Milestones, people power and the OMG effect


It doesn’t matter what we are doing, consciously or not, we all seem to set ourselves arbitrary milestones. Some decide on them in advance, creating a deliberate goal that is as firmly fixed as a guiding star, others simply recognise them in passing, but whether it is a chosen goal or a surprise, we will nod in its direction, acknowledging its presence as we pass.

Blogging is no different. Some are professional in their approach and goals; they start with a definite purpose and the numbers matter because they generate revenue through advertising or paid services. Others are writers building the obligatory platform from their garret and who find, in the discipline of blogging, a tool with which to hone their craft. Yet others blog for the love of it… for pleasure or to share a passion or viewpoint, to highlight a cause or just because they can. For all who blog there is also the chance to connect with people from almost every nation; people we would not otherwise have met, even in the virtual world.

Whatever the reasons for creating a blog and no matter how much they change and evolve over time, there is always a first… in fact, a series of ‘firsts’ that are, inevitably, milestones. Some are the result of our own efforts, others are dependant upon other people and are out of our control. We can only ever hope that they will happen, but unless we put fingers to keyboard and keep on typing, we can be sure that they never will.

Blogging, like any form of writing, is all about people. It is the reader who gives life and vibrancy to the written word and it is they who hold the power to imagine the magic into whatever they read. It is the reader who ultimately holds the key to a writer’s excitement. It is here that the ubiquitous OMG effect comes into play, regardless of the actual words or expletives chosen. As I personally do not speak in acronyms, mine tend towards the more colourful. However, it always begins, especially to the technologically challenged, in the same way…

“OMG, I actually managed to set up A Blog!” These words are generally spoken in uppercase. Well, they were by me…

Then you have the inevitable next step… that first foot in the public world of blogging. It may not be a very good step… I know mine wasn’t… but it is another milestone.

“OMG, I managed to publish A Post!” This one may be followed after an indeterminate delay by, “OMG, someone liked it!” It may actually knock you off your feet if you can follow up rapidly with, “…someone I don’t even know!”

Encouraged by being noticed by at least one total stranger, you may publish a second, perhaps more considered post. You now have a voice that can be heard…in theory at least. In my case, it was heard by a whole six people in my first year! I didn’t write much… I had no purpose to begin with. I wrote a bit more the second year, but it wasn’t until the third year of blogging, with the books and the birth of the Silent Eye, that I found a direction.

Then there were the other firsts. The innocent, “OMG someone is following me!” Experience will teach you that, of the followers you acquire while blogging, only a handful actually do… especially if, by this time, you have begun to explore the alternate universe of Twitter. But the ones who come back, time after time, leaving the calling card of a ‘like’ or eliciting an “OMG, I got a comment!”, they are the ones who may become real friends.

If you are lucky, you may one day be able to bounce up and down to the tune of, “OMG, I got reblogged!” or even, “OMG, someone wants to interview me!” Maybe I am just weird, but I found all those ‘firsts’ incredibly exciting. After a few more years of blogging, I still do. Which is just as well, because I would hate to get blasé and lose the sense of excitement.

In the early days the stats may hold an endless fascination and you may watch every number. I can remember quite clearly the gobsmacking awe with which I reached two-figure ‘likes’ and eventually “OMG a hundred followers!” You don’t pay quite as much attention later on… it is more important that there are real people, not just numbers, who find something of value in what you write and share. Even so, “OMG, five thousand WordPress followers!” drew more than an ‘OMG’ today… even better, some of you have been with me since the earliest days of the blog. And that is exciting.


About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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89 Responses to Milestones, people power and the OMG effect

  1. cindy knoke says:

    “For all who blog there is also the chance to connect with people from almost every nation; people we would not otherwise have met, even in the virtual world.”
    This is the greatest privilege of all!
    It makes blogging precious beyond words. You find soul mates across the word.
    How amazing is that?

