Guest author: Erika Kind – Finding meaning

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Image: Sue Vincent

I feel absolutely thankful and honored that our wonderful Sue kindly asked me to write a guest-post for her blog. Her request came out of the blue for me and I am happy and excited! I asked Sue what she would like me to write about. She said, “It would be lovely if you could write a little about your books and what led you to write them… but if something else ‘wants’ to be written, that is fine too.”  So, this is what happened 😃:

What is it that makes someone write a book? I believe – no matter what book it is – that behind it is a personal story. It may be a love of communicating, an escape into different worlds or life stories, a wish to experience more which is possible when diving into another reality, or simply our own development which led to particular insights.

A book – no matter what kind of book, fiction, or non-fiction, history, cooking, sports, self-development, poetry, memoirs, kids’ books, etc. – is always a part of the writers themselves. It is a sharing of their love and passion for something they feel within. So the writer expands himself that way into the outside world. That flame of passion and enthusiasm for something that burns within is passed on. Of course, this happens through all kinds of art work like painting, music, photography, and basically with all we do (consciously or unconsciously, constructive or destructive). We are telling a story!

My motivation of writing my first book I’m Free – Awareness of Who You Are by Discovering Who You Are Not!  was to share the insights I had (and all that developed from there) when I realized struck like lightning,  that all through my life I had waited to be allowed to do what I actually wanted to do. Or to get the permission to stop doing what I did not want to do. I realized that basically what limited me was not the others but me, making myself dependent upon their approval. Yes, there is history behind it in the way I was taught how life had to be lived… but the problem was that I believed it and was too scared and daunted to stand up for myself when I was older, although I felt it was not me. I was afraid to be questioned because I was not able to face such discussions. So when your own dreams come into play, you question those dreams because you are afraid particular people could be against them. So those dreams are buried like unreasonable fantasies.

But there came a moment when I realized that the way I live my life is my decision, that I am entitled to say NO when I feel it, even without justifying it. That it was not others who were limiting me, but something I was doing  to myself due to my thought patterns. That actually nobody can harm me just because they think differently. It was a moment of liberation and breaking the lock of my prison. I never ever felt such a power within me before. It was like a huge dose of injected self-esteem. That day I promised myself that I would never let myself be guided by my fears anymore. I would never back-off anymore when opportunities arise. I will take the steps one-by-one no matter how scared I am. I simply promised myself to finally live my life!

Life did not get easier when I ceased to turned away when challenges showed up, but it got so much more meaningful! For example the journey I started due to my book led me here to WordPress. Blogging and meeting all of you gave me insights I had never expected to be possible!

Don’t wait until your life gets meaningful. You are the meaning of your life!

Sharing this bottom line is the reason I am writing!

Thank you from my heart again for granting me this guest post, Sue 💖

In Love and Light

Find Erika

Facebook   Blog (English)   Website ( German)   and Twitter@AuthorErikaKind

img_4719-120x120-2About the author:

Hi, I am Erika! I was born in Vienna but grew up in another part of Austria and in the Principality of Liechtenstein (within the Swiss Alps) where I still live. I am a part-time working mom and running a Practice for Aromatherapy and Self-Development – next to being a singer and author.

Click the titles or images to go to Amazon

101 KIND Quotes: Daily Inspirations101_kind_quotes_cover_for_kindle

This book provides 101 inspiring quotes regarding encounters, situations, and challenges in life. It shall help make the reader find back to the inner strength and gaining the necessary power and insights to move on. Life is meant to be experienced as a fulfilling adventure. We are the creators of our stories, not the observers. Your life is yours!

im-free-englishI’m Free: Awareness of Who You Are by Discovering Who You Are Not!

English Version

“In my opinion this book is a must for anyone who is interested in spirituality and also for those that have lost their way or are looking for their reason for being here in this incarnation. A great book well worth the reading.”
-Chris Gaydon, Medium and Healer

I’m free! – Erkenne, wer Du bist, indem Du ablegst, was Du nicht bist!: Ein Buch zur Selbstfindung durch Befreiung von Ängsten und Prägungenimfree_cover-vorderseite

