The mysterious letter…

When I found the letter with the Australian postmark on the doormat, I wondered who on earth it could be from. A handwritten envelope that felt as if it held something more than a letter. Staving off curiosity until I had let out the dog, fed the fish and made coffee, I sat down at last to open it… and was thrilled to find a small book inside… with one of my paintings on the cover.

It all made sense then. A while ago I had a comment, from poet Antony Fawcus, asking permission to use one of my paintings to illustrate a suite of poems he was writing for FanStory. I was more than happy to agree. A little later, Tony informed me that the poems were to be published in chapbook format, and he kindly offered to send me a copy by post.

What I didn’t expect was that my painting would be on the cover.

The painting is a very old one, and oddly enough, Ani was not yet in the world when I painted it. I called it ‘Midnight Echo’, which is probably how Tony found it, as his sequence of poems is called Midnight Echoes and I am honoured to be associated with his work in this small way.

On a lighter and more personal note, having had my work published in print on three continents, do I legitimately get to call myself an international writer and artist now? 🙂

An extract from Midnight Echoes by Antony Fawcus

A sequence of fifteen linked poems, published by Ginniderra Press as part of their ‘Pocket Poets’ series and availble via their website.

Midnight Echoes

by Antony Fawcus


Mirages tempt the heated mind to stray,

and lose its focus on the vital aim,

which is amassing toys with which to play;

this life has rules, and we must know the game.

There is no time to linger and delay,

for if we’re left behind, there’s only shame.

There’s always work enough to fill the day –

and night as well. For slaves, they’re just the same.

At length the world will raise a marble slab

declaring Everyman has given all

in vain pursuits, for which his life was sold;

his days were dun and draped with shades of drab.

He never heard the distant echo call,

in dreamfault shimmerings, on paths of gold.

About the author

Antony Fawcus lives on a small farm behind Port Elliot, on the south coast of South Australia. He is widely travelled and has at various times been an aviator, a teacher and a tourism operator. Recent publications include A Gallimaufry of Verse (Ginninderra Press 2017)Written in Sand (Ginninderra Press 2016), The Ethiopian Afar and other poems (Ginninderra Press 2015) and two chapbooks, called Storms (Ginninderra Press 2014) and Midnight Echoes (Ginninderra Press 2018)

His latest book, Brindled Words, has been accepted for publication and should be available late 2018 or early 2019.

Antony’s work can be found on his website and at Fan Story.

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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46 Responses to The mysterious letter…

  1. Ritu says:

    Most definitely an international author!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. jenanita01 says:

    That is a lovely image, no wonder he wanted to use it!


  3. That’s a beautiful painting Sue, and I loved his poem. Congratulations.


  4. The Militant Negro says:

    Reblogged this on The Militant Negro™.


  5. The painting seems perfect for the title! Congratulations!


  6. fransiweinstein says:

    How cool! And so nice that he did send you a copy; and even nicer that you allowed him to use the painting. Hope you got a credit in the book.


  7. Anne Copeland says:

    Congratulations, Sue. It is well deserved, and Anthony Fawcus is a really kind gentleman and an excellent poet! And yes, I think you can honestly say international for sure.


  8. Congratulations to you both! Also, that’s a beautiful poem.


  9. The Owl Lady says:

    How wonderful, Sue! Congrats! @v@ ❤


  10. Mary Smith says:

    How wonderful! And yes, you are most definitely an international author and artist. Go you 🙂


  11. Lyn Horner says:

    Fantastic, Sue! Of course you are an international star now. I bet Ani thinks you had a premonition she was coming. 🙂


  12. What a treat and beautiful surprise, Sue. Yes, you are definitely international. Your painting makes a wonderful cover, and thanks for sharing one of Antony’s stunning poems.


  13. Darlene says:

    I’m so pleased you let us know what was in the package. What a lovely book and your painting is perfect on the cover. Yes, you are an international writer and artist.


  14. Aww, beautiful!


  15. Eliza Waters says:

    Nice, Sue! I consider you an international writer and artist. 🙂


  16. Widdershins says:

    You, globally renowned artist, you! 😀


  17. An international author of course. It’s a lovely cover and a lovely poem, Sue. 🙂 — Suzanne


  18. Jennie says:

    How wonderful!


  19. What a wonderful way to have your work recognized! Beautiful painting. You are an international woman of arts.


  20. robbiecheadle says:

    Your painting is very good, Sue. I love this poem too.

    Liked by 1 person

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