
Image result for cartoon physio

“I will send you for X-rays,” the nice doctor said,
“And for physio too while we wait.
I’ll just make the appointment and get you booked in…
Would you rather have early or late?”

Which is why, as the dawn started painting the sky,
I was driving the backroads to Thame.
I was feeling quite well, but I hadn’t much hope
I’d survive without coming home lame.

“Hi, I’m Sam,” said the physio, flashing a smile
And extending a hand, “Follow me.”
He was fine on the eyes, I would have to admit,
But I wondered how bad it would be.

“And how are you today?” he had just had to ask,
“Well, I feel like a fraud, ‘cause I’m great!
I don’t hurt at all and I’m just not in pain.”
I should know that you never tempt Fate…

He asked all the questions and got me to move,
Touching toes, bending down, stretching wide,
Bending forward and backwards and this way and that
Until normally, I would have cried.

“And how are you feeling?” “I’m good,” I felt bad
As I answered his query shamefaced.
Although the pain generally makes itself felt,
It would seem his concern was misplaced.

“Just lay yourself down on the bed, here,” said Sam
With a cold, steely look in his eye.
“We are used to this happening,” grabbing my leg,
“There are still a few things we can try…”

I was not aware human beings could bend,
Without breaking, to such odd proportions,
I soon learned my error, as bits of me turned,
Twisted by some appalling contortions.

“And how are we feeling?” “Not bad,” I replied,
I admit there had been the odd twinge,
But I still felt a fraud as he booked our next date,
Feeling so bad I felt I could cringe.

But the half hour drive did what Sam could not do,
I could barely get out of the car.
“And how are you feeling?” my son thought to ask,
“I don’t think I can walk very far.”

I had gone to the physio feeling okay,
I had left him still feeling quite well,
But within a few miles it was all upside down
And I got to work feeling like hell.

I managed to get all the work done somehow,
To a soundtrack of squealing and screams,
“You had better go home,” said my son, “While you can…”
Did I feel okay now? In your dreams!

No, tonight I can’t move, I can’t even stand up,
And I certainly can’t sit with ease.
I am painkillered up, but I’m going down fast,
So… just cancel the physio, please!

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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83 Responses to Physio…

  1. Susan Scott says:

    Yikes Sue, hot bath with Epsom salts in it – good luck 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. rivrvlogr says:

    Awww. Sympathies. I know just what you’re going through.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ritu says:

    Oh no Sue! Hot bath and Epsom salts for you!!!


  4. Reblogged this on Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog and commented:
    Please call over to Sue’s original blog post and leave your commiserations in her comments – they won’t alleviate the pains, but hopefully they will make her feel warm and fuzzy ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

  5. felicity936 says:

    My sympathies too, Sue. For a while the physio was the most painful part of my recovery from my operation, but I found it had a very positive effect in the end! Good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Marcia says:

    I have to say it’s a very funny poem, though I’m sure you were NOT laughing afterward. So sorry the guy was that determined to find a position or six that wrecked you. I wouldn’t go back, either. Eeek. 😦 Feel better soon! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. There are great ones … and not so great ones. I’ve had both. The problem is that some young ones don’t seem to understand that there are parts of us that not only don’t move but should NOT move. That to move them kickstarts a whole new battle that some of us can’t win.

    How about a nice massage? That would be great!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Darlene says:

    Oh dear! I do hope you feel better soon. Why does this happen??

    Liked by 1 person

  9. scifihammy says:

    Aw While I am laughing at your fun poem, I totally sympathise with your pain! Sometimes they just make it worse – and I resort to my Old Faithful vodka!
    I hope you feel more mobile and less painful soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Sue my sympathies, after that soak in Epsom salt, be sure to reward your body with something to warm it from the inside too. We really aren’t as bendable as we used to be. But that does not deter them from trying to make us bend like we used to.


  11. willowdot21 says:

    I completely understand what you are saying the word physio instills terror in my brain! Hope it helps Sue, I am sure it will… I’m still standing!! 💜💜


  12. OH no, Sue. That is awful. I have never been to physio when I don’t have pain. Its unusual isn’t it?


  13. Ouch! Sometimes the cure is worse to take than the injury! Love the poem, sending healing thoughts and prayers your way.


  14. I sympathise Sue. Twist and shout takes on a whole new meaning with physio. Hope the hot bath relaxes and soothes.


  15. Aaaaawh, poor Sue, you have all my sympathies. ❤ Get well soon!


  16. noelleg44 says:

    Boy can I empathize! Yes, yes, a hot shower or bath, and some good painkillers should do it. I always wait a few days for another ‘treatment’!


  17. Eliza Waters says:

    Good Lord, sounds like a nightmare, and a masochist’s dream!


  18. TanGental says:

    The human frame was not meant to mimic the pretzel – keep away from those who mean well


  19. Anuradha says:

    Thank you, Sue for throwing light on what it feels on the other end. Trust me, I truly empathise with you, and I am a physio student currently. Final year actually.
    Wish you a speedy recovery and relief.


  20. Wonderful, Sue. And how I relate!


  21. Oh no! I hope you’re feeling better today, Sue. Maybe you’ll feel great for your next appointment.


  22. Rae Longest says:

    I have had similar experiences. I FEEL your pain–literally! I have even gone for a “relaxing massage” and felt worse the day after than I did when I decided to book it!


  23. dgkaye says:

    Oh Sue. Don’t get me started on my take on physio. My advice – find yourself a great Osteopath, Accupuncture, hot bath with Epsom salts, and CBD oil above all, it works!!! ❤ xx


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