Last two days – Heart of Albion, Kindle countdown offer

Glaston weekend 282Heart of Albion – Tales from the Wondrous Head

‘It is good, my dearest Gwendolina, that you are so interested in this word leisurely…’

‘I’m not sure that I am all that interested, actually…’

‘… for I am a past master in its operations. My leisurely breakfasts, on a good day, can stretch well into the afternoon which pretty much makes lunch… supper… which is… fine by me… for as you know… I am of the considered opinion… that we eat far too much anyway.’

Wen, of course, does not really get leisurely… she is a bouncing ball of energy which never sleeps… though that in part is due to all the coffee…

Maybe that is what the coffee was trying to tell her when it exploded?

Slow down… a bit.

If it was, then it is not the first time recently that this advice has been given.

I do hope she starts to pay heed soon.

I, on the other hand, probably need to speed up… a bit.

Jack Sprat…

…And all that

 ‘And all this talk of bits…’


‘It reminds me of another of Albion’s Myths…’

‘Oh Don! …Which one?’

‘Ah, ah…so now that I’ve finally got your attention…

…Breakfast in Slug Town’

Albion cover frontTo celebrate the  new year we are running a Kindle Countdown promotion beginning at midnight on New Year’s Eve and ending at 11 pm on Twelfth Night, January 6th.

Up to 88% discount for early purchase!

Available on Amazon UK and US

“If I am consciously following a woman who is about to engage a Llama in conversation, which I certainly appear to be, it does not impinge too negatively upon my thought processes.”

What does Jack and the Beanstalk have to do with a spiritual quest? What, for that matter, is the nature of the relationship between Salome and the Jester? Why is Wen conversing with a llama in the Yorkshire Dales? And what links the beautiful and sacred landscape that is the Heart of Albion with Breakfast in Slug Town? These, and many other questions, must be considered as Don and Wen continue the journey begun in The Initiate exploring the shadowy roots of the ancient myths and legends of these Blessed Isles, steering a perilous path through the murky waters of religious symbolism and iconography.

“Breakfast in Slug Town?”

Join them on their continuing quest for knowledge and understanding as they explore the landscape of England and people it with strange creatures and even stranger theories, using sacred intent and guided imagination to penetrate into the mysteries unfolding before them.

Illustrated in full colour throughout (colour display dependent on compatible device)


About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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1 Response to Last two days – Heart of Albion, Kindle countdown offer

  1. Pingback: Winter Rainbow | Forest Garden

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