Guest Author: David J. Robertson – In the Doghouse

Ani winksShe is always having guests over… so I thought it was about time I had one too…someone who appreciates the finer points of canine literacy. He’s even a finalist in the People’s Book Prize telling Misty’s story. My two-legs needs to start taking lessons… she’ll never keep me in tennis balls at this rate!
Anyway… Enjoy!
Much love, Ani xxx


I must apologise – I did promise to do something for this blog some time ago, but things got a bit busy.

What do you mean ‘That makes a nice change!‘?

How rude.

You are right though, it has to be said. Ever since the heart attack and packing up work to do what I wanted to do (not a career changing path that I’d wholeheartedly recommend [see what I did there?]), I have taken things a little, shall we say, easier.

Yes, you can say I’d been a bone idle so and so if you like, but I do have feelings you know!

Anyway – back to this current state of busyness business.

The second book came out.

What do you mean, ‘I must have missed that.’


I put it on Facebooknet and Twitinterest and everything.

Oh – you’ve been ‘busy‘ too.


I’d better refresh your memory then.

The first book DOGNAPPED! – yes, yes the one for kids, glad you paid a bit of attention, has got to the final of The People’s Book Prize for next year.

I know, thanks, I’m chuffed to bits.

So is Misty.

And the second book of her adventures came out a couple of weeks ago.


Oh, this one’s called IN THE DOGHOUSE!


Yes, it’s for kids too. Aged about 7 to 11 I’d say, although younger children do like to have it read to them. And the pictures by Ian R Ward are excellent again, so they do like to look at those – and I know you do too, I saw you sneaking a crafty peek at the first one!

Yes you did!

And you’ll never guess – no, come a bit closer, let me whisper, I don’t want everyone to know, not yet anyway – the third one is written too! I’ll keep it under wraps until the release date gets closer.


Yes, there is a bit of a theme going.

Oops, sorry. I didn’t mean to spit in your ear.

It’s just a little speck.

It’ll wipe out.


And then…

No, I’m nowhere near finished yet.

You’ve got to what?


Well if you can hold it in a bit I’ll be as quick as I can.

I’m writing a technical manual for someone about stuff that’s, well, a bit technical really.

I’ve written a radio play. I’m hoping to get that commissioned.

I’ve written a stage play. That’s been performed around Easter. I’ll tell you about it nearer the time, I know you’re in a rush.

Want a ticket? I’ll see what I can do.

I did an open mike night at a local cafe a couple of weeks back, with the rest of Castle Writers. Read out some funny stuff.

Th’owd pol on th’ cut.

Yes, ‘That old chestnut!

I didn’t think you’d remember – I feel a bit foolish putting it on the website under ‘flash fiction’ now. I thought you might like a reminder.


I have nearly finished.

Clench a bit tighter.


I’ve just been doing Aladdin with A Comedy Theatre Group.

What do you mean, ‘Oh no you didn’t ‘?

Oh yes I did!

Oh – I get it now, sorry the penny took a long time to drop.

No. I didn’t act.

I made a few suggestions for the script. It’s them that’s doing my play next year, so I thought I’d better muck in – sorry, unfortunate phrase given your dire need to… no, no I’m going as quick as I can!

I was doing the sound. Effects and music, that was me.

Imagine – A Walk In The Black Forest playing every time the scene changed, for three bloody shows!

Doopy doopy doopy doop, de doop doopy doopy doop, de doopy doop…

It’s been going around and around in my head all sodding since!

And of course I’ve been blogging.

Yes, I know that I promised not to, but Misty made me.

She’s got her Chrissymus songbook on there again.

Take a look and have a singsong, it is that time of year after all.

You’ve what!?

Have you?

Oh dear!

How unfortunate!

Never mind it’ll wipe…

No, you’re probably right, I don’t think it will!

Tell you what, I’ll leave some links here in case you want to take a look after you’ve, well, after you’ve, you know…




Twitter: @Misty_Books


2About the two-legs:

David J Robertson is pleased to announce that his children’s book, DOGNAPPED! is a finalist in the children’s section of, The People’s Book Prize 2017.

In fact no, strike that – David J Robertson is actually chuffed to little bits to make that announcement.

The book documents the adventures of his dog, Misty and her friends as their best intentions go terribly wrong when they rescue puppy Ashley from the chimney of a canal boat. Cast hopelessly adrift they eventually become lost at sea, rescuing a baby elephant along the way.
Will they make it back to shore? Can any of them swim? How silly does German Shepard, Rascal look in welly boots?

For children 7 – 10 and for younger children whose parents love to read an entertaining adventure at bedtime.

Also, to be released in November, don’t miss Misty’s latest escapade, IN THE DOGHOUSE! How bad can things get when all you want to do is get your friend a new kennel? Pretty desperate would appear to be the answer as Bertie, One-Eyed Rose, Rascal and Misty get accidentally involved in a robbery.

Both books are published by Matador and wonderfully illustrated by Ian R Ward.


Join Misty and her three doggy friends on what was meant to be a relaxed day of exploring. But with trouble never too far away from the four canines, it’s not long before they find themselves accidentally adrift on a canal boat with the boat’s reluctant puppy, Ashley! Trying to steer the boat back to shore, the friends find themselves in hot water. It looks like they have become pirates for real as they hear on the radio that Ashley is reported as being dognapped! If you’re going to be in BIG trouble it surely doesn’t come much worse than that! Can they prove their innocence when Ashley is returned? Can they even make it back to shore safely? Whatever happens, it’s going to be an adventure to remember! Dognapped! is a hilarious tale of over-inquisitive dogs, confused humans and adventure at sea. It will appeal to children aged 7-9.

In the Doghouse3

Rascal is an enormous German Shepherd dog. Despite being intimidating to look at, Rascal is actually a scaredy-cat and rather cowardly. He has also outgrown his kennel, and now his three friends, Misty, Bertie and One-Eyed Rose use it as their den. All this changes on the day it rains and rains and rains! Poor Rascal is soaked, so to stop him from catching a cold, his companions decide to find him a new home. One-Eyed Rose takes the gang to the other side of town, where she knows of a ‘kennel shop’. Unfortunately the yard, which actually sells sheds and summerhouses, is closed. The friends decide to return the next day, but Rose has already wriggled her way inside through a hole cut in the fence. Also inside are two men busily loading some of the wooden shacks onto a lorry parked outside, using a forklift truck. Unaware that the men are robbers, the dogs are spotted. One-Eyed Rose is lifted into the air on the forklift, which crashes and breaks the summerhouses! The friends are chased away, three of them back outside and cowardly Rascal deeper into the compound. Realising he is missing, the gang go back to rescue him, but the alarm is triggered as they try to escape once more! Have the friends got themselves into deep trouble yet again, and will Rascal ever have a kennel to call his own? In the Doghouse! is a hilarious tale that will appeal to children aged 7-9.

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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7 Responses to Guest Author: David J. Robertson – In the Doghouse

  1. dgkaye says:

    Brilliant! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. mistybooks says:

    Reblogged this on mistybooks and commented:
    Thanks for the guest slot, Sue 😀


  3. mistybooks says:

    Glad you liked it, Debby 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Bun Karyudo says:

    From what you’ve said, you’ve been incredibly (and admirably) productive! I hope “In the Doghouse” is a big success. (Poor old Rascal!) 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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