May Day Magic

bluebell mayday magic 035Today, I went for a walk with my son.

Even writing that has me grinning from ear to ear. Let me say that again. I went for a walk with my son. The one who can’t walk… who hasn’t walked above a few, stumbling steps unaided for the past six years. The walking frame stayed at home. The wheelchair stayed in the car.

And we went for a walk.

bluebell mayday magic 068It is May Day… Beltane… a time of magic, renewal and rebirth… a time when the fires of optimism are kindled and burn bright. Such fires do not need to consume their fuel, but can themselves ignite hope and make dreams flare and dance. The first email I had opened today had spoken of the spiral dance I had shared with a friend on May Day morning in Oxford. It had been a moment of sheer joy and magic. I searched for the link to the video and enjoyed both the music and the memory… Today, though, there would be no dancing… just flowers.

bluebell mayday magic 029And it was the bluebells that did it. I should have known the day would be special when the red kite flew down so close as I got in the car. I had asked if Nick would like to come for a drive to see the bluebell woods. Last year he had missed them at their best; this year I wanted to share them in all their glory. The wheelchair was in the boot, of course, but the rough terrain of the woods was going to make it nigh impossible to use. However, there is always a way.

bluebell mayday magic 013Our first stop was Ivinghoe Beacon, looking out over Dunstable Downs. Last year we had managed to get from the car to the fence using hobbit power… I am small enough to fit neatly under my son’s arm and provide just enough stability for him to manage a few steps if he leans heavily. At least, that was the case last time we tried. Today he was surprisingly stable as we headed for the gate, needing only a presence for balance. I left him standing there enjoying being alone out in the countryside while I wandered off to take a few pictures… and had an idea.

bluebell mayday magic 020When I next parked to explore a small copse, I came back to find him standing, frustrated, beside the car. All well and good. When we parked close to the bluebell wood I suggested we walk across the road so he could get in amongst the flowers and really see for himself. I left him standing in the trees drinking in the beauty and marvelling at the fact he had walked so far.

bluebell mayday magic 080There can be few things more magical than a bluebell wood where their perfume fills the air and the pale green beech leaves form a filigree canopy casting sunlit shadows on the elusive blue… but this morning there was an added magic in seeing my son standing in that sea of flowers, awake to their ephemeral glory and fragrance.

bluebell mayday magic 094After a good while, we walked back to the car…and headed for the decadence of jam and cream scones the size of small dinner plates. Duly fortified, we set off again. There are usually mobility vehicles available in that part of the wood, but not today, which was a shame as they offer some kind of freedom. The ratting of the lightweight transit chair made further progress uncomfortable and we decided to leave. I drove back through the pretty villages, heading for a quiet car park on the Ridgeway, miles from civilisation.

bluebell mayday magic 113There is a steep mound in the fields beyond… “What are the odds?” he laughed, explaining that it was here on this hill that he and his friends used to come mountain boarding in their teens. Out of all the many places we could have gone, some twenty miles from home, I had brought him to this one hill on a five thousand year old track. Above us a pair of red kites wheeled and watched as he leaned on the gate to the field.

bluebell mayday magic 118“Want to climb it?”
“Hell, yes!” We set off. It is a long, steep climb for anyone, let alone someone who cannot walk.
“It’s madness, you know…” I added, halfway up the hill, surrounded by cowslips and dandelions.
“Just an observation…”

bluebell mayday magic 308We reached the top and looked back. The impossibility of what we had just done began to sink in as we saw the tiny silver speck that was the car… with the wheelchair still packed in the boot. We sat a while as Nick told me of his adventures with the mountain boards and looked out over the Vale and the Chiltern Hills. I told him of my own adventures on the Ridgeway, where the magic had begun for Stuart and I at Wayland’s Smithy and Uffington. There had been two birds of prey that spring morning too.

bluebell mayday magic 137Quite suddenly, my son stood up. Before I realised what he was doing, he was ten yards away. On his feet. I grabbed the camera. I’m not sure which of us was the most astonished when we grinned at each other!

bluebell mayday magic 168It wasn’t pretty, but it was beautiful. For the next hour we laughed at his spectacular falls and marvelled at the steps he took atop the ancient mound. I stood well back with the camera as my son danced in the May and my heart danced with pride, hope and so many unnameable emotions that I cannot write.

