#writephoto regulars ~ Jordis Fasheh from Jordy’s Streamings

I asked the writephoto challenge regulars if they would like to come over and introduce themselves. Today, it gives me great pleasure to share a post from Jordis Fasheh whose writing you can follow at Jordy’s Streamings.

Without those of you who write and read the pieces inspired by he weekly photos, the prompt would not exist.

So, if you follow or take part in the weekly challenge, why not drop me a line?

Greetings, my name is Jordis Fasheh. However, I am using Jordan as my pen name.  The name Jordan compliments a recent spiritual transformation and symbolizes the baptismal waters of the river Jordan.

“From that water of life he is in a state of elation.” Rumi

My first love is writing poetry and I started as early as when I learned to write the alphabet. I learned to read with Omar Khayyam’s, Rubayait and Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi’s, Poems.  I discovered the books on my parents bookshelves and they became my teachers.  Both mystics influenced my development from a very young age.

Sue was generous and shared my first blog story, “The Garden.”  A story about my sister Teri’s passing.  Her passing was life altering, it shocked my system from head to toe including my soul.  We grew up like twins, although she was three years older than me.  Teri was brilliant and creative and I always tried to follow her but thankfully realized that I was a different sort.

Her passing made me understand the brevity of our lives on this planet in this human form and is what propelled me to start a blog and share my poetry and stories.

However, like many creative souls, I still have to work for a living.  As a young girl, my life took a circuitous path and I had to make ends meet and didn’t go straight to college, but I did eventually and feel proud of my accomplishments.

My day job is as a business professional in the financial and business insurance sector.  It certainly fulfills an aspect of my personality that is logical and allows me to travel and meet people from all walks of life.  My father ever the pragmatist and my mother was an artist. I like to think that I have inherited the best of both of them.

Steadily, while working, and attending college, I earned a Masters in Business Administration and an Undergraduate degree in Developmental Psychology.

Although my interests are far and wide, I spend a lot of my time doing research. The topics that I study most are spiritual in nature but cover physics, astronomy, anatomy and physiology and my first love, psychology.

From a spiritual perspective, while I was raised a Roman Catholic, growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area exposed me to eclectic spiritual perspectives.  I studied many forms; Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Native American Shamanism, and yet swung full circle back to Gnostic Christianity.  I studied energetic healing systems and am proficient at Chakra and energy healing.

Always searching, a seeker at heart, until a turning point occurred when I met the Directors of The Silent Eye; Steve Tanham, Sue Vincent and Stuart France at the first retreat in April 2013 at the Nightingale Centre in the  UKs Peak District.

I am forever grateful for meeting these three beautiful souls.  Everything that I’ve known and studied coalesced with my studies with The Silent Eye.  The all too familiar longing and searching and angst are forever gone.  I can truly say that I am home as I breath a deep soulful breath of gratitude and love.

My blog, as I mentioned earlier, “Jordy’s Streamings” was a recent inspiration.  My intention is to share my poetry and short stories but also to build relationships in the blogging community with like minded artists.  Many of my poems are healing from the grief of Teri’s passing, but some of my posts are to test my experimental writing with the community.  It has gone very well thus far and I’m on a mission to self publish my first book of poetry.  Additionally, I am working on several short stories and getting close to selecting a topic and theme for a fictional book.

Me and my fur-baby Luna Gracie usually write in the wee hours of the morning, but often I’ll write in the evenings as well with Luna always at my side.

It is a great gift to participate in Sue’s weekly write photo prompts primarily because of the many gifted writers that I get to meet and read their creative posts.

After Sue posted, “The Garden,” I met many beautiful souls that I continue to follow and foster relationships with and my blog continues to grow.

But I am still learning how to format the blog and finally learned how to organize the menu categories.  Alas, I am a little clunky with doing things that are obvious to most people. The next step is adding a follow button but it seems that I have to upgrade to the business plan.

At any rate, I enjoy blogging mostly because of the lovely community and exposure to so much incredible talent. It’s like hanging out at the bookstore for hours but from the comfort of my home.

Thank you for the opportunity to share a part of me with you.

From my heart to yours, Love, Jordan.

Antony Gormley’s mysterious life-size sculpture of a solitary man, Sound II, located in Winchester Cathedral’s crypt. Photo by Jordan 2016


Standing solitary within a stone crypt

Seasons pass as the water rises and retreats

Our hands cupped in prayer as we breath in the script

Lifetimes spent in humble obedience, discrete

Funny how the sound of silence reverberates

Seemingly against stone enclosures and puddles

How can I stare at you as grey and celebrate?

Two dimensionally, confined, a brain muddled

Through stillness, prayer and listening in silence

Penetrating walls, and permeating water

Two become multidimensional resonance

Breaking free of confinement, both our spirits soar

Movement in present time, camouflaged as if stone

Signposts as reminders for our journey homeward

In silence, in memoriam, your heart, my own

I look at your cupped hands and see flowing waters

© Jordan 2018

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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44 Responses to #writephoto regulars ~ Jordis Fasheh from Jordy’s Streamings

  1. Ritu says:

    Hi Jordy! Lovely to read more about you 💜

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Jordan says:

    Oh my goodness Sue, you took my draft and created a stunning portrayal of me. Thank you with all of my heart! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  3. willowdot21 says:

    So lovely to learn more about you Jordy💜💜

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Enjoyed this interview, and your poem is beautiful!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. It is wonderful to get to know the person behind the blog. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I’m really loving these pieces! So nice to know you, Jordan 💕

    Liked by 1 person

  7. This is such a beautiful post, full of spirit, wonder, and peace. I’m so glad to learn more about you, Jordy, and your story and poem touched me deeply. I need my tissues! I also read Omar Khayyam as a child (though I didn’t discover Rumi until later) I ca.n relate to the life-altering changes brought by the loss of a sibling and connected with your spiritual wandering and quest for clarity. I wish you the best with your writing, and I’m happy to have found you within this amazing community of bloggers.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Jordan says:

      Thank you Diana!💗 I now had to grab a tissue. Thank you for your soulful words. And the very reason I love this community. We get to meet one another. Where would it ever have happened otherwise? Blessings to you too dear one.💕

      Liked by 2 people

  8. My Deaf Mind says:

    I really like your penning, and it style. Cheers and peace to you.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. janmalique says:

    You’re a beautiful soul Jordis, and one we can all learn from. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Nice to meet Jordan, Sue.


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