Photo prompt round-up – Liminal #writephoto


The photograph for this week’s prompt was taken inside the long barrow at West Kennet, Avebury, that was built to house the bones of the ancestors over five and a half thousand years ago. Doubtless there are reasonable explanations about the odd light in the photograph ( and no, I don’t really need to hear them)… but it seemed to capture the spirit of the  place…


Come closer. Stones and darkness crowd around me, one a pressing presence, replete with memory.

Have you forgotten? The echo of a breath, stirring ancient dust to dancing motes in the liminal light.

Listen. I walk in the footsteps of shadows, their torches  but the ghosts of moonbeams to guide my path.

Familiar spirits, whispering madness or salvation.

Closer than kindred. My future in their past.

We know. Disembodied voices from dismembered bones.

We remember, from the other side of death.

We are one. My waking in their long sleep. My dreams their place of waking.

We will re-member you…

photoprompt 4th August

Thank you to everyone who participated in this week’s photo prompt. Some posts have been reblogged, but please click on the links below to visit all the posts and leave a comment for the author! A new prompt will be published later today…come and join in!


Stuart France

KL Caley at new2writing


Honoré at Of Glass and Paper

Ritu Bhathal at But I Smile Anyway

Janni Styles

M. Zane McClellan at The Poetry Channel

Kim at Writing in North Norfolk

Ken at rivrvlogr

Louise at Fantasy Raconteur

Jane Dougherty Writes

Michael at Morpeth Road

Steve Tanham at Sun in Gemini

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
This entry was posted in fantasy, fiction, History, mystery, photo prompt, Photography, Poetry, writing, writing prompt and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink.

11 Responses to Photo prompt round-up – Liminal #writephoto

  1. Ritu says:

    Thank you for the roundup Sue 😊


  2. lucciagray says:

    Hi Sue! I’ve never taken part in this challenge. I’ve been checking out this weeks’ entries. Great flash fiction. I’d like to give it a go, next week, Thanks for the prompt 🙂


  3. willowdot21 says:

    I enjoyed my first trip in! Thank you Sue!


  4. Pingback: Light Above | method two madness

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