Ani’s Advent – Upholstered manoeuvres


Dear Santa,

Well, it happened. My sofa… it’s gone. I tried to protect it as best I could… occupied the high ground like it says in all the military books. Trouble is, she must have read them too, ’cause while I was busy digging in for my forlorn hope, she had up to date intelligence and a secret weapon… and managed to outflank me.

Knowing that today was the day, I had myself firmly entrenched on the back of the sofa, with the fish guarding the rear. I had a wall at my back and 180 degree visuals. No way she could creep up on me unawares. No way she could move the thing with me sat on it. Ha.

Then the phone rang.  “In fifteen?” she said. It is usually my boy, so I thought no more of it when she started pottering. Then, after a while, she wandered into the kitchen and started rattling things in the cupboard… I was sort of obliged to go and see. I could smell my favourite treats…and sure enough, she’s stood there with a whole new pack of them in her hand.


Instead of giving me one when I held up my paw to say ‘please’, she just tucked a few round the kitchen for me to find. I like that game, so I thought I’d humour her.

It was an ambush!

Quick as a flash, she whips out of the kitchen and closes the door behind her. I was trapped, blockaded! Then… there was a knock on the door… loads of banging… and I never saw my sofa again.

Now, okay, she’s put a bigger one with a really strange smell in its place. It is all slidy and slippery, but I can sprawl on it just the same. And if she thinks that it is going to be hers, she can think again. After the she had the temerity to attack my dignity with those antlers, I wonder she dares even think of sitting on my sofa! Yeah, I know, but a sofa in my room is better than a sofa in a van somewhere…


Mind you, she needn’t think she’s getting away with it, you know. I have my methods and, if she can be sneaky, so can I. Muddy pawprints, eh? I’ll give her muddy pawprints!

“I thought I’d closed that door,” she says, closing the garden doors.

“I was sure I’d closed that door,” she says two minutes later when she closed them again.

“I know I closed the doo….ANI!”

Heh… and she still hasn’t worked out how I’m doing it. 🙂

Now, Santa, let’s get this straight. I know revenge is not a good thing and you just have to accept and let go…she’s told me about this ‘non-attachment’ thing… and I can go with that, seeing as how I still have a sofa, even if I don’t have my sofa. I can let it go ( ‘specially seeing as it has already gone…) rain-014

So… I’m not being bad by letting myself out every two minutes. I’m being kind. Giving her lots of fresh air, mental stimulation and exercise. Isn’t that what we are supposed to do?  🙂

So, I don’t reckon you need to tick the naughty box on your delivery list… do you?

Much love,



About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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44 Responses to Ani’s Advent – Upholstered manoeuvres

  1. LOL ok you win with the sofa, Ani wins with the door.


  2. Humans. You can’t let them out of your sight for a MINUTE. It’s like training a puppy. Constant attention. But maybe you’ll really LOVE the new sofa! Leather can smell really yummy.


  3. Ritu says:

    Anil you sneaky pup!!!!


  4. davidprosser says:

    Some very devious thinking there Ani. Don’t extract too much revenge as we’re in Christmas week and you don’t want to put any Ani treats at risk.
    Huge Hugs xxx


  5. That’s one smart dog. She’s a good blogger too. The new couch looks great and it seems she’s getting used to it. 🙂 — Suzanne


  6. jenanita01 says:

    Could we say that went well, all things considered? Couldn’t quite figure out who was getting the better of the deal, but it must have been hilarious at the time!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. socialbridge says:

    Ani, I’ll drop Santa a note to support you cos I understand. Your friend, Puppy Stan x
    PS. You’d need the wide door open with the smell of those shiny sofas.


  8. Have fun breaking in that new sofa, Ani. ☺


  9. bobcabkings says:

    Well, Ani, I guess you know how to to establish whose couch it really is. And maybe if she ever figures out about the door she’ll tell us.


  10. bobcabkings says:

    Reblogged this on cabbagesandkings524 and commented:
    The new sofa and Ani’s antics

    Liked by 1 person

  11. HaHA! You got her back for her tricking you with treats, mine does that too!
    I like the look of your new sofa, Ani, it looks comfy. 🐾🐾🐾🐾


  12. You weren’t kidding when you said you had your ways. Ani, on the one hand, I know you are one smart cookie, on the other hand, no tricks–okay, not many–Santa will soon be on his way. 😀 😀 😀


  13. I’m sure that Santa adores you, Ani. 🙂


  14. oneta hayes says:

    I’ve enjoyed my follow with you this year; plan on another in 2017. You should hire Ani to do some writing for you. She is very good. Merry Christmas.


  15. willowdot21 says:

    Ani you are awful but I love you !


  16. Widdershins says:

    Umbrage is a dish best served with muddy paws! 😀


  17. Denis1950 says:

    Don’t forget to send me a picture of the rug and pillow Ani.


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