Doomsday, Kindle countdown deal- day 4

…Ben grimaces painfully as he considers my latest work of art.

“There are two spears,” he says rather dismissively.
“Yep, well spotted, there are indeed two spears.”
“Is there a particular reason?”
“There is”
“Would you care to elucidate?”
“The magical weapons are all abilities of the mind and they are only symbolised by the physical objects which have come to represent them.”

fig24‘Lugh’s Spear, Piercing…’

“Hmmmm,” says Ben rather unconvincingly, “And the two spears symbolises which ability of the mind precisely?”
“What ability of the mind pierces?” asks Wen.
“The spear symbolizes thought,” say I.
“Which is why there are two of them,” says Wen.
“It’s like the Greek twins,” say I.
“Prometheus and Epimetheus,” says Wen.
“Forethought and afterthought,” says Ben pensively… “Thieves of fire, yes, that’s very good.”…

As we prepare to relese the second book in the Doomsday Series: Dark Sage, a Kindle Countdown price promotion will be running from 17th August to 21st October on Amazon UK and forBook One of the Doomsday Triad:

DD front coverDoomsday:

The Ætheling Thing

Stuart France & Sue Vincent

“Who was this Arviragus bloke anyway?”

Don studies the light as it plays through his beer, casting prisms on the table. How is it possible to hide such a story… the hidden history of Christianity in Britain? Oh, there are legends of course… old tales… Yet what if there was truth in them? What was it that gave these blessed isles such a special place in the minds of our forefathers? There are some things you are not taught in Sunday School. From the stone circles of the north to the Isle of Avalon, Don and Wen follow the breadcrumbs of history and forgotten lore to uncover a secret veiled in plain sight.

Full colour illustrated

Also available in Paperback.

Kindle Countdown Deals start at the lowest possible price and rise which rises in increments for the duration of the promotion until they reach the normal sales price. This is a limited time offer and the book will display a counter with the current offer price and time remaining for that price.

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About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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