Guest poet: Tempest ~ Two poems

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Today it matters. Tomorrow it doesn`t.
Does it matter? Do I matter? Did it ever matter? Does it still matter anyway? Matters.? Meaning.? Sense.? Relevance.?
Love. One day you love. Next day you forget. You deny it.
Denial. You deny love. You deny me. You deny yourself.
Life. One day you live. Next day you let your hair down. You let yourself go.
Freedom. Freedom in prison. Prison in freedom.
Neglect. Of me. Of yourself.
Care. Carelessness. One day you care. Next day you don`t.
Truth. Lies. One day you`re honest. Next day you lie. To yourself. To me.
Memories. Forgetfulness.
Beauty. One day you enjoy. Next day you despise.
One day you see beauty. One day everything is ugly.
I`m perfect. I`m imperfect. I`m perfect but not perfect enough.
I`m beautiful and sexy. But not beautiful and sexy enough. One day I`m pretty. Next day I`m ugly.
I`m lovely but not loveable.
I`m everything. I`m nothing.


Raging `cause you`re being unfair
Raging `cause you forget about me
Raging `cause you love me
Raging `cause you don`t
Raging `cause I love you
Raging `cause I hate you
At times I`m so freaking mad at you
Then love flows through me, it makes me smile
Raging for your love
Raging `cause I had to give up
It`s all in vain
In vain it was
In vain it is
In vain it`ll be
My beautiful Mr. Vain
Mr. Vain you are
Though you do love me
And I do love you
Screw this, screw that
Who cares anyway
Raging tempests inside me
My temper, my temper is dangerous
Raging of anger
Oh I`m so angry
Oh, I could scream at you
Louder than your ears could bear
And I could scream at myself
Until that voice shuts up
`Cause I hate myself for all of this
Yet I don`t wanna stop loving
Love is beautiful
Raging of love
Raging of passion
Raging of sadness, of despair
Oh shut up, just shut up
My heart is raging
My love is raging
Is raging for you
I`m raging to reach you
To get to you
This tempest, it won`t stop
Different storms
They are raging
Every day another one
Some days different alternating
Anger, sadness, love, anger, sadness, love, anger, anger, sadness, sadness
Some days I`m quiet
The calm after the storm
The calm before the storm
I`m not raging
I don`t care
I don`t give a damn

About the author

‘Tempest’ is  a German student, studying for her Master’s degree in fields cultural studies and linguistics. She writes under her in English and German and her work may be found on her blog, Tempest.

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About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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23 Responses to Guest poet: Tempest ~ Two poems

  1. Love it! I hope this line “This tempest, it won`t stop” from poem “Raging” is a statement for more. Thank you! 😉 Michael

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Tempest says:

    Thank you, Sue! 🙂 What a nice surprise to see even two of my pics included.


  3. miasraum says:

    That is great😊Thanks🌷

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I thought these poems were very interesting and different, Sue.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. dgkaye says:

    Interesting poetry and powerful! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Jordan says:

    Tempest, Love the poems and passion that cimes through the words.

    And for me “I`m everything. I`m nothing,”
    says it all. In this universe that is constantly and infinitely unfolding, they we are.


    Liked by 2 people

  7. Pingback: E-Mail an Krypto | Tempest

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