
I lost it. The computer screen got it right between the eyes. The dog hid under the desk as I gave vocal vent to the emotion the onscreen message incited. It may have been an over-reaction, but it was probably just the final straw. The culprit was another of the public information messages reminding us about the current mass quarantine. This one pulled no punches.

“Don’t go outside. People will die.”

Tell that to the emergency and medical services…who are not ‘services’…they are people, with partners, parents and children they are trying to keep safe while they go out to work every day, trying to help the rest of us. Tell it to the farmers and growers who work outside and without whom we would be lacking a lot more than toilet paper. Tell it to those in the testing labs, in contact with the virus every day. Tell it to the bus and delivery drivers, the postal workers, the refuse collectors, the staff in our shops, supermarkets and essential offices, few of whom have been provided with any kind of protection. Tell it to the people manning helplines, the good Samaritans delivering food parcels and checking on elderly neighbours, the teachers providing daycare for the children of keyworkers. Tell it to the carers who look after the vulnerable in care homes or in their own homes. Tell it to the warehouse staff working their backsides off, unseen and unthanked, to supply us with necessities both medical and domestic.

If many of these people don’t go outside… people will die.

And it might even be them, or their own families, as these are the people coming into contact with others outside their homes and at risk of carrying infection back home again.

I do understand the message the writer was trying to get across… but it is a time to consider the implications of words and how they affect people. The reporting on this crisis is doing more than enough to fuel an emotive response. We are all worried enough, without having the added anxiety of whether or not, by simply doing a necessary job, we will bring home something that could harm our loved ones. It is bad enough that curtains twitch and neighbours, who know nothing about your work, ‘tut’ at the daily sortie.

Heaping guilt upon these people for ‘going out’ is hardly supportive.

Whoever wrote that particular bit of ‘public information’ might just want to think about that…

middle age mama | Rita's Reflections | Page 2

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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59 Responses to Fuming…

  1. Jen Goldie says:


    Liked by 1 person

  2. I agree with you, Sue. You are a caregiver and have to see to your son’s needs. Some people who are caregivers had decided not to go to work. I understand their choice but it does leave elderly and other needy people in a pickle in this time of anxiety and trouble.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Reblogged this on Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog and commented:
    I’m with Sue on this! 🤬

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ritu says:

    Hear hear, Sue 🙏🏽


  5. V.M.Sang says:

    I quite agree.


  6. Jaye Marie says:

    Regardless of all those messages that insist we stay at home and everything will be fine, we all know it won’t be. Nothing will be fine until we have a vaccine that works!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. beth says:

    it is a balancing act, fraught with many challenges


  8. Mary Smith says:

    Hear, hear, Sue. There a a lot of mixed messages around. We’ve to stay at home but then they want us to volunteer for the NHS and others. I was feeling guilty about not doing something to help but Jon has several underlying health issues and was not keen on me going off to shop or do other voluntary work and risk bringing the virus back. I hope when this is over people will realise the true value of the carers and the supermarket workers and the farmers – but you know what, I don’t think it will happen.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sue Vincent says:

      The confusion createdby such mixed messages isn’t helping anyone. Nor is the blame culture that seems to be springing up. You only have to listen to the silence out there to know that most people are simply doing their best to follow advice.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I, too, am still working since my employer is considered essential. The chances are high that someone in our facility will come down with it and then spread it to everyone else. Given the choice, I would rather stay home and wait it out. Whoever wrote that announcement understood at least one thing – a two by four between the eyes is only way to make some people take the danger seriously. In this case, I think they did more harm than good. I hope you and yours remain healthy for the duration.


    • Sue Vincent says:

      I am all for making people listen…and if that means being blunt, fair enough. But don’t use the two by four on those who are listening but still out there doing what must be done.
      Many of those I love are still out working, many in envoronments that cannot be considered ‘safe’ at this moment. I am still going out to work too… and would dearly love five minutes face to face with the author of this particular slogan.

      Liked by 2 people

  10. memadtwo says:

    The larger picture is always lost. No, don’t hold that party for 50 on your front lawn as a defiant gesture (true story hereabouts…)–but thank the people who are keeping you alive, throwing a lifeline to the rest of us, in word and deed. You are right to be angry. (K)


    • Sue Vincent says:

      There are so many out there, working largely unseen and unnoticed, so that we can maintain some semblance of normality in our lives. A little empathy and understanding might be a better way to go than casting guilt and blame.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Reblogged this on pensitivity101 and commented:
    I will add my five eggs and shame those who vandalise key workers cars, burn home delivery vehicles and spit in the faces of those in the front line fighting an unseen enemy.
    There is the UK round of applause again this evening at 8pm for our NHS and all those who are trying to care for us. They deserve it, and much, much more.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. willowdot21 says:

    I totally agree ,very well said 💜💜💜


  13. Pingback: Fuming… | willowdot21

  14. blindzanygirl says:

    These messages are just the pits. No one has thought them through at all. Morons!


  15. I am also sick of seeing messages like this. BTW, I’m glad I’m not the only one who shouts at my computer. I’ve often felt guilty for scaring my dogs in this way!


  16. jwebster2 says:

    Good on you Sue, tell it like it is.


    • Sue Vincent says:

      It rather got my goat, Jim.

      Liked by 1 person

      • jwebster2 says:

        I agree entirely with you. Actually in my last blog I quoted from a Lancet paper about the death rates. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(20)30244-9/fulltext

        A unique situation has arisen for quite an accurate estimate of the CFR of COVID-19. Among individuals onboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship, data on the denominator are fairly robust. The outbreak of COVID-19 led passengers to be quarantined between Jan 20, and Feb 29, 2020. This scenario provided a population living in a defined territory without most other confounders, such as imported cases, defaulters of screening, or lack of testing capability. 3711 passengers and crew were onboard, of whom 705 became sick and tested positive for COVID-19 and seven died,6 giving a CFR of 0·99%. If the passengers onboard were generally of an older age, the CFR in a healthy, younger population could be lower.7


  17. Pingback: A Small Gripe | sparksfromacombustiblemind

  18. Widdershins says:

    Our information culture of reducing things down to the lowest common denominator at it’s most thoughtless.


  19. Adele Marie says:

    What a positive message, not. You are right, Sue. xxx


  20. I agree too, Sue! Well written. I hope there will be any chances in ones behaviour, after this crisis. It could not be the only one, and next time we should be better prepaired, anyway. Michael


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