The flavour of revenge

No, not this one...

No, not this one…

You’ll have heard of the spider that got me in spring
How it went for my foot in the car
How it bit me five times
With no reason nor rhyme
Which was going a little too far.

You’ll remember perhaps that it made me quite ill
And my leg went all swollen and round?
Elephantine proportions
And major distortions
..I couldn’t set foot to the ground!

“Aha,” said the doctor, “Emergency room…”
And he sent me to hospital quick
But the antibiotic
They gave me? Chaotic…
Just left me allergically sick.

So emergency room, once again, and for real;
In a state, I was, all faint and choking…
I’d gone down with a clout,
But they sorted me out
…But the spider’s small gun was still smoking.

For months the bites itched, though they healed up and scarred
And although I’m now wary of spiders
I still feel no fear
And they live with me here…
Though the dog can’t abide ’em beside her.

spider 003

But I had my revenge, inadvertently though…
And they say it’s a cup one should savour…
Though I drank it with glee…
It just was not for me…
Though revenge is now pineapple flavour.

For at breakfast, you see, my host passed me a glass
Full of pineapple juice, freshly poured
But a spider had hidden
Within it unbidden
And being unseen, was ignored…

There are teachings that state that revenge is a sin
And yet others that seek eye for eye…
There are some who just pray
And yet others who say
You should kiss that emotion goodbye.

I was taught that such negative feelings should be
Into oneself absorbed… taken in…
But not literally
That’s a new one on me…
And yet now I’ve a spider within.

So… the moral to this, for it has to be so
And each tale has to wear its own crown…
When you empty the sink,
Take a moment to think…
And put glasses away upside down.

frozen cobweb

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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47 Responses to The flavour of revenge

  1. Wonderful. Very beautiful poetic prose.


  2. It means, she drank the pineapple juice which had a spider inside !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Horrors !!!!!!!!!!! I too hate spiders.


  3. Delyn Merce says:

    Oh MY! I didn’t realize you’d had such a serious and dangerous bite–I hope you’re completely recovered. This is a wonderful post…and yes, I always put my glasses upside down 🙂


  4. davidprosser says:

    It might not rank up there with ‘Daffodils’ but this was wonderful poetry and I savoured every line e’en though it reminded me of your terrible reaction to the spider bite and the allergic reaction to the antibiotic.I’m so glad you’re well today despite being the woman who has a spider that wriggled and wriggled inside ‘er.
    xxx Humongous Hugs Sue xxx


  5. Ritu says:

    Ooh those spiders!!!


  6. jenanita01 says:

    I have heard that they don’t like conkers. Where can a get some? Conkers will be better than eating them, I think!


  7. TanGental says:

    When I read this you so remind me of my dad – in a good way and without the moustache….


  8. Mary Smith says:

    Oh, my tummy is feeling very queasy at the thought of swallowing a spider. Hope you won’t try swallowing the rest of the animals to catch it – cat next, I think!
    By the way, you never told us (or maybe I missed it) if you actually found the spider which attacked you?


    • Sue Vincent says:

      I wasn’t best pleased about it myself, Mary 😉 And no… I know what happened to that old woman…used to sing that to my sons.

      Actually yes I did… but karma had got there first. I turned up, neatly pressed, caught in the door frame of the car.


  9. Bernadette says:

    Revenge is a dish best served cold. I assume it was cold juice.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Darcy says:

    That would put a crimp in the idea of keeping a glass of water on nightstand in case you’ve become thirsty in the middle of the night and not awake enough to get all the way up to turn the light on…


  11. OMG. Glad you’re on the mend, Sue. I don’t believe I’d just be wary of spiders after all that. Forgive me for screaming. Eeeeeeekkke. o_O


  12. Helen Jones says:

    Ooh, that gave me the shivers, Sue. I do always store cups and glasses upside down, perhaps for that reason. Poor you – hope it’s not wriggling and wriggling inside you too much!


  13. Widdershins says:

    An ingested pineapple-loving spider … I wonder what she’ll come back as? 🙂

    Since our Autumn rains arrived we’ve had an infestation of long-legged spiders of assorted varieties and sizes. Mrs Widds appears to be a favourite target of theirs. I suppose its their warped sense of humor that they head straight for the ‘oomins who find them the least appealing. A bit like cats really. 😀


  14. dgkaye says:

    Wow! And yuck! 🙂


  15. noelleg44 says:

    Your experiences with spiders are monumental, Sue. Drinking one is not something I would like to happen to me! Right now we are enjoying their wondrous webs around our land. I usually give them wide birth, but always scoop out any I find alive in our pool.


  16. noelleg44 says:

    PS GREAT poetry! 🙂


  17. KL Caley says:

    I believe you should now swallow the bird to catch the spider (Ani could probably assist with that) if you are following tradition (assuming you had previously consumed a fly)? Hehe loved the rhyme Sue, you haven’t had much luck with the things this year have you? KL ❤


  18. Ee-www! Hope that spider didn’t bite your insides!


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