Thursday photo prompt: Offering #writephoto


Welcome to this week’s writephoto prompt.

You can find all last week’s entries in the weekly round-up, which was published earlier today.

Throughout the week, I will feature as many of the responses here on the Daily Echo as time and space allows, usually in the order in which they are submitted. Please be aware that I tend to schedule reblogs in advance and these spaces fill quickly so an early submission is more likely to be reblogged.

All posts will be featured in the weekly round-up on Thursday, 2nd January at 10am GMT, linking back to the original posts of contributors.

Use the image below as inspiration to create a post on your own blog… poetry, prose, humour… light or dark, whatever you choose, as long as it is fairly family-friendly.

Submit your link by noon (GMT)  Wednesday 1st January.

Link back to this post with a pingback (Hugh has an excellent tutorial here)  and/or leave a link in the comments below, to be included in the round-up.

Use the #writephoto hashtag in your title so your posts can be found.

There is no word limit and no style requirements, except that your post must take inspiration from the image and/or the prompt word in the title of the post.

Feel free to use #writephoto logo or include the prompt photo in your post if you wish, or you may replace it with one of your own to illustrate your work.

By participating in the #writephoto challenge, please be aware that your post may be featured as a reblog on this blog and I will link to your post for the round-up each week.

Regular contributors are also welcome to come over as my guest and introduce themselves (click here for details).

Please note:

As I do not share my political opinions on this blog, please do not use the challenge as a platform from which to share yours. Party political or racially offensive posts will not be reblogged.

This week’s prompt ~ Offering

The Offering: painting and photo © Sue Vincent at

For visually challenged writers, the image shows a female figure, translucent and rainbow coloured, emerging from mist in which many shapes move. She is holding a bowl. Before her are strange blue pinnacles… which could be close or distant, spires, ice or… something else…

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
This entry was posted in photo prompt, Photography, Poetry and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

104 Responses to Thursday photo prompt: Offering #writephoto

  1. Pingback: Untold stories #writephoto – Reena Saxena

  2. Pingback: Thursday Photo Prompt #Writephoto- Offering – Keep it alive

  3. Pingback: Offering #writephoto | Of Glass & Paper

  4. I had an “Oh my god” moment when I opened this. I have been sitting at my computer trying to decipher a dream from last night. There was a mysterious woman who gave me messages, one of them was about Circe…and then I saw this 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: The Seal of Circe #Offering #writephoto – The Light Behind the Story

  6. willowdot21 says:

    Oh! Sue this is amazing 💜


  7. Pingback: Ethera | Na'ama Yehuda

  8. Wow, so so pretty!
    No wonder this is where it carried me:




  9. Pingback: Change Your Evil Ways – A Unique Title For Me

  10. Pingback: An offering – Being in Nature

  11. Suzanne says:

    Thank you for such a beautiful prompt. Here is my response -


  12. Pingback: “She Lingered” ©J.E.Goldie Thursday Photo Prompt -Offering #Writephoto Dec. 26 2019 | Jen Goldie – A little this, a little that, some real and some imaginings.

  13. Pingback: neelwrites/flash/writephoto/shortstory/27/12/2019 – neelwritesblog

  14. Pingback: Thursday photo prompt: Offering #writephoto | Tessa Can Do It! Positivity is Catching!

  15. Pingback: #writephoto: The Seeing – Jane Dougherty Writes

  16. How did you know I was unpicking this one?

    #writephoto: The Seeing


  17. Pingback: #writephoto — Welcome to Purgatory – This, That, and The Other

  18. Pingback: Offering – A poem by Goff James | Art, Photography and Poetry

  19. Goff James says:

    Hi, Sue. Happy Friday. Here is my response and submission to Thursday photo prompt: Offering #writephoto – Haiku/Offering. Here is the link . Have agreat day. Goff


  20. Pingback: Offering of the Past #writephoto | Penny Wilson Writes

  21. Love this pic, Sue. Quite different than the type of thing you usually post. Here’s my “offering”. 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration!


  22. Pingback: An Offering: A #Writephoto #haibun – Frank J. Tassone

  23. Pingback: The Final Offering | Light Motifs II

  24. Hi Sue,
    Here is the link to my entry for the week.
    Warm Regards,


  25. Pingback: #Writephoto ~ Offering #Poetry | anita dawes and jaye marie

  26. jenanita01 says:

    Such a lovely way to end the year, Sue! and sending the link, just in case…


  27. Pingback: Hallowing | awisewomansjourney

  28. Deborah says:

    I like the changes you made Sue! It looks really nice!

    Hallowing –


  29. Pingback: #writephoto– The Performance – Salted Caramel

  30. Pingback: Thursday photo prompt: Offering #writephoto | willowdot21

  31. willowdot21 says:

    A beautiful painting from your own hand Sue absolutely perfect 💜


  32. Pingback: Thursday photo prompt: Offering #writephoto – Ladyleemanila

  33. Pingback: Aura - Poetry For Healing

  34. Here’s mine Sue. Happy New Year to you and your family! ❤️☺️



  35. Pingback: Thursday Photo Prompt-Creator #writephoto – SOUL CONNECTION

  36. Pingback: Friday Favorite’s-Sue Vincent’s Daily Echo – Penny Wilson Writes

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