Investigating The Black-Eyed Kids from Guest Author G. Michael Vasey

A guest post from an old friend, G. Michael Vasey, author of Inner Journeys and The Last Observer and with whom I worked on The Mystical Hexagram. Gary’s work has taken him down some strange highways…

It is the story of a strange encounter that is repeated over and over by hundreds, if not thousands, of people all over the world. It is late at night and there is a knock at your door. You answer it to find a couple of small kids stood on your doorstep. The kids seem to be dressed in strange, sometimes old-fashioned, clothes but the strangest part is why would two young kids be on your doorstep at 11pm at night? Initially, you are concerned. Have they been in a car accident? Where are their parents? Then, you feel a deep seated and inexplicable fear arise from deep within your soul.

“Let us in,” says one of the small children.

By now, every instinct in your body is telling you to slam the door shut. The fear is overwhelming. But, fear of what? Two small kids?

“Let us in, we need to use your phone,” says the kid in a monotone almost hypnotic voice.

There you are on the one hand overwhelmed by a terrible sense of danger and yet, you feel yourself being sucked in wondering why such small children are on your doorstep.

“Let us in. You have to give us permission,” says the kid again insistently.

You begin to open the door as the kids step forward. The fear reaches its maximum as you see their eyes for the first time in the light of your hallway. They are totally and utterly black.

You slam the door shut and bolt it and head inside. You are shaking in terror, haunted by those soulless eyes and the hypnotic effect of the monotone voice. The knocking grows louder and louder until, all of a sudden, it stops. Carefully, you overcome the fear just enough to peek outside through the window. The kids have gone.

You had a lucky escape.

Who are the Black-Eyed kids and what do they want? What might happen if you let them in? G. Michael Vasey attempts an answer in his investigation of the Black-Eyed Kids – out now on Kindle.


About Gary:

Photo on 11-9-15 at 10.04 AM #2

Growing up can be extremely tough for any kid, but imagine growing up around poltergeist activity and ghosts? G. Michael Vasey had exactly that kind of childhood, experiencing ghosts, poltergeists, and other strange and scary supernatural phenomena. In fact, he seemed to attract it, developing an interest in the occult and supernatural at an early age and he has been fascinated ever since.

His “My Haunted Life” trilogy has been highly successful–reaching number one on bestseller lists on both sides of the Atlantic. Now he is presenting the stories of others. The first book in the “Your Haunted Life” series is currently available on Amazon. It’s a must-read for anyone with an interest in the strange happenings of the paranormal world. Then there’s “The Pink Bus And Other Strange Stories From LaLa Land,” a book that lifts the veil on one of the biggest mysteries in human history–the process of death, and what happens to our souls when we die.

He has appeared on numerous radio shows such as

* Everyday Connection,
* Jim Harold’s paranormal podcasts,
* True Ghost Stories Online and
* X Radio with Rob McConnell

sharing strange and scary stories and his expertise in all matters supernatural. He has also been featured in Chat – Its Fate magazine and been interviewed by Ghost Village and Novel Ideas amongst others.

Whether you’ve heard one of G. Michael Vasey’s radio appearances, or read one of his books over the shoulders of an avid reader on the bus, or whether you’ve simply got an interest in the paranormal and stumbled upon this page… You are going to pulled into the paranormal world of G. Michael Vasey, and you will be hooked.

Gary blogs at

Contact and Connect with Gary:

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I tweet at @gmvasey.
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Find me on Round Fire Books


Other Resources

My Haunted Life Too – A Collection of your true scary stories of the paranormal
Strange Book Reviews – This is my book review site. I like strange books quite a lot!
The Brno ExPats Forum – I started this for ExPats living in Brno back in 2006.
CTRMCenter – This is my professional blog where I write about commodity trading and risk issues.

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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10 Responses to Investigating The Black-Eyed Kids from Guest Author G. Michael Vasey

  1. PorterGirl says:

    The urban myth (or maybe not?) of the black eyed children has always terrified me! I heard a version of this where they approached a woman in her car, asking to be let inside. I will check out the book.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Mary Smith says:

    Sounds way too scary for me!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh my, I have lived a sheltered life and for that I am grateful. No black-eyed kids have knocked at my door, thank goodness. First I’ve heard of them…


  4. adeleulnais says:

    Fascinated by these stories but I won`t be letting any of them in. no way.


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