bluebell mayday magic 279“You do realise that you’ve just done the impossible again,“ I said as we finally began to walk the long descent to the car. He grinned,
“Everybody needs a hobby…”

bluebell mayday magic 241

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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161 Responses to May Day Magic

  1. Silver Threading says:

    Oh my goodness! I have goose bumps and tears of joy from your fabulous walk. The colors are beyond beautiful. So vibrant, and spending time with your son walking… so precious. ❤


  2. Anonymous says:

    Fantastic, Sue, so pleased for you both. xxx


  3. Sue Vincent says:

    So unexpected too! 😀 He couldn’t walk when we left home :).. Except, apparently… he could 🙂


  4. Tears of joy for you both. I can’t imagine what you both feel but it must be a bit of Heaven. So inspiring. I am so proud for you both. What a Mothers day gift! And how handsome your son is– quite inappropriate for an old lady like me to remark but he is gorgeous. Obviously inside and out.


  5. What a magical day, Sue. I’m grinning all over my face at the image of your son walking. Handsome man – I wish I was younger!


  6. Juli says:

    How wonderful! What a beautiful Beltane gift!


  7. TanGental says:

    Goodness, you do know how to bring a tear. Nothing like that which you and you son has gone through has happened to me with my son (if you ignore the brief flirtation with death via pneumonia but that was short lived – abject pun, sorry) but a parent can easily step into your shoes and just imagine… just imagine what that must have been like … like swallowing a melon, the lump must be so big. Awesome, in every sense of the word..


  8. Mary Smith says:

    What a wonderful post, Sue. Like others who have already commented, I read it with tears of joy in my eyes. I’m so thrilled for you both.


  9. Susan Scott says:

    This is Beltane magic at its best combined with 2 indomitable spirits .. thank you Sue for sharing this with us. Your son is very handsome indeed and quite obviously a beautiful soul, like his Mum.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. What a wonderful post. I’m genuinely grinning reading it and happy for you both.


  11. Ali Isaac says:

    I am crying tears of joy… what a special day! You have both worked long and hard for this. I’m so happy for you. 😂


  12. …this is by far and and away the best post I’ve read this year, and probably for many year… I don’t know about anybody else, but I’ll go to sleep with a smile tonight … may yer Gods bless yeez both:) LUVZYA!


  13. Ah Sue, your stories about your son keep getting better and better! I am reminded of your ballroom dancing post where your energy just leapt from the page!!
    I draw an angel card when the mood hits me, maybe once or thrice a month– one of Donna Virtue’s ‘Healing With The Angels Oracle Cards’. Upon finishing your post the deck caught my eye, the thought what does this mean for Nick, the card drawn ‘New Beginnings’ which means ‘a clean slate is presented to you as you now encounter fresh opportunities and novel experiences’. Wanted to share that with you both. Congrats Nick! A day to celebrate and remember always. Melissa Xx


  14. Anonymous says:

    Beaming, we are! 😀

    Though… if truth be told… he’s always danced like that… 😉 xxx


  15. Oh happy day! And, beautiful photos of course ❤


  16. Just such a stunning and beautiful story, Sue, especially on this May Day. It must have been a wonderful day for you both and I hope you have hundreds and thosands of days like this ahead of you both.


  17. Wonderful! Happiness to you both!


  18. This is truly inspiring – I’m so happy for you both.
    Bluebell woods are magical places. We’re lucky to have several where we live.


  19. So beautiful in SO many ways!!!!! ❤


  20. Such a touching post, Sue. Your photos match the magic happening with your son! Absolutely amazing!


  21. Your son is a marvel and this story tugs at my heart strings. Awesome, awesome for both of you.
    ❤ ❤ ❤


  22. noelleg44 says:

    What an exquisite carpet of bluebells! Coupled with a minor miracle – what an extraordinary day!


