. Take great care of yourself. Hope to hear better news soon. Keep Positive. Keep Smiling. Very best wishes.


  21. Patty L. Fletcher says:

    Oh! Sue!
    I wondered last week when there was no #Writephoto but thought maybe you were traveling, or taking a vacation, or just anything but this.
    I didn’t know you’d been sick and I am sending you much love and healing energy from the Campbell Kingdom.
    I’ve just been so caught up in my own dealings with sickness here I was not paying the attention I should to a dear friend.
    Please do not hesitate to ask if there is anything at all I can do.
    Love and hugs, wags and kisses.


    • Sue Vincent says:

      Bless you, Patty, you have more than enough on your plate .


      • Patty L. Fletcher says:

        Never too busy to reach out to a friend. Please do keep us updated as you are able or have someone do it for you if you are not well enough. Please do not hesitate to ask if I can help you someway. Happy to do anything I can. Tell it to the world marketing is at your disposal and so is the Campbell kingdom.


        • Sue Vincent says:

          Bless you, Patty, such a kind and generous offer!


          • Patty L. Fletcher says:

            Hi again Sue.

            First, again, you’re welcome.

            Next, I noted from your earlier comment to me that you’re aware of what is going on with me.

            I’d just like to say that to know that even with what you’ve got going on you took the time to read about that means the world to me, and it is not lost on me either.

            I’ve been amazed over the past few days at how very little people really pay attention to what they’re reading. It seems they do nothing but give it a cursory glance and hurry onto the next thing.

            I love you and I’m here to give you my time and attention should you need it.

            Take care of yourself.

            Each day I set aside a time of prayer and meditation during which a specific intent is focused upon. You will be a part of this focus.

            Blessid Be.

            Patty L. Fletcher

            Self-Published Author and Social Media Promotional Assistant

            Email: patty.volunteer1@gmail.com

            Website: http://www.campbellsworld.wordpress.com/ .

            Food For Thought

            We all are the Light, automatically. So we really don’t have to go too much further than that. We all have a Light within us – it is the Soul; it is that spark of God, of the Divine, that activates our consciousness.

            -John-Roger, DSS

            Source: New Day Herald website


  22. rugby843 says:

    Hard to like a post like this, but we are all thinking of you and thanks for keeping us informed.  Keep the faith, stay strong, all of those old hard but true words you need to rely on.  Good luck with the meds and docs.  I think the worst thing about a hospital stay is the beds.  I hope yours is better than the ones I’ve had.🤗💞🌸

    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad


  23. I’ll put you on my prayer list, if you’d like. I’m sorry things have been going so badly for you.


  24. Frank Hubeny says:

    Best wishes. May you be healed. You are in my prayers.


  25. judeitakali says:

    Hi Sue, I don’t see the writephoto challenge anymore


  26. Oh, Sue, I’m so sorry. I did notice there weren’t so many posts from you, but I just figured you were busy with the stuff going on at your son’s place, or didn’t have so much to say, or whatever. I’m sorry to hear it’s health issues. I hope they can do something to give you plenty more time to go on the adventures you still need to have, both with and without Ani. In the meantime, I hope you’re as comfortable and pain-free as you can be.


    • Sue Vincent says:

      Well, Tori, I was supposed to be busy being on holiday. Just hadn’t planed on a vacation at my local hospital 😉


      • On the bright side, at least this way your vacation includes breakfast in bed… 😉


        • Sue Vincent says:

          You haven’t seen what passes for food in this hospital… 😉 if this was a b&b I would want a refund. Xx


          • Patty L. Fletcher says:

            Hi Sue. Sorry the food is not good there.

            The one thing I had for comfort when I was first in hospital and then in nursing therapy back in 2017 was the food. They cooked as if it were an eatery.

            I told someone I was gonna get fat.

            But of course the slave drivers, erm? I mean the physical therapists saw to it that I didn’t.

            Patty L. Fletcher

            Self-Published Author and Social Media Promotional Assistant

            Email: patty.volunteer1@gmail.com

            Website: http://www.campbellsworld.wordpress.com/ .

            Food For Thought

            We all are the Light, automatically. So we really don’t have to go too much further than that. We all have a Light within us – it is the Soul; it is that spark of God, of the Divine, that activates our consciousness.

            -John-Roger, DSS

            Source: New Day Herald website


            • Sue Vincent says:

              Honestly, I think even Ani would turn her nose up… and it takes a lot for her to say no to anything 😉


              • Patty L. Fletcher says:

                I know what you mean.

                I once got this noodle packet dinner thing to try. You know? One of those heat and eat deals? Well, it was Hideous so I decided I’d give it to Campbell since it was just noodle soup like stuff, well, he, King Campbell A.K.A Bubba who would eat anything that did not eat him first took one sniff, looked at me, gave a mighty jingly jangly shake and sneeze and turned and walked away.


