Guest author: Adele Marie Park – Wisps of vision

The boy sat on the blanket box which was underneath the window. He turned his head and looked at me. I saw then that he was a down syndrome child.

He smiled at me and I smiled back.

The room felt safe. Warm and comfortable.

I lay back down and pulled the covers up and over my shoulder. My eyes closed and I fell asleep. Safe.

No. This isn’t the start of a novel. What you have just read is fact. It happened to me when I was 21.

Something woke me and that’s when I saw him. I felt no fear, in fact I felt safer for seeing him. I never saw him again.

I know we exist in a world full of spirits. I have done since birth. I can feel them surrounding us, touching and reaching out to us.

Some are spirits who are lost and who walk blind trying to understand what is happening to them.

Then there are the spirits who existed before humans spread across their lands and who will exist after we have gone. They live in the rocks, the streams, the grasses and the elements.

I can hear their songs in a caress of the wind or in the pattern of the raindrops.

One summer afternoon in the garden I saw a lilac tree become host to a beautiful grinning face of one of the fey. The molecules, or the bonds of the tree were bent to shape but without cruelty or disregard.

Not holding a degree in psychics I can only explain how it felt.

The monster who lives under the bed, the bad witch in the bucket under the sink and others. They are all real. Believe me, I know.

I want to tell you about two experiences, years apart and how they have affected my life.

The first one happened not long after I had seen the boy.

I was in bed, again, but this time it was morning. I had been reading when something triggered the sense that I was being watched. I looked up and the book froze in my hand.

Standing in the doorway was the figure of a man. He was naked apart from a skin cloth covering his nether regions and his head was crowned with antlers. He was a solid shape and he stood between me and escape.

I felt no fear but a primeval knowing filled me. I knew I wasn’t ready for this and I remember thinking. “If he is a ghost I’ll run straight through him. If he is real then running will knock him over.”

That is what I did. I got up out of bed, put my head down and ran. I went through him and carried on running down the stairs and into my uncle’s bedroom.

This was not a tale to tell my uncle, this tale was mine alone until the time was right. I told him that I’d had a nightmare which had woken me. He suggested a cup of sweet tea and hot buttery toast.

I knew without a doubt that who I had seen was Cernunnos. I call him our father who led us from the caves. Ancient memories? I believe so.


The next incident happened about fifteen years later, give or take a few.

My mother had been diagnosed with cancer and was very ill. Myself and my daughter, had moved in with her a while before that and we became her carers.

That night I dream walked which is what I call an out of body experience.

Something woke my soul and leaving my body still asleep, I walked through to the living room.

My mother was sitting in her armchair. She was hunched slightly forward, her lips were moving but I couldn’t hear what she was saying. She couldn’t see me.

What stood in front of me was the most terrifying thing I’ve ever seen.

She stood tall, white hair flowed and twisted around her with a life of its own. Her skin was white, her eyes were deep but her face resembled a skull. When she saw me her face lengthened and she pointed a long white finger at me.

Afterwards, I felt shame at what I did next.


I started to repeat the lord’s prayer to the four corners of the room. The next thing I remember is waking up in my body.

I went through to the living room but no one was there.

I want to explain why I felt shame. The white woman I believe was our ban sidhe and she had come to talk to my mother to ready her for death and journeying on beyond that. I believe that I was not meant to see her because her expression, which I will always remember, was one of great surprise. I hope that I didn’t make her feel bad when I started spouting the lord’s prayer to the four corners but again that reaction felt as if it came from somewhere buried inside my memories.

When I think back now, I know she meant no harm and that she was there to guide my mother. I have apologised and can only hope that she will do the same for me when it is my time to journey on.

I hope you have enjoyed my tales about the reality of my world of spirits, faeries and magical beings. There are more tales but that is for another day. Remember, the world is not necessarily what you perceive it to be.

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About the author

91wkx8llz8l-_sy200_I love writing, it`s my passion. My genres include fantasy, horror, urban fantasy, and a mixture of all those. I love telling stories;period. I am married to my wonderful wife, Becca who is my rock. Our daughter Tara and our dog, german shepherd collie cross, are also my passions. To experience a moment of pure love is to experience the world.
Creativity is something I couldn`t live without.
I am also a Supernatural geek, and love my music. Punk, Goth, Rockabilly and visual Kei music from Japan.
The paranormal is my normal. Oh, and I also totally believe in faeries.

Read more about Adele in her guest post for The Story Reading Ape.

Wispwisp cover

Edra; a world where magic flourishes and where dark secrets are concealed by those who rule. Secrets which can get the innocent killed without a thought. When the body of an elf is discovered in a treacherous area of the city, Wisp a young Law Enforcer is assigned the case. He soon realises the case is far from simple. As soon as he finds one thread another one leads him to unravel a tapestry woven from lies, secrets, corruption and evil. When friendship turns to love, Wisp`s life, as he knew it will completely change. What started out as a murder case ends in a grisly battle which Wisp and his companions seem to have no chance of winning.

Available via Amazon and Barnes and Noble


About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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30 Responses to Guest author: Adele Marie Park – Wisps of vision

  1. This sounds very intriguing!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. adeleulnais says:

    Thank you so much, Sue for having me here. xx


  3. Sue Vincent says:

    Thank you for coming over, Adele! It is a real pleasure to have you here 🙂 xx

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Tina Frisco says:

    Thank you for sharing the magic of your world, Adele. It takes courage to go public with such things, for fear of being labeled crazy. I stopped sharing my perceptions of such things at a young age, after being told multiple times, and with much disdain, that I was ‘just seeing things.’ No kidding! I was seeing things ~ real things ~ that others couldn’t (or wouldn’t) see. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your post. And thank you, Sue, for hosting Adele 💕

    Liked by 2 people

  5. dgkaye says:

    What a gift you have Adele. Thank you for sharing those intimate experiences with us. I wholeheartedly believe in all you talk about. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Fascinating experiences Adele and I agree that in our modern age of technology people believe in what they can hold in their hands and think nothing of disbelieve that was the general perception about radio waves, talking to someone across the ocean on a wire or putting a man in space. Our ancient abilities to see beyond our world are blunted and yet if people like yourself and Tina are in tune with those that others can not see or hear it is a gift. Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. jjspina says:

    Fascinating, Adele! It is truly a gift to be in tune with these spirits. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and sights. I believe that there is much outside our realm that we do not understand or cannot explain. Nice to meet you. Blessings to you. 😃 Thanks, Sue, for introducing us to Adele. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  8. macjam47 says:

    Fascinating! Thank you, Adele, for sharing your stories.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. theresaly520 says:

    I know this is a late response, but these are really fascinating stories Adele! I once had dreams of random children and adults that seemed to come out of nowhere. I never really told people of it. I always wondered if these spirits would ever try to communicate with us in some way. To anyone who is open I suppose!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Adele Marie says:

    Thank you, Theresa, yes I agree they will communicate with those sensitive. Your dreams sound fascinating.

    Liked by 1 person

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