Ani’s Advent Invitation: Roxy’s letter to Santa

Well, I am finally home! I thought she would never come and get me… It really takes the biscuit when she takes sooo long to comeback. But she says she had to go and see her grandpuppy, you know, the one I introduced to the pond, ’cause she’s been really poorly and had to go in one of those things with sirens to the Big Two-Legs’ Vets, so I s’ppose I’ll let her off.

Anyway, everyone is home again now and our little girlie pup is doing fine, she says… which is good, ’cause no-one wants to be poorly at Christmas.

So, she said she was sorry for not being there and gave me some nice chicken for dinner, and played ball and cuddled me after our walk, just by way of an apology. So I can’t complain… just as long as she doesn’t have anything sneaky up her sleeve… She keeps talking about putting the tree up…and we all know what happened last time she did that…

Still, I’m not the only four-legs with problematical two-legses. Roxy has the same stuff to deal with… and she wrote to Santa about it too and sent me a copy of her letter to share. Roxy’s two-legs is Judy Martin… just so you know who is to blame….

Roxy’s Letter to Santa

Dear Santa,

I have been such a good girl

All throughout the year

I only had a few licks

Stolen from Daddy’s beer


I’ve even worn the jumper

That they thought was very cool

But you can see from my expression

That I felt a proper fool!

I hate this dressing up lark

They even did it at Halloween

With Devil’s horns and a stupid cloak

I really wasn’t keen

They just can’t seem to help themselves

And bought me a Santa hat

But I taught them all a lesson

When I totally savaged that


They just don’t get the message

That I really don’t want to know

When they try to dress me up in things

Or stick on a silver bow

Dear Santa,

This year would be so much better

With no ridicule and mocking

Please spare me the outfits

When you fill my Christmas stocking!!

Love Roxy x

Judy E MartinAbout Roxy’s two-legs:

Judy E Martin is in her (very) early fifties and has just entered a new phase in her life. She has recently worked as an Associate Practitioner (Nursing) in the both hospital and community settings and loves it, finally finding her niche. She has just started on a new adventure as a ‘mature student’ deciding to take that final step and study for her Nursing Degree.

She has in the past, done everything from serving as a soldier in the Women’s Royal Army Corps, to helping manage a kebab shop!

Judy has been writing humorous poems since she was a little girl. She has always had a love of words and finds expressing herself through rhyme is so appealing. She enjoys the rhythm of the words as they dance to her tune.

She draws her inspiration from everyday events that most of us can relate to and puts her unique spin on it. Her large family is often her inspiration, as is the weather, the seasons, housework, even sex. No subject is safe from manipulation into verse!

Judy lives in the beautiful county of Kent with her long-suffering husband Bob, (Mr Grump), daughter Lucinda (Miss Hap), and not forgetting Roxy, the beautiful Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, all of whom have found their way into her poems.

Find and Follow Judy

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Rhymes of the Times: A lighthearted look at life through rhyme (Rhythm and Rhyme Book 1)Rhymes of the Times:

A lighthearted look at life through rhyme (Rhythm and Rhyme Book 1)

Are you one of those people that barge through life, trying to get through it as best as you can, swimming against the everyday worries and stresses of life? Well, I have found a way to make it much more enjoyable.
Don’t you think everything sounds better when it rhymes? I certainly do. In fact, I have found that everything from doing the housework to growing older, can sound more positive and less daunting when made into a little ditty.
This book is about finding the humour, or raising a smile from the everyday things that we can all relate to in life, and looking at them from a different perspective. Nothing escapes versification; there is even a subject on sex! After all, that is one subject where there is plenty of room for laughter, even if it may not be the right moment!

Universal link to Rhymes of the Times

Antlers are for Reindeer!

If you would like to help save Ani from a fate (she says) worse than death, send your Letters to Santa, festive memories, short stories, flash fiction or poems to the Small Dog. She will post them every day through December until Christmas.

She would especially like to hear from her four-legged or feathered friends (she has a special place very close to her heart for turkeys)… but she says that two-legs are better than none, so she will accept submissions from humans too.

To get in touch, please use the form on the contact page or email Ani at

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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40 Responses to Ani’s Advent Invitation: Roxy’s letter to Santa

  1. Ritu says:

    Oh so cute! Poor Roxy! Sonu Singh sympathises!
    (Oh and Sue, did you get my email?)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. davidprosser says:

    Stay under the table when the tree comes out Ani. Once the light come on you should be safe. I have to say though, the reindeer horns did look very fetching on you.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. TanGental says:

    This obsesssion with clothing the furred! I get your pain Roxy

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Darlene says:

    Have a super Christmas Roxy. I don’t mind my snuggly coat but they haven’t tried putting a Santa hat or antlers on me, yet. Don’t give them ideas!! Dot the dog.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Mary Smith says:

    Oh, we can feel the painful emotion behind Roxy’s letter to Santa.
    Sorry the grandpuppy has been very poorly and glad to hear she’s on the mend.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Roxy’s expressions made me laugh. Doggy-humiliation. Great poem and letter, Roxy. I hope Santa doesn’t bring you an elf costume this year, but if he does, I want photos. 😀
    Thanks, Sue and Judy, for the laugh.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Pingback: Ani’s Advent Invitation: Roxy’s letter to Santa | Campbells World

  8. dgkaye says:

    Loved this Judy and Roxy 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Widdershins says:

    Dear Roxy, I’m a two-legged and I’ve never understood this obsession either. May you escape the Dreaded Dress-ups this festive season. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Oh Yay, I absolutely love Judy’s poetry, Sue.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Pingback: Roxy is Helping out Ani - Judy E Martin

  12. Thanks so much for sharing Roxy’s letter, Sue and Ani. I am sorry I got here so late.
    I hope that your little granddaughter has made a full recovery now. xx


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