  23. Wonderful ✨💕 much happiness to you


  24. Eliza Waters says:

    Wow, I am overcome! First you show us the magic of the bluebell wood then you show us the miracle of your son walking! What an incredible May Day gift – oh, happy day! Thrilled for you both. 🙂


  25. alienorajt says:

    Oh, how wonderful, Sue – made me cry. Lovely photos too. xxx


  26. jenanita01 says:

    What a perfectly wonderful day, so very pleased for both of you. Proof positive that we should never give up… Bless you…


  27. Oh My goodness, what a beautiful day – in so many ways. The bluebells, the wonderful countryside, spending time with your son, and him walking! What a fantastic achievement that is, and how it is proof positive that a good attitude and lots of determination pays off. What a heartwarming read, 🙂


  28. macjam47 says:

    Sue, such a joyful post! It brought tears to my eyes as I read about your walk with your son. I know you must still be smiling that he took off and walked without your help.


  29. arlene says:

    Wow, wow, wow! I love every word and every photo Sue! It’s such an inspiring blog.


  30. Adrian Lewis says:

    Great stuff, Sue, absolutely great stuff! Adrian


  31. Meredith says:

    I’m celebrating your son’s achievement! The photos are marvelous.


  32. olganm says:

    What a wonderful post, Sue. It brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart. Love to you and your son. And to many more magical days.


  33. Éilis Niamh says:

    Wow!!! Wonderful. Incredible. Blessings to you and your son. Seriously, there are no good words for this kind of thing. I tried sleeping on it to see if I could find any. I’m so excited for Nick, and your whole family, and could not stop smiling all day yesterday! 🙂 Absolutely joyous and beautiful.


  34. kanzensakura says:

    Oh Sue, I want a LOVE button for this post. This is so incredibly inspiring and beautiful and brave and joyful…..All these pics of your son…walking!!!!! I cannot imagine what was going on in your heart. And the bluebells – the kites, the hill. Oh my heart! I am standing up and getting ready to jump up and down and wave my arms and go OOOOOOOOORAHHHHHH, SamCat will think I am crazy but he is used to me. Please hug that precious son of yours for me. I am just beyond thankful.


  35. TamrahJo says:

    My heart swells in happiness for you both – what a beautiful day! 🙂


  36. Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
    Wonderful story of a day that was both inspiring and memorable from Sue Vincent​ do pop over and read.


  37. masgautsen says:

    What lovely photos. Looks like you had a fantastic walk. I’m really envious.


  38. davidprosser says:

    I can’t tell you how pleased I am for you and your son both Sue. May Day will stay in his mind a long time as he continues to make great leaps forward ( no pun intended).It’s wonderful and magical.
    xxx Huge Hugs xxx


  39. smackedpentax says:

    Fantastic! I am so pleased for you both…and a a special time and place too 🙂


  40. That is so wonderful Sue…what a perfect day 🙂


  41. Anonymous says:

    i do not know if am smiling,laughing or crying,or doing all at the same time,but i suppose when you have and feel those tears fill your eyes and you only see vaguely,you probably are crying,but am happy from within me at the same time.You succeeded as usual to give me wet eyes again,this time I do not know if its because of the post or the manifestation of that glorious Cosmic event for Nick for you for us all.We say in Igbo my mother tongue.Chukwu daalu,I mee la.(The Great God thank you,you have done it).My love especially to Nick,am looking forward to the day I will meet him face to face shake his hands,look into that magic countenance and say “Hello,i been looking forward to this moment”May day was real good this year i dare say.Good times Sue et merci infinement.


  42. D.G.Kaye says:

    A most beautiful post, and a gift. My heart soars for overcoming adversity. The pictures themselves are gorgeous. God bless! 🙂


  43. Pete Hulme says:

    Sorry to be a bit late responding to this brilliant, beautiful news. Been trying to capture some impressions of my own about van Gogh that got me carried away. This is such a heart-warming read I’m glad I didn’t miss it.


  44. jjspina says:

    Oh, Sue, this is a beautiful post with magnificent photos and a handsome young man in the midst of it all. How wonderful for you both that he is walking! So happy that it brings tears to my eyes! Blessings and hugs to you both! xo


  45. What a wonderful, wonderful post in every way. I am so happy for n=both of you and all your friends.


  46. reocochran says:

    Every word and every photograph felt like jewels and treasures. This is an incredible story and so happy it was a real life one! I love the way you started with the opening into the May wonder of bluebells in the forest and the last ones of dancing in the field and climbing the steep hill. Bless you for sharing this miraculous day with us!


  47. ladyfi says:

    Wow – that first shot is stunning! What a fabulous day you had.