    Liked by 6 people

  2. I remember each of those steps. I remember the first time I got TEN VIEWS! I remember when I was first reblogged, when I was ‘Freshly Pressed,’ when I broke 100,000 views. But really what I most remember is when I realized I had made an impact on someone’s life. That was a big deal, but it was also sobering. Because if I was actually affecting lives, then I had to be careful, responsible, thoughtful. That was also when blogging stopped being ONLY fun, when it became a bit more like a job. With very flexible hours and an understanding boss. Blogging was no longer something I could throw together without a thought for possible consequences.

    In a world where irresponsible talk seems to have become normal and acceptable, I have become increasingly cautious. I know what we say matters. Everything we put out there changes the world, even if only minutely. Maybe we matter more than we will ever know and influence more people than we imagine.

    You have changed me. I know I have changed other people. It’s a chain and we are all links.

    And I’m so very very glad for all the friends I’ve made and all the things I’ve learned from this great chain of people with whom i communicate all over this world. It means more than I ever thought possible.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Sue Vincent says:

      Yes, Marilyn, I agree. We do frget sometimes that every word we write does change the world, just by being there, let alone by the otential it has to be read and perhaps cretae a space for change for others. The changing is, as you say, a chain reaction… and the more you read of other people’s thoughts, the mor fuelyou have for your own fire of inner change and illumination. Any writer has a responsibility to themselves and to their readers to think about their words and how they may impact the reader, as well as how they might be read and interpreted. I don’t think that means we have to change what we write, but we become responsible for amking sure we wite what we mean with clarity. But even that boils down to one thing…it is all about people.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Ritu says:

    This whole piece is so true!
    No doubt there are many of us who have shared your OMG! moments!!!!
    Congrats on your 5000!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I was going to unfollow you to refollow as your 5000th but someone beat me to it. No prize for Richard 😢

    Liked by 2 people

  5. ksbeth says:

    as one of your followers, i love and identify with each and every word of this post. even when i don’t comment, you know that i’m out here reading and taking in your beautiful work.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Susan Scott says:

    Love this post Sue thanks – it’s true those firsts were amazing! And the 2nds and 3rds .. and the internet contacts and friends made. And of course blogging is a way to hone one’s own writing –

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Many congratulations Sue, though I am a newer blogger, set up as an author platform I immediately saw the more personal value of making connections and the great support and friendship that is out there. 5000 followers is a great achievement, always love your posts!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Reblogged this on Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog and commented:
    As usual, Sue sums it up perfectly – in this case – about blogging.
    Blogging, like any form of writing, is all about people.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. I went back to read your first post, and it was wonderful. There is a reason you have reached those milestones, Sue. Many congrats to you. Keep doing what you do. We love it. 💕

    Liked by 1 person

  10. jenanita01 says:

    In the beginning, I became a blogger because you are duty bound if you are a writer. But it has developed into something far more valuable. Most days I actually prefer it to writing!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. memadtwo says:

    A well-deserved milestone. Congratulations! (K)

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Congratulations to you!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. wordwitch88 says:

    Many many congrats on persistence, and continued interest, pleasure, passion, and the joy of connecting, engaging and sharing. Certainly stats are stats, but nonetheless – well done. And most importantly, may you continue to find the joy and pleasure and grace us with your words, wherever your journeys and travels take you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  14. felicity936 says:

    What a great blog, Sue! A wonderful encouragement to the novice to keep going.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Bun Karyudo says:

    Congratulations, Sue! Very well done! Getting to 5,000 is a big deal. Last I checked, I was I was much nearer to 100 than 5,000 myself, and even that modest total near killed me, so I can imagine how much work it must have taken to get up to 5,000. By the way, I still have occasional OMG moments myself, but most of them are when I discover the automatic spelling on my iPad has changed my carefully written comment into utter gibberish! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sue Vincent says:

      It’s near 13000 in total…but these are the WP bloggers… community 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      • Bun Karyudo says:

        That’s great too, Sue. Having almost 13,000 followers in totally is something you can justifiably be proud of. It know it takes a great deal of work to get so many.

