Book launch and Excerpt! Cusp of Night by Mae Clair

Cusp of Night Takes Readers from Circus, to Tea Room, to Séance

Sue, many thanks for having me on your blog today. I’m delighted to be here to share my newest release, Cusp of Night. The first book in my Hodes Hill series, Cusp is a mystery/suspense novel that can be enjoyed as a standalone. I have two timelines in this book, one set in the past and one in the present. Both ultimately converge at the end in a tidy bow. 😊

When the reader first meets Lucinda Glass—my lead character in the past—she’s eking out an existence as a trapeze artist in Oliver’s Emporium and Traveling Show. The year is 1897 and Lucinda is known by the name she was born with—Lucy Strick. She’s an attractive twenty-year-old with a flowing black hair, blue-white eyes, and a lithe body. Gorgeous, right?

Men are more than willing to look. Most even think the entrance fee to her aerial act entitles them to a free grope on the side. But as attracted as they are, they’re also repulsed. Women are blunter, making the sign of the cross and calling her a devil.

It’s a life Lucy knows well. She’s been ostracized by her family, shunned and ridiculed all her life because of a recessive blood disorder. In the late 1800s, no one knew of methemoglobin, a rare blood disorder that, in excessive amounts, caused the bearer’s skin to turn blue.

Sound far-fetched? It’s believed Martin Fugate, a French orphan who settled in a rural area of Kentucky in 1820, introduced the blue-skinned gene when he married Elizabeth Smith. Against all odds, she carried the same recessive trait. Four of their seven children were reportedly blue. In an isolated area, with no railroads or other means of connecting with the outside world, cousins and families intermarried, keeping the gene alive.

I’m not sure how I initially stumbled over the story of the “blue skinned people of Troublesome Creek,” but it was several years ago, long before I started publishing professionally. I tucked the reference away in an “ideas folder” as possible story fodder. I knew someday I’d have to revisit the history.

Cusp of Night gave me that opportunity. The working title for my draft was The Blue Lady of Hode’s Hill. In the past, my main character is groomed to become a celebrated medium of her day. Below is a brief excerpt showing the start of Lucy Strick’s transformation to Lucinda Glass: 

August 9, 1897

“I thought you wanted me to behave in a ladylike manner.” Lucy Strick challenged her betrothed with an imperious glance. Her right leg was stretched before her, the skirt of her gown hitched modestly above her ankle. Her foot was bare, elevated on an ottoman wedged between Simon’s knees. Yet another hotel where they stayed secreted inside, hidden from the eyes of the townspeople.

Simon rubbed her toes. “A lady you must always be—to the world.” His fingers were long and warm, calloused like the palms of his hands, his touch magic.

“But not to you?”

“You are to be my wife. Surely, that gives me license to gaze upon your naked foot.”

She laughed. “That’s not what I meant.”

“I thought not.” His grin was languorous, much like the kneading play of his fingers. “Are you ready to try again?”

Drawing a breath, she nodded. Simon’s hands fell away and she stared down at her big toe, flexing it as he had taught her. Nothing happened. “I’m never going to be able to do this.”

He didn’t hesitate. “You will.” His voice was firm, not harsh. “You were a skilled aerialist. You understand the body and how it can be manipulated.”

“This is different.”

“Nothing you can’t achieve, my lovely.”

When he spoke like that, treating her to one of his endearments, thoughts of failure fled. “Cracking my toes is hardly lovely. Hardly ladylike. Are you sure it’s necessary?”

Simon shifted on the ottoman and reached for her tea. He’d poured them each a cup earlier, the ever-present china set on a side table. “Producing rapping sounds is a key component of the Spiritualist Movement.” He passed her the cup and saucer, then picked up his own. “Any medium worth her trade is able to communicate with the departed through rapping sounds. We have the Fox sisters to thank for that.”

“Yes, I remember.” Lucy sipped her tea. “Margaret and Kate. You said they used to draw crowds in the thousands.” There was so much about Spiritualism she didn’t understand, so much to learn. “If they were as famous as you say, what makes you think they were frauds?”

“Many learned men—doctors, professors, clergymen—have investigated the sisters.” Simon spoke patiently, a sign they’d discussed this before and she should have remembered. “Most agree Maggie and Kate produced their spiritual rapping sounds by cracking their toe joints, particularly the largest toe.”

Confused, Lucy set her tea aside. Maybe she should have stayed with the circus. “Then why would anyone believe I’m able to produce rapping without trickery?”

“Because those of society hunger for a true psychic medium. The Spiritualist Movement may have diminished from its heyday, but the pendulum swings back. People have a desire—even a need—to communicate with their loved ones in Summerland.”

“And we profit from their grief?”

“No. We give them comfort. Hope.” Leaning forward, Simon claimed her hand in his. “I will teach you tricks others will not unmask, and your lovely blue skin will mark you as genuine in the eyes of the elite. That ethereal color will stand as testament that you have been chosen by the spirits. Did I not promise to make you famous, my dear?”

A fleeting smile touched her lips. “What if I only wish to be with you? Poor, rich, or unknown?”

Releasing her hand, Simon dropped his gaze to her foot. His long fingers manipulated her toes. “I promised we will be together, and we shall.” Sitting straighter, he cleared his throat. “Are you ready to try again? As a spiritualist, it is paramount that you know how to produce rapping sounds. Relax and flex your toes.”

Lucy breathed deeply and tried to do as instructed. Simon had agreed to marry her but had yet to do more than give her a chaste kiss. If she was to be a medium, he must become an attentive husband.

She bent her big toe and the joint popped, producing a distinctive rap.

