Free Kindle Book…The Initiate by Sue Vincent & Stuart France

Now why would any writer want to give their books away for free? 

It comes down to the simple fact that writers write because they have to…but they publish because they want to share something.

We wrote The Initiate because we knew we were onto something… something we found in the unearthly light in the ancient places of England, a thread of history mingled with imagination, symbolism and myth. It was an adventure that we lived, chasing rainbows and the ghosts of forgotten peoples through the landscape.

We wrote to tell of the birth of a School from a viewpoint a little more unusual than most… seeing through the eyes of an ancient seer who watched the energies shift and build… who saw what the golden one saw as she waited in the silence…

And we wrote because we found something amid the laughter and the hawks, the medieval churches, village pubs and the frescoes that captured our imagination and sent us on a quest….

… and we want to share that with you, to see if it captures your imagination in the way it spoke to friends who visited these places with us and saw what we saw there…

And if it does, then perhaps you will join us as the journey continues in The Heart of Albion…which takes Don and Wen in search of hills that play hide and seek, seven league boots and a whole host of giants…..

…. not that anything is ever what it seems…..


The Initiate is Free to download on Kindle for three days only, starting midnight US time on the 18th.

If you do not have a Kindle visit your regional Amazon site to download a free Kindle reading app for computer, tablet or smartphone… and get access to thousands of other free ebooks, from new releases, to classics and many out of print volumes.

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Adventures in Sacred Chromatography

Sue Vincent & Stuart France

Foreword by Steve Tanham 

Imagine wandering through an ancient landscape wrought in earth and stone, exploring the sacred sites of peoples long ago and far away in time and history. The mounds and barrows whisper legends of heroes and magic, painted walls sing of saints and miracles and vision seeps through the cracks of consciousness.

Now imagine that the lens of the camera captures a magical light in soft blues and misty greens and gold. A light that seems to have no cause in physical reality. What would you do?

If you were open to the possibility of deeper realities, perhaps you would wish to explore this strange phenomenon…something two people came to know as sacred chromatography.

The Initiate is the story of just such a journey beyond the realms of our accustomed normality. It is a factual tale told in a fictional manner. In this way did the Bards of old hide in the legends and deeds of heroes those deeper truths for those who had eyes to see and ears to hear.

As the veils thin and waver, time shifts and the present is peopled with the shadowy figures of the past, weaving their tales through a quest for understanding and opening wide the doors of perception for those who seek to see beyond the surface of reality.

Over 60 Full Colour Illustrations

ISBN-13: 978-1492133698

ISBN-10: 1492133698

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
This entry was posted in Ancient sites, Books, England, Friendship, Landscape, Life, Love and Laughter, Mythology, Photography, Spirituality, Stuart France, The Silent Eye and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

17 Responses to Free Kindle Book…The Initiate by Sue Vincent & Stuart France

  1. vicbriggs says:

    I’m afraid I don’t have a kindle 😦 missing out yet again. Perhaps I ought to get one and move with the times, but I do love so the smell of a page fresh off the print press.


  2. janonlife says:

    Thank you, Sue. I’ve just downloaded it and look forward very much to reading 🙂


  3. Thanks Sue & Stuart I too am looking forward to a good read.


  4. stanze says:

    It doesn’t let me. It tells me I must be a UK customer and then it forwards me to -.-


  5. stanze says:

    Hurray, now it works. I started the process all over again by opening it with “Kindle for PC”.


  6. Downloaded mine….thank you! Look forward to reading it!


  7. ksbeth says:

    woo hoo – thanks!


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