German version

Sind auch Sie von Träumen und Wünschen erfüllt, nach deren Verwirklichung Sie sich sehnen? Stecken auch Sie diese als ‘unrealistisch, unvernünftig’ oder ‘zu riskant’ in eine Schublade der ungelebten Träume? Was aber hält Sie davon ab, diesen klaren Aufrufen zu folgen? Es sind die eigenen Gedanken, die sich im Laufe des Lebens zu Glaubenssätzen entwickelt haben. Viele davon entstammen nicht uns selbst, sondern wurden übernommen. Wir haben jedoch eine unfehlbare Messstation in unserem Inneren, durch die wir in der Lage sind, zu erkennen, wann Handlungen und Denkweisen mit unserem Wahren Ich übereinstimmen und wann nicht: unser Gefühl! Dieses Buch soll eine Taschenlampe sein, um den Weg durch den Dschungel der Illusion und Prägung zu unserem Wahren Selbst zu beleuchten. Wir sind nicht hierher gekommen, um zu leiden, sondern um ein glückliches Leben zu führen, in welchem wir Schöpfer unserer Umstände und nicht deren Opfer sind.

Enjoy Life!: Inspiring English Poems by [Kind, Erika]Enjoy Life!: Inspiring English Poems

As a teenager Erika wrote many poems about her observations of life. In her late thirties a new perspective of life caused a flare up of this ability. A long forgotten outlet opened up again and made her let all of her challenges and blessings flow into lots of soulful poems. Although Erika’s mother tongue is German many of her poems just appeared in English, since she has a long-lasting relationship to that language. Become enchanted, inspired and touched by the poet’s words which arose out of many personal experiences and insights that life sent towards her.


About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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71 Responses to Guest author: Erika Kind – Finding meaning

  1. Erika Kind says:

    Wow, Sue! You made me absolutely speechless!! The effort you made with this post is incredible. Thank you for adding all the books and even the book descriptions! I thank you so much for inviting me to write this guest post 💖💖


  2. Erika Kind says:

    Reblogged this on Erika Kind and commented:
    The amazing Sue Vincent invited me for writing a guest post. I am amazed how she created the post! A huge thank you, Sue!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ritu says:

    This is wonderful!!! Great post sis! Thanks Sue for allowing Erika to share her beautiful thoughts with so many!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Beautiful post, Sue 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. True inspiration. Pleased to meet you, Erika Kind. The video is wonderful too. Great pot.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. This is a wonderful Post Erika, and it is lovely to see her here Sue 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  7. olganm says:

    Great guest, Sue. I love Erika’s post.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: Guest author: Erika Kind – Finding meaning — Sue Vincent’s Daily Echo –

  9. Gary Lea says:

    Your post is extremely insightful. I am 73 and I can look back and say that those things I did in my life that required me to overcome my fears are the most meaningful to me… and some of the things that initiated the fears in the first place. I’m not done yet and looking forward to more writing that comes out of overcoming. I’m thankful that I had the opportunity to read this.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Erika Kind says:

      Hi, Gary! Nice to meet you! Thank you for your kind comment and confirming by your profound experience how amazingly empowering it is when you are making the decision to go through your fears. It is not possible to describe this feeling. But once you made it, you had already stepped over a limit line which makes you never ever go back anymore! Thank you again for sharing this, Gary!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Lisa A. says:

    Great post, Erika! I enjoyed reading it! Congrats! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Mary Smith says:

    Great post, Erika. So much resonated with me. I’m only now learning how to say NO to things I don’t want to do but have always felt I SHOULD do. It’s freeing but scary, too.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Erika Kind says:

      Hi, Mary! Thank you very much! Exactly! We are so taught to do as we are told that we can feel guilty when we act how we really feel. The funny thing is that we accept it at others but just not for ourselves!

      Liked by 2 people

  12. Very beautiful post Erika I am proud to say that I have your books and the copy of “I am Free” signed by you! It was a great day to meet you in person! Thank you Sue you did a wonderful job!

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Really nice inspirational post! Thank you for reminding us to be true to our rightful destinies! Lisa

    Liked by 2 people

  14. Reblogged this on Don Massenzio's Blog and commented:
    Here’s a guest post from Erika Kind reblogged from Sue Vincent’s wonderful blog.

    Liked by 2 people

  15. I’m a huge lover of Erika’s Daily Inspirational quotes (just like I am with your midnight haiku, Sue). Great to see Erika here as a guest. Love the book trailer as well, Erika.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. dgkaye says:

    A most delightful post Erika. Love reading about your inspirational writing. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  17. Pingback: Guest Author: Erika Kind – The Militant Negro™

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