Guest author : Richard M. Ankers – Hunter Hunted

The Story Continues…

HUNTER HUNTED Book 2 in The Eternals Series

A Little Background and Something New.


Hunter Hunted is the brainchild of Richard M. Ankers, me, and continues the story of the Eternal Jean and his love, Princess Linka of The New Europa Alliance.

I wanted to do something a little different with Hunter Hunted, something that had never been done before with bloodsucking immortals. Hence, the far future Arctic, both above and below, became the setting for the main guts of the story.

Jean finds in the Arctic the remains of what he thought the mythological Nordic Eternals. The royal family and its queen, Serena, who runs her realm with an iron fist, have withdrawn from Eternal society in an attempt to find peace. Peace has come at a price.

In a world near death as Jean believes it is and with few animals of any kind, the Nordics have taken to hunting the most dangerous of all. Orcas have become the albino Eternals’ food of choice, a food that brings them great power and great problems. Both Hunters and Hunted the Nordics swim the Arctic waters hunting for the blood they must have at the risk of becoming whale food themselves. It is a delicate balance that Jean detests, although being Jean, he does detest almost everything anyway.

When Jean and the Nordic city of Hvit is found by those who have made his recent life hell, he leaves. He has to. This sparks another wild adventure in a man who would have nothing to do with it if he could and widens the mystery that is The Eternals.

I hope you enjoy the sequel to the acclaimed first book and the characters that so many of you have been so kind and gracious to comment on. If you thought the first was unique, then I can guarantee the second will knock your socks off.

Thank you for reading
Richard M. Ankers
Author of Eternals Series



Books one, The Eternals, and two, Hunter Hunted, available now.

About the Authorbw-avatar-copy-jpeg

Richard M. Ankers was born a dreamer. From an early age, if Richard was not out in the fresh air playing sports, he was lost inside a good book or secretly writing his own. A lover of everything from Marvel comics to classic Fantasy and Science Fiction, he allowed his mind to wander to these fantastical places and never quite came back. Heavily influenced by authors ranging from Michael Moorcock and Gene Wolfe to such wonders as Haruki Murakami and Margaret Atwood, Richard enjoyed being entertained, whisked away to places unknown. Every book had something to offer, snippets of the unimaginable, twists of fate and spectacular universes and Richard soaked them up like a sponge. These were the makings of his mind.

Born and bred in rural Yorkshire, England, Richard squirreled his words away in shyness without showing them to anyone until plucking up the courage to place them online to be read and judged. Fortunately, that went better than he could ever have dreamed and hence decisions were made. Richard resigned his position as a Company Director and gave up everything he was to become the writer and person he wished to be. People have said it a brave decision but, in truth, it was the only decision he could ever have made. There would never be enough hours, minutes and seconds remaining in Richard’s lifetime to uncover all the words and worlds he had to unleash. Work began in earnest, and The Eternals came to life.

Three years in the making, The Eternals Trilogy was born from a vision of moonlight waltzes and a dying sun. Our distant future was to end and those who thought themselves immortal would be proved less so. This is the time and place that Jean is born to and wishes he wasn’t.

When Richard is not tapping out stories on his laptop, or adding poetry and writing to his own website,, which he nearly always is, you’ll find him running and taking in the scenery. Running has offered a sense of peace and relaxation only ever matched by writing. A lover of the great outdoors, he is lucky enough to have visited many of the world’s most beautiful countries such as Norway and Switzerland both of which he could happily have never left. If he could sit with a view of the mountains with a river flowing by and birdsong, a quite corner set aside in which to write with a view of the former, you’d probably never see Richard again.

Find and Follow Richard at:
The Eternals book link:
Amazon Author Page:
Twitter: @Richard_Ankers
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Goodreads Author Page:
Pinterest: Richard_Ankers

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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9 Responses to Guest author : Richard M. Ankers – Hunter Hunted

  1. Reblogged this on Richard M. Ankers and commented:
    Thank you, Sue, for the opportunity to appear on your wonderful blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
    Richard Ankers is a guest with Sue Vincent and shares his second book in The Eternals Series.. Hunter, Hunted.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lovely to see Richard here, Sue. I read his first book and already have the second lined up.


  4. Sounds a delicious read. 🙂 Good to meet Richard Ankers.


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