Cusp of Night by Mae Claire

Recently settled in Hode’s Hill, Pennsylvania, Maya Sinclair is enthralled by the town’s folklore, especially the legend about a centuries-old monster. A devil-like creature with uncanny abilities responsible for several horrific murders, the Fiend has evolved into the stuff of urban myth. But the past lives again when Maya witnesses an assault during the annual “Fiend Fest.” The victim is developer Leland Hode, patriarch of the town’s most powerful family, and he was attacked by someone dressed like the Fiend.

Compelled to discover who is behind the attack and why, Maya uncovers a shortlist of enemies of the Hode clan. The mystery deepens when she finds the journal of a late nineteenth-century spiritualist who once lived in Maya’s house–a woman whose ghost may still linger.

Known as the Blue Lady of Hode’s Hill due to a genetic condition, Lucinda Glass vanished without a trace and was believed to be one of the Fiend’s tragic victims. The disappearance of a young couple, combined with more sightings of the monster, trigger Maya to join forces with Leland’s son Collin. But the closer she gets to unearthing the truth, the closer she comes to a hidden world of twisted secrets, insanity, and evil that refuses to die . . .


You can find Mae Clair at the following haunts:

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About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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41 Responses to Book launch and Excerpt! Cusp of Night by Mae Clair

  1. Teri Polen says:

    Mae – I’d heard of the blue-skinned people in KY. My maiden name is Fugitt, and in researching through last summer, my son and I discovered that years ago it was spelled Fugate and they were from Eastern KY. Probably some distant relation in there somewhere! Maybe this explains why I don’t tan.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Mae Clair says:

      Wow, that is amazing, Teri! I was enthralled when I came across the blue-skinned people of Kentucky. I don’t think it was until the 1960s that the cause was finally diagnosed. You have quite a history there. For the record, I don’t tan well either, but I’m descended from fair-haired Italians, LOL.
      Thanks for visiting!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Ouch, that sounds painful! The things we do for love, hey? Not sure I’m a fan of her beau, he sounds like a user.
    Very interesting post, Mae. I’m looking forward to reading this one!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Mae Clair says:

      Thanks Jacquie. Simon is definitely a complicated character…as is Lucinda. Hopefully, those layers come across in the book. I’m glad you enjoyed the post and hope you enjoy the story!:)

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Darlene says:

    Oh, Mae, this story sounds intriguing. Love the excerpt.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Mae Clair says:

    Reblogged this on From the Pen of Mae Clair and commented:
    I’ve got another post happening today at Sue Vincent’s blog. The lovely Sue is a huge supporter of authors and has an extremely diverse blog with writing prompts, photography, historical accounts and more–not to mention Sue’s books. Hop on over to check it out, along with my post about why Cusp of Night was originally called The Blue Lady of Hode’s Hill. It’s a bit of a “colorful” post 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Soooz says:

    Cusp of Night is so well researched, and the Spiritualism fascination shared there is deftly woven into the absorbing plot. Congratulations, Mae Clair! Thanks so much for a great job of hosting Mae Clair on your site, Sue.🌹

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Mae Clair says:

    Sue, thank you for the wonderful hospitality in extending your blog to me today. It has been a pleasure to be here. If I can ever return the favor, please let me know. I would be happy to host you!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. So thrilled to see Mae here today on launch day. Congratulations, Mae, on another fabulous achievement. I have Cusp of Night on my Kindle and so looking forward to this series. Bravo to you!
    Thanks so much for sharing, Sue. Always a joy to stop by.
    Cheers to you both!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Mae Clair says:

      Thank you, Natalie! Your support with all my tour stops has been wonderful. I’m very excited to hear you’ll be reading Cusp of Night. It’s always a little scary starting a new series, but I was so hooked by the past era in this one, it was a pleasure to write. I hope you enjoy it.
      Thanks again, and, of course, thanks to Sue for sharing her blog space with me!

      Liked by 2 people

  8. Judi Lynn says:

    Another wonderful excerpt. I can see how being blue would make people think you could talk to the dead. Not sure about Simon, though. He sounds shifty.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Fascinating, Mae. I’d never heard about the disorder and it seems like something to tuck away for sure. Great to see you here on Sue’s blog. I hope the launch is going great. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Mae Clair says:

      It’s been wonderful, Diana. Thank you!!
      And I’m always intrigued by anything “odd.” The moment I read about Blue People, all those years ago, I knew I have to use it in a plot someday. It’s a good thing authors are collectors of facts, LOL!

      Liked by 2 people

  10. D.L Finn, Author says:

    This is so interesting. I don’t believe I’ve ever heard of blue skinned people either. Great tour and post!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Mae Clair says:

      I stumbled over the blue-skinned people article thanks to the internet. I think it came through to my email on a newsfeed I had signed up for. I was fascinated the moment I read about them.
      Thanks for following me on the tour, Denise. I’m glad you’re enjoying it!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. This is the bit of research I’ve been watching for. Outstanding post, and the excerpt was intriguing too.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. rijanjks says:

    Another fantabulous post! I started reading the book last night and I’m already hooked!

    Liked by 2 people

  13. dgkaye says:

    Wonderful insights about writing your book Mae. Again, congrats on your newest baby. I do look forward to reading it. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  14. olganm says:

    It’s always fascinating to read what inspires writers’ stories. This sounds like a must-read, Mae. Thanks, Sue!

    Liked by 2 people

  15. I remember an episode of “Secrets of the Dead”? Or another one of those PBS shows about the blue-skinned people of KY. It was so interesting! I thought about it when you first started posting about the ‘Blue Lady’. And the cracking of joints for rapping sounds–brilliant! Although part of me wonders why people wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between a cracking knuckle and a rap on wood. In any case, I can’t wait to dig into the story!


  16. Deborah Jay says:

    Wow, that’s fascinating! I studied some genetics for my degree, but I’ve never heard of this variant. Now I might have to go and do some reading about it alongside your novel!

    Liked by 1 person

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