Photo prompt round-up: Eve #writephoto

Changing of the guard

From life through death to rebirth

The seasons turning


The photo for this week’s prompt was taken at the Imbolc celebrations in Marsden, West Yorkshire, a few years ago. The night is lit with flames, green, white and gold, as the Frost Giant is challenged and defeated by the Green Man, reclaiming the earth for the coming of spring. And, when that battle is won… a Silver Fox echoes that challenge, facing a giant Crow, as Mister Fox and the Demon Dogs contend for the land…

Imbolc signifies the coming of spring, but today is the Eve of Beltane which heralds the coming of summer. And, while the many traditional festivals that mark this change of season will be absent this year, Nature herself is celebrating the return of the fertile sun.

Thank you to everyone who took part, visited or reblogged the posts or left comments for their authors.

A new prompt will be published later today. As always, I will reblog as many contributions as space and time allows as they come in… and all of them will be featured in the round-up next Thursday.

All the posts are listed below, so please click on the links below to read them and leave a comment for the author!

Pingbacks do not always come through… if you have written a post for this challenge and it does not appear in the round-up, please leave a link to your post in the comments and I will add it to the list.

An invitation to writephoto writers…

As there are usually too many contributions to reblog all of them every week, and so that we can get to know their writers, I would like to invite all writephoto writers to come and introduce themselves on the blog as my guest! Click here for details.

Come and join in!

Thank you to all Contributors!

Kitty’s Verses

Hugh Roberts at Hugh’s Views and News

Nima Mohan at The Tenth Zodiac

The Indishe

K. L. Caley at New2Writing

Honoré Dupuis at Of Glass and Paper

Lady Lee Manila

Roberta Eaton at Roberta Writes

Geoff Le Pard at TanGental

Christine Bolton at Poetry for Healing

Kerfe Roig at K- Lines that Aim to Be

Lisa Coleman at Our Eyes Open

Deepa at Sync with Deep

Shilpa Nairy

Wallie’s Wentletrap

Anita from Anita Dawes and Jaye Marie

Di at pensitivity101

Daisybala at freshdaisiesdotme

Christine Bialczak at Stine Writing

Cheryl at The Bag Lady

Na’ama Yehuda

Jules at Jules Pens Some Gems

Willow Willers at willowdot21

Brian F. Kirkham at The Inkwell

Aseem Rastogi at Transition of Thoughts

Ritu Bhathal at But I Smile Anyway

Sadje at Keep it Alive

Trent P. McDonald at Trent’s World

Reena Saxena

Iain Kelly

Nascent Ederren at The Ederren

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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29 Responses to Photo prompt round-up: Eve #writephoto

  1. Ritu says:

    Another cracker of a bunch, Sue!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sadje says:

    It was a very intriguing photo.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Patty says:

    Reblogged this on Campbells World.


  4. Such a great prompt and wonderfully diverse responses. Well done.


  5. Thank you to all the contributors. As different they sometimes were, as wonderful to read. Michael


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