                That’s when you know it’s bad.

                Can anyone bring you anything?

                Oh, how I wish I were closer.

                I may not see all comments. Campbell is going to the Rainbow Bridge today but please email me if I can do anything at all.

                I’ll need busy work over the next few days. Not having him to keep me on task is going to be very hard.

                Patty L. Fletcher

                Self-Published Author and Social Media Promotional Assistant

                Email: patty.volunteer1@gmail.com

                Website: http://www.campbellsworld.wordpress.com/ .

                Food For Thought

                We all are the Light, automatically. So we really don’t have to go too much further than that. We all have a Light within us – it is the Soul; it is that spark of God, of the Divine, that activates our consciousness.

                -John-Roger, DSS

                Source: New Day Herald website


              • Sue Vincent says:

                Oh Patty, I wish I could’ve there for you. Today will be so hard. Sending you much love x


          • Yeah… I’ll give you that one. Having seen the food in many hospitals, I don’t doubt that in the least.

            Liked by 1 person

  27. Holding you tightly, in my heart! Peace be with you my dear Sue!! ❤


  28. Email on its way.. kick ass my friend..♥


  29. I didn’t want to pry, Sue, and waited for your update. When your trip was cancelled at the last minute, it was clear that something serious was going on. Take good care, be strong, and let others help you and advocate alongside you. Sending you tons of light and love and prayers. ❤ ❤


  30. Iain Kelly says:

    So sorry to read this. Wishing and hoping you are on the mend Sue, and you are getting the treatment you need for a full recovery. Take care x


  31. Sending thoughts and prayers for a full and speedy recovery, Sue… Take good care of you!


  32. Thank you for the update and more information. Been worried about you and praying too. Who, I wonder, is caring for Ani and your son? I’m sure they are on your heart and mind constantly. I can’t imagine how I would face such news, but I see you haven’t lost your sense of humor. Sending you hugs and best wishes!


  33. dgkaye says:

    I’m just sick about this Sue. I knew something was up from your post last week but felt you needed your privacy until you were ready to share more. I’m been thinking of you and sending healing light your way. I won’t stick my nose in as I can’t even begin to imagine what’s going on in your head.That you can even maintain your sense of humor in your unknowingness just shows your warrior woman colours!
    I will keep my eye out for your updates. I hope there’s a plan of action coming soon to remove the buggers or radiate them away! Sending love and hugs your way. ❤ xoxoxo


  34. Jennie says:

    I want to be blubbering and stomping around and mad… but the down deep real me wants to be with you. I want to tell you stories, and I want you to tell me stories. I care. Rest, heal, and stay strong. You are loved, my friend. Please keep us posted.


  35. R.M. Carlson says:

    Sue, I’ve suspected something was wrong and I am so sorry that you are having to go through this! I’m sending healing thoughts your way. Recover successfully! You are needed and loved! Best of luck and love. Rosemary


  36. jenanita01 says:

    Thinking and praying for you with both our hearts, Sue…


  37. jenanita01 says:

    Reblogged this on Anita Dawes & Jaye Marie ~ Authors and commented:
    Pray for Sue, everyone…

    Liked by 1 person

  38. Prior... says:

    Hi Sue – prayers and good wishes your way!


  39. joylennick says:

    HI Sue, What’s all this nonsense about? We can’t have one of our best writers/mothers/dog owners/friend’s ill! Seriously, my heart-felt wishes for the very best treatment and speedy recovery.
    I’m really rooting for you, Sue. Love Joy xx


  40. trentpmcd says:

    Very awful. i did see the post about postponing your journey, but didn’t realize that it was this bad. Plenty of thoughts and prayers your direction. Hoping for the best.


  41. I’m sorry, Sue! Not been following much at all these days and had no idea you were even a bit off colour. Hang on and do what you’re told. All we can do is help think the buggers into submission, but we’ll do our very best. Sending hate to them and love to you.


  42. I have had an uneasy feeling about you lately, Sue, since your post about your cancelled trip. I hope the tests and treatments improve things.


  43. I don’t know how I missed this Sue. I’m so sorry and completely stunned. Sending you positive vibes, anything in the way of support. I’ve been posting some of my contributions since you said you would be away for a while, and posted the first one I ever did today. I didn’t realise things were so serious for you, but you’re a fighter! I hope you don’t mind me reblogging my posts, it’s just that Thursdays aren’t the same otherwise. Love and hugs. ❤ ❤ ❤


  44. Reblogged this on pensitivity101 and commented:
    For everyone familiar with Sue’s blog and writings, please keep her in your thoughts.


