Notes from a small dog XXX

anigarden 006Yay! XXX… looks like I’m leaving kisses…. that’s cool 🙂

I mean.. I can do kisses… not that I’m supposed to according to her… but I can, and do. Caught her a good one when she picked me up from my friends last weekend…hehe.. and I sneak the odd one in when she’s on the floor playing too.

She’s played with me loads this week…something to do with technical stuff.. its driving her nuts and for some reason she thinks I keep her sane… not sure quite how she works that one out when she calls me ‘mad dog’ all the time…but still, I’ll humour her. Keeps her happy.

earthwalker 021I’m still not sure she’s got the hang of this fetch thing though.. she keeps making me go fetch the ball… Now as I understand it, I throw the ball for her, she fetches it… which gets her off that computer chair…helping her health, you know…. then she throws it for me to chase.

She’s useless at throwing though…keeps landing it in places I’m not supposed to go.. then, whoa… I have to turn away sharpish and pretend it has nothing to do with me at all….

Or she makes it land on the sofa, and I have to look at her for permission before I pounce on it. I pounce well… better than a cat, you know…. I had perfect training with spiders….

Not that she needs to get any ideas after the pic my boy’s girl posted on Facebook today….

spiderdogTrouble is, I know his girl is a Modelmaker and can do this type of stuff. So for the record… I don’t go in for this dressing up lark. Tried a hoodie once… nothing more. Fur’s good enough for me.

IMGP0422I wouldn’t mind… she said I looked like a movie star in the hoodie… ‘course… I was thinking more Lassie…. she had other ideas. But then, she’s got a twisted sense of humour…

the-dark-crystal-originalSee what I have to put up with?

Still… could be worse… at least she compared me to a mystic rather than the evil version…. and I am a pretty magical creature, after all….

She said she remembered it from when my boys were small… that must have been ages ago ’cause they’re huge now. Funny thing this memory business. She keeps cursing about the one in the ‘puter thingy… seems its giving problems… though why she’d keep a sheep in there… or was it a RAM?

Me, of course, I remember everything… except, possibly, where I buried the odd bone.. but that just makes digging interesting. She seems to think her memories are in her head… I know different. They’re in my nose. As well as my head, of course… and my skin… and my tongue. Bodies hold memories… I remember my first cuddle and what spring smells like… I’ll bet she does too if she thinks about it.

anigarden 022

I remember being scared and held close all the way home that first day.. stuff like that doesn’t go away… and it was my boy that cuddled me…Maybe that’s this heart business you all talk about. Not sure I understand really… why does it all have to be separate?  head.. heart.. skin.. nose… they all remember.. they all feel stuff.

Humans are just a bit weird.

Like puppies.

Must be lunchtime… she’s doing stuff with the kettle… I might just go look.

mk 002

Catch you later,

Much love,

Ani xxx


About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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31 Responses to Notes from a small dog XXX

  1. whacknoodle says:

    Wonderful post, wonderful pictures. Smart dog!


  2. alienorajt says:

    Oh, Ani, you DO look fetching in a hoodie! Bless! I think you are right about body memory, by the way; I suspect we humans have got it wrong! Jumble sends his love! xxx


    • Sue Vincent says:

      Wanna meet Jumble! 😛
      Pretty sure we dogs get stuff right most of the time…humans just complicate stuff.
      Love to Jumble! xxxx


      • alienorajt says:

        Youm’s right, Ani. They’m right weird, they ‘umans. Much heap big fuss ’bout natchrull stuff, eg, me sh*t on kitchen floor and Own God screamed like me murdered fifty cats. Silly man. What I do, eh? Gate closed. Can’t hoist up on Toy Lut. ‘Umans barking, you ask me!
        Anyways, you’m sweet smart dog. One day, we have ‘tend fight and play ball, eh? xxxx


        • Sue Vincent says:

          Ball? Yeah….
          And you c’n show me rabbits…. they sound fun….
          I know… if I get sick, she gets all flustered.. then tries to clean up.. I mean.. I’d do it myself….but she gets fussy about me eating it again…


  3. My sweet little dog, Bonnie, has perfected the fetch game. When she want s to play fetch, she brings a toy to me on the couch, bed or where ever I am. On the bed and couch she drops it to the floor and looks at me expectantly. Otherwise, she picks up the toy and shakes it and then let’s go sailing through the air and looks at me to fetch. She does take turns though or maybe this is just her way of telling me she is up for a game of fetch. You have a lovely pet.


    • Sue Vincent says:

      If all else fails, I can always put the ball in the plant pot.. if i shake that it flies off at random… or if I throw it up the stairs it bounces down and I can chase it if she’s too busy to play…
      She grew up with a setter called Bonnie, she tells me…

      Not sure i can get away with calling her ‘my’ pet though…:P

      Ani x


  4. newsferret says:

    That is a face I can slobber over!


  5. Loved this post and such a pretty face looking at me! Hmm…it’s true…humans have no idea how to play catch properly they always get it the wrong way around lol and have no ball coordination at all 😉 The sheep in the PC is a perpetual headache lol the ram is never enough!! But nowhere near as scary as spider shepherd dog lol when you get one of those rounding up your ram you know you’re in trouble!!:)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sue Vincent says:

      If I could have one sorting this particular ram I’d be more than happy….

      I am just having a conversation with Ani about her blog… she seems not at all to be phazed by the thought she has gone global…

      She may have to give me lessons 😉


  6. Thank you for visiting my blog today. I’m glad you liked my post. Love your dog! Blessings, Natalie 🙂


  7. marcoujor says:

    Oh my word, what a sweetie…my Aunt Baby would have a lovely time hanging out with Ani…this is a true smile maker of a post.


  8. Loved this post. So clever and precious. I do miss having a dog so much. They’re the best.


  9. denis1950 says:

    Hey Ani I hope you got some ball time in after the photo shoot.


  10. amanpan says:

    What a great blog. Animals are awesome.


  11. Gulara says:

    Adorable, Sue! 🙂


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