Ani’s Advent – Dangerous


Dear Santa,

After the whole mince pie thing yesterday, I started thinking about all the things that are ‘not allowed’. There are lots of them if you are a dog, you know. My two-legs has a few … like I’m not allowed in bed with her, which is a bit mean. You know that sleeping with a dog is the best way to show that you love us, right? It’s a trust thing. But no…she says I snore too much and wriggle. I could understand that from you… sleeping with half a dozen snoring reindeer might be a problem… but one small dog?

Still, we do have snuggles on my sofa… which she still thinks is hers for some reason… and she’ll curl up and sleep with me on there. And she knows to look in my eyes when she’s stroking me…and not to hug unless I do first… you know, we only do the heavy lean. She even leans on me too…so she’s not entirely daft.

She can’t manage the eyebrow thing though. She read about how we raise our left eyebrows when you come home because we love you (and only do the right for strangers when we are weighing them up). It gets funny watching her try…but I get the message.

The ball guy, though, he’s good with his eyebrows… and he must really like me 😉

There’s a lot of other ‘not alloweds’ though… like chewing stuff and helping myself from the fridge. Or eating the fish food. In fact, most of the ‘not alloweds’ are about food, when I think about it. At first I thought she just didn’t want to share… but when I heard about what mushrooms, grapes and onions can do to us, I realised she is only trying to keep me safe.

I could understand her not letting me have too many fatty or sugary things, ’cause who wants to be too heavy to chase pigeons? I didn’t know about a lot of stuff though…and she says a lot of two-legses don’t either…so I thought, as you’ll be visiting most of them, you could maybe let them know?

Image result for christmas toxic for dogs

Everybody knows about chocolate and coffee and alcohol…and chewing gum, though I do like mint. I’m lucky, I can have milk and cheese and yoghurt…but a lot of dogs can’t, you know. Their insides can’t handle the stuff. But I’m not allowed even a taste of rice pudding when she puts nutmeg on it. And I can’t share her cherries or avocados either.

In fact, there’s a whole load of your foods that we can’t have… and I just thought she was being mean! She just says ‘tough’ and keeps on eating… no matter how thin and starved I managed to look! I guess that’s the tough love I keep hearing about.

That might be why she was so upset when I ‘borrowed’ the turkey… she says I definitely can’t have cooked turkey bones and they were still inside it. And the stuffing and she makes that with sage and bread and nuts which I’m not really s’posed to have either.

In fact, Christmas is a dangerous time for us dogs, it seems. Is that why you always wear red? It’s all a bit of a minefield really… which is probably why you bring me special treats instead.birddog

Do you have this problem with the reindeer?

Anyway, it smells as if she’s cooking some chicken…and I know I can share that, so I’d better investigate!

Much love,

Ani xxx

Image result for christmas toxic for dogs


Notes from a small dog (1)Notes from a Small Dog: Four Legs on Two


Laughter 1

Laughter Lines: Life from the Tail End



About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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46 Responses to Ani’s Advent – Dangerous

  1. Reblogged this on ravenhawks' magazine and commented:
    Thanks Ani for sharing this info.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. samanthamurdochblog says:

    Great info Ani, and it’s only sensible to avoid things that might disagree with you..garlic doesn’t like me either!


  3. Thanks for this very important message, Sue. I don’t have dogs but I know lots of people who do so I am going to share this on my Facebook.


  4. jenanita01 says:

    Poor Ani, you always look as if you’re two steps away from the dog house. Why do you look so guilty, have you done something Sue doesn’t know about?


  5. willowdot21 says:

    Thanks for all the tips Ani…my too legs are well trained but it never hurts to reinforce important information! ❤


  6. adeleulnais says:

    I is gluten free Ani. It means I can’ts nick some bread from their sandwiches or eat anything with the sticky gluten in it. Also don’t get the chocolate that they eat all the time………I’d share my gluten free biscuits with em. but I agrees they are just trying to keep me safe. much paw love Dante. xxxx


  7. Thanks for sharing this Ani. My human didn’t realise that grapes are harmful to us and I have been known to have the odd one! I know she reads this so that will be the end of them for me! Still,she usually buys my own special treats at Christmas time so I don’t miss out, whilst they are all stuffing themselves!!! Love Roxy xx 🐾🐾


  8. I didn’t realize this!! Very educational!!


  9. Darcy says:

    Dear Ani,
    Hello from Elfstone Chestnut Pussycat. My human says I have several lives left but she’s not sure about hers. Humph. I have to admit the sausage I gulped down on a wet night last month nearly created a problem. It got stuck halfway down. I’ve never seen my humans run so fast to stuff me in THAT BOX. Not that I was appreciating this at the time. I was busy coughing.
    And then they LEFT ME IN JAIL OVERNIGHT. although I must admit there were some pretty lady doctors who fussed over me. But I thought they left me forever till they came back late the next afternoon and the docs unwound the prickly thing sticking out of my arm that kept making me sleepy, and sent me home.
    My human wasn’t sure if we were speaking for a while after that. Neither was I.
    So Ani, m’ amie, know your limits. Your big doggy eyes can melt a human, and so can my big ol’ blue kitten eyes. Maybe you can tell me what “Sinatra” means, though. They call me that sometimes. And tell your human you luv her. That always gets us far!


    • Sue Vincent says:

      Ow, Elfstone, that sounds bad… in prison and abandoned?? That doesn’t sound like your two-legses… they must have been really worried about you to do that! Hope you are okay now. Have a lovely Christmas. xxx


      • Darcy says:

        Well they CALLED it a “hospital”… but I saw the humans smile when someone said they’d put a rose quartz next to me to cheer me up!
        I’m doing just fine. They are giving me lots of chicken lately. Then act like they pulled off some kind of trick. But at least they haven’t ….given… me… pil…oh wait…


  10. Gibbs and Bonnie own the sofa. And the floor. And the basket of toys. They get quite annoyed if we stay up too late because we are sitting on their bed. Poor babies. Life is so hard when you are on of our dog. Ani is obviously severely deprived 😀


  11. great post and useful too.


  12. Widdershins says:

    Excellent list. 🙂


  13. dgkaye says:

    Lol Ani. At least you’re well versed in the food rules. Would it make you feel better if the reindeer had the same diet? 🙂 🙂


  14. Thank you for sharing this. Love to our four-legged furkids. ❤


  15. Pingback: Friday Fun: Tink on Christmas Outfits | ADD . . . and-so-much-more

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