Tag Archives: dancing

A love story, part one: The outer edges of poetry ~ Tallis Steelyard

Reblogged from Jim Webster, aka Tallis Steelyard: I wished to tell the story of Hindle Walbarrow. But then I ran into a problem. For it to be at all comprehensible I had to provide all sorts of background and exposition. … Continue reading

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Just one more dance ~ Tallis Steelyard

Reblogged from Jim Webster, aka Tallis Steelyard: I was always told, by somebody older and wiser than me, that a grey hair you spot when shaving is to remind you of an old friend you no longer see. Certainly this … Continue reading

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Dance ~ Brian F. Kirkham #writephoto

During certain times of the year A number of revellers can be found Notably dancing around the odd standing stone Continue reading at The Inkwell

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First to last..?

You can blame Hugh Roberts. He mentioned in a comment made several days ago, an old post, written in a moment of sheer elation. And he mentioned the video that had accompanied it. I had to go back and look. … Continue reading

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Dancing with the light ~ Tina Stewart Brakebill #writephoto

Madness takes its toll Like the clouds before the dawn Dancing with the light Reblogged from Tina Stewart Brakebill

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Fall ~ D. Wallace Peach #writephoto

Mrs. N planted moss around the bubbling waterfall and wiped her muddy hands on her jeans. Thank the stars that autumn was yoohooing at the garden gate. Summer was Mrs. N’s most hectic time with keeping the property up and … Continue reading

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Twinkle toes ~ Tallis Steelyard

Reblogged from Tallis Steelyard: Port Naain has a vast array of dance styles. Some are danced by couples, some are danced only by women and some are danced only by men. There are peasant dances, sailor’s dances and in Port … Continue reading

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The Dancing Master – Tallis Steelyard

Reblogged from Tallis Steelyard: People do make a habit of surprising you. They cheerfully climb out of the neat little boxes you put them in and persist in doing things you’d never expect. Take, for example, the great mercenary captain, … Continue reading

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#writephoto – We Dance – Helen Jones

Sue Vincent’s #writephoto image this week is a gorgeous shot of mist and trees, and as soon as I saw it these words came to me: We are mist, smoke, hidden things. We dance along branches and through the hedgerows, … Continue reading

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Rhythm #midnighthaiku

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