        I think my original comment was a little carelessly written because I actually knew from the counter at the top of your page that you had nearly 13,000 followers. I instinctively looked there when I read about your WordPress total. I should really have specified more clearly that I was only referring to your WordPress followers. Both totals are very impressive, though.

        I’m sure you’ll pass the 13,000 total very soon too. I’ve read a number of people say that collecting followers is something like a snowball rolling downhill, and the more you have the more you can collect. (Sadly, I seem to have melted, but that’s okay.) 😀


  16. Victo Dolore says:

    Congratulations! I am so glad you blog. I hope I always find you in my reader. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Bernadette says:

    Sue, As usual everything you wrote resonated with me. Congratulations. You deserve your success.


  18. For me, it’s all about community. On the other hand, I cannot think how wonderful it must be for those bloggers who are not well or cannot leave the house. They have a community at their fingertips. What can beat that? ❤ 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Mary Smith says:

    Wonderful post, Sue. I’ve had some of thos OMG moments! Best of all, though, are the connections and sense of community.
    I’m thinking of starting another blog because as my Goldfish one is about dad’s dementia I don’t feel I can re-blog other bloggers posts – like this one for instance – on it. It would be quite nice to have a separate one for that and for my own mutterings and meanderings.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Sue Vincent says:

      I’d quite like to see you with one where we can natter. There is a respect that goes with the Goldfish x

      Liked by 2 people

    • Ditto here, Mary!

      Executive Functioning and Mental Health advocacy, info & support is my primary focus, and reblogs are not ADD/EFD-friendly. As the ADD Poster Girl myself, however, I shudder when I consider all the to-dos of setting up and maintaining one more “presence” to have to manage. (I can barely keep up with one!)

      Instead, I link related content (a lot!), quote frequently, and comment hours each day — tho’ blogs must take turns even then, so it may not seem so to them.

      I have also started letting my Shih Tzu TinkerToy at the keyboard once in a while, so that allows me to widen my scope a bit more.

      Good luck, if you decide to do it – and I’ll be over to check out Goldfish ere long.
      (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMore dot com)
      – ADD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder –
      “It takes a village to educate a world!”

      Liked by 1 person

  20. paulandruss says:

    What a marvelous post that really strikes at all our hearts and minds. It’s no wonder you are so successful you just have this great way of reaching out to people and making them feel valued.
    Love n hugs Paul


  21. dgkaye says:

    Great post Sue. Agreed on all counts. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Widdershins says:

    You’re right … OMGOMGOMGOMG!!! Bravo! 😀


  23. Reblogged this on Julaina Kleist-Corwin and commented:
    Have you experienced the OMG’s?


  24. Gary Lea says:

    I picked up on your blog because Julaina Kleist-Corwin reblogged it. Julaina is my writing teacher. She thought your post here would be inspiring to her students… she teaches both a writing class and a social media class. Well, it is inspiring and I’m glad I found your blog. I have a blog for my “other” job of fixing computers and making sure computer security is up to snuff. But I think I may have been inspired to start the blog for my real job of writing. Thank you for sharing so many of you OMG moments.


  25. noelleg44 says:

    I’m just so glad you set up your blog and I found it!


  26. Fantastic milestone, Sue. Well done!


  27. Congratulations, Sue. Blogging is full of wonderful ‘firsts’ and like you, I still get excited by each and every one! 🙂


  28. So well put, Sue. You’ve described many of all our earlier days in the world of blogging and those that continue to happen. I can remember that first reblog, getting that first award nomination, getting that first comment, and that first like and how ‘on top of the world’ they all made me. They may be little seeds in the earlier days, but they grow into whole big communities if we allow them to.
    Congratulations on the numbers


  29. I remember all those OMG moments, Sue. So funny how similar the stat journey is for most of us. 5,000 followers is amazing!! Congrats. You have a great blog, so the number is unsurprising and well-deserved 🙂 ❤


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