First past the post

Geoff Le Pard kindly (and I use that term loosely…) named me as one of his victims in Sarah Brentyn’s ‘first post revisited’. While it can sometimes be pleasant to revisit old work, at other times it can make you cringe… How does your first post make you feel?

This one was mine….just to see if I could work out this whole blogging thing. With a grand total of six views that first year, I wasn’t convinced that I had a handle on it at all…

I followed with another two posts that year… both a bit on the militant side…. and I still stand by their message. Being a carer, especially a family carer, is one of the most officially undervalued and generally misunderstood of roles.

But I’ll get off the soapbox… and on to the first post. I’d like to ask Marilyn Armstrong, Diana Wallace Peach, Amy Reade, Charles Yallowitz and Jaye Marie to join in…if they would care to share their first posts 😉

For my sister

First post April 2011


We wore the grey together long ago,

Just children, with the sun upon our face,

Who walked the silence of the hallowed halls

And touched the echo of a future grace.


We wore the blue together you and I,

Our feet upon the shores of vanished lands,

Where seeds were planted firmly in our hearts,

A tiny spark amid the shifting sands.


We wore the red together for a time,

Our bodies altars to a greater Love,

Drawing healing from the inmost Earth

Igniting it with Fire from Above.


We wore the white together life on life,

And searched the halls of knowledge on our quest,

And learned a little wisdom on the way,

Enough to feed the star-seed in our breast.


We wear the black together for a while,

Lives touching, intertwining, once again.

A rainbow bridge between us spans the Earth

Sharing, still, our laughter and our pain.


We’ll join the Light together at the end,

Our rainbow journey done, our work achieved.

When, incandescing, in a final blaze,

We’ll be consumed by what we have believed.


About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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34 Responses to First past the post

  1. Ritu says:

    This is a lovely heartfelt poem Sue 😍


  2. As I said on your original post: “Wow. This is a first post?” Or something like that. I stand by it. 🙂 Love this poem. Beautifully done. And a nice trip down memory lane (without any cringing involved). ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. amreade says:

    Sue, your first post puts me to shame. What a beautiful poem!

    Here, in its entirety, is my first post:

    “Welcome to my blog, Reade and Write. My plan is to post something new every Tuesday, but I may post more often if I have something really, really important to say. For now, I want to thank everyone who visits and invite my friends and the friends I haven’t met yet to visit and comment often!

    I am currently working on getting my website up and running, and I also post occasionally on Twitter @ readeandwrite. You can also visit my author fan page on Facebook at”

    I don’t use that Facebook page anymore (though it still exists), and this tells people absolutely nothing about me. Talk about cringeworthy! Now do I nominate someone?

    Thanks for thinking of me! ❤


  4. willowdot21 says:

    Sue this is beautiful, is your sister still with you ? ❤


  5. Isabel Caves says:

    That’s such a lovely poem Sue. A great first post.


  6. I’m betting I deleted that first post, though I did use parts of it as my profile, so there are bits of it left. What I CAN do is send the first post i can find, which would probably be from May of 2012. If that’s OK, then … I’m IN. Cringing too, but in!


  7. Eliza Waters says:

    A fine poem, no cringing necessary! My first post was a photo, but I still look at it with a critical eye, thinking I’d do much better if I took similar today. 😉


  8. Double-checked, just to be sure. My first existing post is dated May 13, 2012. Before that, I had only written one or two pieces … and I didn’t write anything more that month or anything in June, either. I didn’t start to write for real until July.


  9. noelleg44 says:

    WHAT a first post! Harbinger of so much wonderfulness to come!


  10. pollyesther says:

    Beautiful Sue! Your only making me cringe/doubt about my poems now, lol, but all from the heart, just like yours ❤


  11. Brings tears to the eyes. Lovely. ❤


  12. That was some first post, Sue! I would be extremely proud of that. 🙂


  13. memadtwo says:

    It’s beautiful Sue. And now it gets a second life, that’s wonderful too. (K)


  14. dgkaye says:

    Sue, that was a beautiful post, let alone, a first post. ❤


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