Notes from a small dog – Little things

She got the harness out and started chasing me. It’s a game we play, though I’m not entirely sure she knows the rules… even though we play it ‘most every day. She keeps telling me to sit still, but how can she chase me if I do? The whole point of it is to get the stiffness out of her before we go, so she can enjoy the walk too. But this time, once I was all harnessed up, we didn’t go. We just stood outside on the grass… which is no good at all! I tried getting in the car, but she said, “Not this time, girlie.” I was getting really worried. Had she forgotten where we were going? And then… I had a surprise! One of my boys arrived! And he’d brought his pup! Seems his pup needed a walk too!

Two-legs pups are a lot like us. They’ve got plenty of energy and want to explore everything and see everything, but where we just learn to use our noses, they ask lots of questions instead. My boy took his pup to see loads of things. She wouldn’t take me though… ‘we’ll just stay here,’ she said. And ‘cows’… ‘sheep’…’chickens’, she said. There was a farm-cat, but we pretended not to see each other. It is usually safer that way. Then there was an ‘omigodhorses’, whatever one of them is. I didn’t get to look… she just held on to the long leash really tight and we went the other way.

It was getting on for evening and the sun was getting low as we were walking back. I could smell rabbits and foxes and stuff, but she kept me on the leash and there’s only so far you can drag a two-legs through the brambles and nettles before they squeak. That skin of yours is nowhere near as good as fur, you know. Then my boy said something that made her miss a step…

“Shall we go to the lake?”
“The fishing lake?” She looked a bit panicked. “Are there ducks?”
“Might be…” Now I happen to like ducks. They are really good to chase… and I am a bird dog after all…
“Oh God…” You would have thought she might have forgotten about that little incident by now… Maybe she had, ’cause we headed towards the mysterious lake.

Now in all the time we’ve been walking down that lane, she never told me there was a lake. And its a big one too! She says its ’cause there are lots of big fishes in there and that they are private. You’d think they’d be happy for a few visitors!  Personally, I’ve never chased a fish. Can’t  speak for other dogs, but I prefer a duck. It’s not my fault… I’m genetic.

There was only one moorhen though and he scarpered when we arrived. Still, that was an awful lot of water… and there were loads of big fishes coming up to see us! They didn’t seem to want to be private. And well, I was only trying to help. She keeps saying I need a bath and you know how she moans about it. It is surprising how noisy two-legses can be when you dive in a pond though… especially when they are still holding the leash…

I was careful not to shake too near the pup. I waited till she had gone to stomp through the leaves, then shook at my two-legs instead. It didn’t seem to make her any wetter. They decided it was probably time to go home after than, especially as the sun was ready for bed.  I’d really enjoyed meeting the pup though… she gives tickly little strokes and laughs a lot and makes my boy smile.

My two legs managed to smile as well when she saw one of the Big Birds roosting in the tree. It’s probably why she wasn’t paying attention when I had to chase something that rustled in the middle of the bushes…

She says her shoulder isn’t completely discolated (or whatever it was. I was busy….)

But she could probably use a cuddle about now…

Much love,

Ani xxx

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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66 Responses to Notes from a small dog – Little things

  1. Darlene says:

    Sounds familiar. I think you and Dot must be related except she´s not a water dog.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m glad you had a lovely time with your visitors Ani. The pup sounds fun too 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Woebegone but Hopeful says:

    Enchanting. Thank you Ani for sharing your day with us.


  4. jenanita01 says:

    You find ways to be naughty, even on a leash… I just knew you would end up in the water!


  5. ksbeth says:

    how lovely to have them all together, 2 legged, or not –


  6. Sounds like a really fun walkies! Lots of licks, Lilie


  7. Nothing so affectionate as a wet dog Ani.
    Sorry I’m not myself just now. Feeling a bit groggy. Milking the treats though…zzzzzzzz Maggie xx


  8. bobcabkings says:

    Ani, I hope your dip in the lake has satisfied your Two-Legs’ concern about a bath and not made it more so. She might think about somehow getting a stretchy bit into the leash to spare her shoulder. You are, after all, a born hunter and chaser of things that rustle in the brambles.


  9. Bernadette says:

    Ani what a wonderful day you enjoyed with that precious two leg.


  10. Mary Smith says:

    Such a good post, Ani. You should take over the blog more often – such a treat for us. It sounded like a lovely outing for everyone – apart the almost dislocated shoulder, that is.


  11. Ani, you are such an adventurer. I’m glad you had fun in the lake and with little two-legs pup. Nice of you not to shake water all over her.


  12. Just another day with the furry one, the wee one, the one in the middle and you … mucking about and having a fine old time 😀


  13. dgkaye says:

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful day with us Ani. I love hearing about your adventures, especially with your adorable vocabulary – discolated. Sending you lots of cuddles and hugs. <x


  14. Suzanne [globalhousesitterX2] says:

    We enjoy dog walking it always seems far more interesting than just the two if us 🙂 Lovely looking dog!


  15. You have a lot more fun on your walks than I do, Ani – because there are so many more exciting things near you. We have a pond near us but there are hardly ever ducks (I don’t have boys either, only fans at my Cheers Bar). We came across a couple of deers once in our park, but Mom held tight to my leash so I couldn’t go ‘vestigate.

    My Mom hates walking through the brambles too – especially since she has to untangle them from my long hair when we get home. And BOTH of our 2-legses think we need baths after the most fun walks. ‘Sup with that?
    Woof! TINK


  16. Adele Marie says:

    Hi Ani, I gets the harness and the long lead too. You had an adventurous walk but I would’ve joined you in the water, any water except for the bath water. I gets a new brush now and half of me seems to have gone, all that fur and what do they do with it? Put in the bleeding bin. They are always making things they could’ve made a winter coat with that. Two legs, sometimes they bamboozle me but I loves them. Much paw love, Dante Dawg. xxx


  17. willowdot21 says:

    Hi Ani at least your two legs pup was brought round to see you, Ani my two legs hardly ever get to see their boys two pups. Make the most of her ,💜💜💜💜


  18. macjam47 says:

    Ani, it seems you had a fantastic walk and your bath, as well. I’m glad you enjoyed the pup, they are lots of fun. Take good care of two legs, it seems she needs it. Lots of love and belly rubs.




  20. Denis1950 says:

    Love the water shot Ani, did you smell nice and ripe after the swim. I guess there was no cow manure waiting for a roll as well?


  21. Well, Ani is a bird dog after all, Sue. My cat came through the window and jumped on Mr Fox last night – four times – he was not very delighted.


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