The post of Christmas past… Ani in Trouble…

ani-015-2Reblogged from Ani’s Advent -Christmas 2016

Dear Santa, here we go again,

It seems like I’m in trouble.

I ate the fish food in the tub

And burst my Christmas bubble.


She says you’ll probably still come,

That one small slip won’t do it…

The problem is, I have this thing…

If I see food, I chew it.


I’ve only ever chewed one shoe,

When I was left alone.

And she just tutted, then dug out

A shoe to be my own.


I’m six years old now and that shoe

Is still there in my toys,

I have a sniff of it sometimes…

Reminds me of my boys.


I don’t chew anything of hers

(Apart from the odd tissue)

But any food she leaves in sight

Appears to be an issue.


She’s pretty good, as two-legs go,

She keeps me from temptation,

But when the fridge door fails to shut

There’s cause for celebration.


There was the ham she’d freshly cooked…

And then the Christmas dinner…

And when I saw smoked salmon too

I was on to a winner…


She wasn’t pleased that Christmas day,

But you’d already been

And brought for me more tennis balls

Than I had ever seen!


She doesn’t stay too cross for long,

She has this look, though, see…

And when she says my name, I wish

The earth would swallow me.


But soon she gives me cuddles

And I see that smile and then

I know that she is still my friend

Though I’ve been bad again.


So Santa, if you will still come,

I really wish you would

Put something in your sack for me

To maybe make me good.



Dear Santa, it’s her two-legs here…

Although she is a hog.

Don’t listen to her just this once,

I love my naughty dog.



About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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38 Responses to The post of Christmas past… Ani in Trouble…

  1. Mary Smith says:

    Love the photos, especially the one of her with the milk – it is a bottle of milk, isn’t it?


  2. Merry Christmas Ani.


  3. Darlene says:

    Another great poem by Ani!! You just can´t stay mad at them for long, can you?


  4. bobcabkings says:

    Ani, I don’t see how your Two-Legs or Santa could possibly resist.


  5. I like the ball in the boot. Ha ha. I don’t think Ani has much to worry about with her two-legs. You’re a softy Sue, and Ani’s irresistibly cute even when she’s naughty.


  6. willowdot21 says:

    Oh! Ani I am as sure now as I was last year that Santa will not penalize you 🐕love Ruby💜💜


  7. I’m not even sure where they GET that stuff! We don’t leave the fridge open and we don’t throw trash around, but the furries are always dragging in plastic bottles and bags and stuff. Where do they GET it?


    • Sue Vincent says:

      Ani tends to help herself to anything left lying around… like, in the frdge… or the recycling that is waiting to go out… the rest? I have no idea… it just seems to materialise…


  8. HAHA! Her face, getting caught guzzling that milk! 🙂


  9. Great pictures. I’m optimistic Santa will come. 🙂 — Suzanne


  10. I love this poem, Ani.


  11. Pingback: The post of Christmas past… Ani in Trouble… | Campbells World

  12. Patty says:

    King Campbell A.K.A Bubba here, we reblogged this at


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