Several shades of grey…

One from the archives… as the poem seems to be running though my mind a lot at the moment…

It is one of those soggy, nondescript days that England is so good at. Chilly, but not cold for the time of year, drizzling miserably rather than raining. A uniformly grey day where all colour seems leeched away by the minimal light.  The dog took one look at it from the door and with a glance that plainly said, “Yeah, right…” retreated under the table and left me to walk to the village shop alone.

I can’t say I blame her. The damp pervades everything. The trees seem to claw at the clouds with skeletal fingers seeking the hidden sun. Even the birds are quiet this morning and the only sound is the distant roar of traffic dully queuing to take people to work in jobs most of them would probably rather not be doing.

And yet….

As I walked through the morning gloom, I wondered just how many shades of grey there are? The soft silver of the mist in the trees, the bright argent of the regiment of raindrops on the washing line, the cold steel of wet bitumen…

And then there are the primroses raising hopes of spring, nestling in tiny oases of emerald. Geranium leaves that flame scarlet and gold with tenacious glory. Bright berries punctuate the evergreens and the sky comes down to play, mirrored in the puddles.

Looking up the roiling clouds paint a shifting landscape, another country where one could wander amid the mountains and lakes in search of the sun. Bark and branch take on colours never seen in the dry days of summer, rich in texture, sparkling with reflected glimmers, capturing the light and letting it illuminate the shadows.

promise of springWinter is a breaking time, a time when all that has served its purpose withers and dies, but even in this catabolic orgy there is strength and beauty, purpose and perfection. Lost leaves blanket the ground, protecting the burgeoning seed, feeding the earth that feeds the bare-handed trees above. It is in this apparent decay and destruction that spring is born, growing silently and softly, unseen…hinting at glories soon to come.

The contrast reminds me of when I was a little girl, growing up in a city where the ‘dark, satanic mills’ stood in stark contrast to the wide empty moors I love. My mother taught me a poem. I have never known its author, but the words have remained with me.

Man’s life is laid in the Loom of Time

To a pattern he does not see,

While the Weaver works and the shuttles fly

Till the dawn of eternity.

Some shuttles are filled with silver threads

And some with threads of gold,

While often but the darker hues

Are all that they may hold.

But the Weaver watches with skillful eye

Each shuttle fly to and fro,

And sees the pattern so deftly wrought

As the loom moves sure and slow.

God surely planned the pattern:

Each thread, the dark and fair,

Is chosen by His master skill

And placed in the web with care.

He only knows its beauty

And guides the shuttles which hold

The threads so unattractive,

As well as the threads of gold.

Not till each loom is silent,

And the shuttles cease to fly,

Shall God reveal the pattern

And explain the reason why

The dark threads were as needful

In the Weaver’s skillful hand

As the threads of gold and silver

For the pattern which He planned.

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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22 Responses to Several shades of grey…

  1. Lovely and fitting ❤️


  2. Mary Smith says:

    Beautiful, Sue.


  3. joylennick says:

    Some lovely imagery there, Sue. x


  4. Ari says:

    Beautiful piece, thank you for sharing it


  5. I spent several minutes trying to find out who wrote this wonderful poem. Seems no one knows. A pity. If I’d written it, I’d be so proud I’t tell.everybody! Thank you for sharing it.
    And for your own wonderful prose, too. I can see all these shades of grey. It has made me almost like such days. Ani doesn’t know what she missed.


  6. Lindsey Russell says:

    I’ll try again – just as I hit post comment I lost internet access 😦
    I googled the first line and it really is ‘anon’
    Love the poem, love the photo of the misty landscape – where is it?


  7. Thanks so much for sharing your memories and the beautiful poem your mom shared with you.


  8. dgkaye says:

    I can see why this came to mind. So telling of our now as we enter a new order. The poem, haunting and beautiful Sue. ❤ xx


  9. This really is a beautiful poem, Sue. Thank you for sharing it.


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