Photo prompt round-up: Valley #writephoto

Tall the cliffs of stone
That mark the entry to my heart’s domain,
Wild and empty in its vastness
The solitude of living earth.
The wind lifts the heart
And bears it through the storm
To where the lichen crusted rocks
Cling to the clouds.
Part of my heart remains there
Scattered with the ashes of a lost love
Mingled with the joy and pain of memory,
Of childhood wonder and a lover’s kiss.
Deep the roots which bind me to that land,
Like the weathered pines that cling for life
To the purple hillside…
Genuflecting, but standing, still,
Naked in the mist.
Or the great stones,
Ice carved in aeons past
Into a landscape of dreams,
Marked by ancient hands
With figures of Light,
That I may stand beside them,
Millennia apart,
And recognise my kin.

Morning mists near Backstone CircleI have cheated this week and reposted and old poem about the place in the photo. This week’s prompt photo was taken from the top of the Cow and Calf rocks on the moor above Ilkley, during one of our Living Land workshop weekends. The moors here have been close to my heart since my earliest childhood and I have walked them with those I have loved the most in my life.

It is a place full of history and mystery. There are more of the enigmatic petroglyphs carved into the rocks of this little stretch of moor than anywhere else I know. There are stone circles, remnants of ancient civilisations, cairnfields for the dead and a refuge for the living…all watched over by Giant Rombald. And when the heather is in bloom, there is no more beautiful place on earth for me.


Thank you so much to everyone who took part this week.  I reblogged as many of your posts as I could, and all the posts are listed below, so please click on the links below to read them and leave a comment for the author!

A new prompt will be published later today. As always, I will reblog as many contributions as space allows, as they come in… and all of them will be featured in the round-up on Thursday.

Pingbacks do not always come through… if you have written a post for this challenge and it does not appear in the round-up, please leave a link to your post in the comments and I will add it to the list.

Come and join in!

Many thanks to this weeks contributors:

Sisyphus at Of Glass and Paper

Fandango at This, That and the Other

Jan Malique at Strange Goings On in the Shed

Balroop Singh at Emotional Shadows

Kim Russell from Writing in North Norfolk

Penny Wilson Writes


Life at 17

Vivian Zems at Smell the Coffee

Iain Kelly

My struggle against silence

Wallie’s Wentletrap

Hayley R. Hardman at The Story Files

Suzanne at Calm and Chaos

Geoff Le Pard at Tangental

Trent P. McDonald

Kim Blades

Laura M. Bailey at All the Shoes I Wear

Anurag Bakhshi at Jagahdilmein

James at Powered by Robots

Em’s World

Reinventions by Reena

Frank J. Tassone

Kerfe at methodtwomadness

Joelle LeGendre at Two on a Rant

Michael at Morpeth Road

Ritu Bhathal at But I Smile Anyway

Dorinda Duclos at Night Owl Poetry

Freed by Fiction

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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21 Responses to Photo prompt round-up: Valley #writephoto

  1. Ritu says:

    You’re allowed to cheat once in a while Sue! Loved the photo! 💗

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely photo and poem Sue. 🙂


  3. Cheat or not, beautiful as always Sue.


  4. reocochran says:

    This was gorgeous view to share! If I weren’t on 50 hour weeks, I would try to write more often. . .
    Blessings to you and your son, Sue! ❤️ 💐


  5. memadtwo says:

    It does look magical, and your words reflect it well. (K)


  6. Love your poem, Sue. A great prompt and lots of reading to do here.


  7. Pingback: Photo prompt round-up: Valley – The Militant Negro™

  8. balroop2013 says:

    What a thought-provoking poem Sue…and you have walked those moors! No wonder the poem bears an imprint that filters through experiences. Thank you for sharing the background and this poem. Old is gold and should be reposted for new readers. 🙂


  9. Love the poem Sue, and I understand now why my effort struck a chord with you. 🙂


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