  48. roweeee says:

    Wow! Sue, I share your delight. How wonderful! Give your son a huge Hi 5 from me. I am constantly being amazed at what is possible. Miracles taking place all the time. It is so exciting..not just for both of you but for people coming along behind him and will hear his story and feel there’s hope. I am still experiencing improvements, especially through playing the violin, which I’ve learned incorporates much of Feldenkrais’s principles.That’s about 20 years after I had the shunt put in. xx Rowena


    • Sue Vincent says:

      That’s what gets me with the sytem’s limited resources that write off recovery after a couple of years, leaving people feeling there is little more that they can do or hope for. Both you and Nick prove that this is clearly not the case! xxx


  49. We just met, Sue, and it was over a post that had us both talking about VanGogh and how much we admired Starry Night. The magic and beauty of that painting does not come close to the pictures shown here.

    I went back to read more of his story and returned to this post with real tears and admiration for the courage and determination it took to get to “Today, I went for a walk with my son.” Amazing. ❤ Van


    • Sue Vincent says:

      To be able to write that one phrase… that did it for me. I was burtsing with pride and joy and all manner of emotions… as you can imagine.
      And he’s not finished yet 🙂
      Thank you x

      Liked by 1 person

      • I truly can’t imagine. I love my adult children, and worry about them all the time. But it’s nothing like what you and Nick had to face. Your story inspires. Blessings on you both. Van


        • Sue Vincent says:

          My younger son rides a motorbike… between the pair of them it is a wonder I’m not completely grey… 🙂 but in spite all all you do and not matter how much you worry, life happens to them anyway 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  50. Georgia Rose says:

    Only just come across this and I’m grinning through the tears – wonderful 🙂


  51. Darcy says:

    Social media strikes again — I missed it when posted. Love it, love it, love it. Reminds me of the triumphant bursts of music and dance in the Lord of the Dance /Michael Flatley performance where magic and music blend …Wonderful to see this!!!


    • Sue Vincent says:

      Wish you could see it for real, Darcy. You would be blown away!


      • Darcy says:

        We’ll be around in July… just not sure of schedule yet; some of it depends on what T’s family is up to and how much driving we volunteer for; we missed Nick last time … meanwhile T has made it known she doesn’t want to do all the driving (she wore herself out putting 2000 miles in three weeks on the rental car last time!) So I’m madly studying driving tips and UK signage and driving rules 🙂


        • Sue Vincent says:

          We’ll have to see if we can hook up somewhere. But… no cofee 🙂


          • Darcy says:

            Let’s. Maybe something cold instead. 🙂 We do, at some point, want to visit Wayland Smithy, Glastonbury, Wells, and parts around there. It looks at this point like Coventry two days, Bourton on the Water two days, Glastonbury & area five?days, then up to Steve C’s for a couple days then back to Coventry and surrounding area. I wound up accidentally booking us for a hotel in Coventry that’s right next to a really involved road works project — which won’t get done till after we leave. Oh the joy. 🙂


  52. Helen Jones says:

    What a beautiful, magical post! Thank you for sharing – this is a landscape familiar to me and you reminded me of the magic it holds. So pleased for you and your son xx


  53. Reblogged this on Rose English UK and commented:
    These are such stunning photographs I just had to share 🙂


  54. Thank you for this awe inspiring story of the magic of May Day, I photographs are beautiful and it makes me lonesome for the woods at home but now I am in a seniors community and there are no bluebell woods! Although I am so glad that your son was able to find his feet again there and that is the fantastic news, I hope that he continues to walk and get stronger, thanks for sharing 😀


    • Sue Vincent says:

      Thank you, Karen. My son will not give up. He is determined to walk again independently. I’m sorry you are far from the bluebells… there is nothing quite like them in spring, is there?


  55. 😃 Thank you to follow my blog 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  56. blondieaka says:

    Wow how special was that..I am so sorry I was behind the times a bit wasn’t I ? Amazing 🙂


  57. Pingback: Dreams CAN come true | Nick Verron

  58. It’s difficult to take that in. It’s absolutely marvelous. Congratulations to both of you. 🙂 — Suzanne


  59. Pingback: Meet Nick….. | MariaJob

  60. Pingback: Nick: A Personal Triumph over Brain Damage | ADD . . . and-so-much-more

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