  45. I’m on your team, sending prayers, healing energies and huge hugs from across the pond! Love, light and peace to you and yours!


  46. trishsplace says:

    Hang in there. Good luck with it all! X


  47. Carol anne says:

    Oh sue! Sending a hug! I am so sorry to hear how ill you are! I hope you’ll be ok! You are missed by all of WordPress community! Love to you hun xoxo


  48. Carol anne says:

    Reblogged this on Therapy Bits and commented:
    Please keep sue in your thoughts. She gives us the Thursday photo prompt, for those who don’t know or aren’t familiar with her blog! She needs our love support and prayers right now!
    Love to you sue!


  49. Paula Light says:

    Omgosh! So sorry to hear this, Sue. I admire your good humor shining through the words. Best of luck to you! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


  50. Oh Sue. I had no idea. So sorry that you’re going through so much. My prayers are with you


  51. I’ll write you separately. This is not a conversation for a comment column.


  52. Ruth says:

    Sorry to hear you’re so unwell Sue – take care of yourself ❤


  53. scifihammy says:

    I am so sorry to hear this and hope there is something they can do to make you feel a bit better.
    Thinking of you.


  54. Jules says:

    Continued wished for shrinkage, healing and ease of everything.
    Cyber hugs stretching from USA to you and yours. ~Jules


  55. lbeth1950 says:

    I had my own battle last year. Hoping for the best for you.


  56. Eliza Waters says:

    I’ve been away from my Reader this week and am just now catching up, but you’ve been on my mind ever since reading you had to cancel your trip, Sue. This stinks! I’m praying they are able to put you in remission pronto. We need you! We’re all rooting for you, sending loving thoughts and virtual hugs. ❤


  57. Sue, I am so sorry that this is happening. I will keep you in my prayers. I was worried but did not want to be intrusive. My very close friend is fighting right now, I am not sure if you had seen my post a few weeks back titled “How do you say goodbye” http://christinebialczak.com/2020/09/05/how-do-you-say-goodbye/
    I believe in positive energy and in hope, I will send as many positive vibes your way as I can. Seek second opinions, fight for all of the options….You will be in my prayers.


  58. Isabel Caves says:

    I’m so sorry to hear this, Sue. Hugs from New Zealand.


  59. Pingback: Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Weekly Round Up – 20th – 26th September 2020 – Community, #Streisand, #Canberra, #Waterford, Books, Reviews and funnies. | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

  60. Sending prayers, Sue. May those buggers take a hike!


  61. I hadn’t heard much from you so, yes… I came searching! I’m dismayed to find you in hospital and going through such an ordeal. First, my friend in Germany got breast cancer, then, Linda Lyberg got breast cancer, then Mary Smith has lung cancer… and now, my dear Sue, you’ve got tumors in the lungs. I pray for all of your recoveries and just know that I’m thinking of you. Hugs and love and I’ll keep checking on you! ❤


  62. Best of wishes for you! I appreciate all the writing you share with me, and very much love all the photos. Take the best of care, and fight that furball!


  63. I am so sorry to hear that you’re going through a health crisis. Please know that my thoughts are with you.


  64. Toni Pike says:

    So terribly sorry to hear about your dreadful news, Sue. Hope that all your tests result in better news and sending you loving hugs. Toni x


  65. olganm says:

    Dear Sue. So sad about this news. I read Mary’s post and knew you were having tests, but when I didn’t find out anything else at the time I assumed you’d be too busy to blog. I wish I could do more from here, and if you can think of anything, please let me know. Sending you positive energy and hugs, and best wishes to Ani and the rest of the family. ♥♥♥


  66. CarolCooks2 says:

    Dear Sue…Like others, I gathered from Mary’s comments that all is not well with you…I don’t have kick-ass boots but do have kick- ass flips and they do just as well…Sending peaceful and healing vibes from the Land of Smiles… you got this…Hugs xx


  67. rivrvlogr says:

    Since mid-summer, a few things have helped me fall behind in following friends on WP, so I’m just catching up with this. From comments here, it’s easy to see you have many concerned for your well being. Please count me among those, Sue. Just being back home has to help your attitude. I’ll be keeping you in my thoughts.


  68. Oh, Sue, I had a feeling something was amiss, and figured that you’ll tell us what was going on when it was the right time for you. I’m so sorry that you’re dealing with all that icky, and in these covidaious times to boot (I’d give COVID the boot, actually if I’d a way …), which make everything a lot less normal than even icky normal use to be. Know I’m thinking of you (have been, actually) and sending healing (I have been, actually …) and I hope all goes as easily as possible, whatever THAT means these days. xx Na’ama


  69. Léa says:

    If it weren’t so far I would have been happy to bring you a basket of goodies. I’m afraid the best I can do now is send love along with thousands of others all around the globe. xx


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