Thursday photo prompt – The Chest… #writephoto


This week’s photo prompt is a battered, iron-bound chest…rusted and corroded with age… Where did it come from? What does it hold…why does it need three keys to unlock its secrets…and where are they now?

scotland trip jan 15 154

You can find all last week’s entries in the round-up. Please visit and read the stories and poems and explore the sites of their writers.

Use the image to create a post on your own blog… poetry, prose, humour… by Wednesday 18th May and link back to this post with a pingback. Please make sure that the pingback works and if not, copy and paste your link into the comments section of this post.

Don’t forget to use the new and shiny #writephoto hashtag in your title:)

The first few posts will feature on the blog during the week and all posts will be included in a round up on Thursday 19th May.

Feel free to use #writephoto logo or include the prompt photo in your post if you wish or you can replace it with one of your own to illustrate your work.

Have fun!

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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36 Responses to Thursday photo prompt – The Chest… #writephoto

  1. Pingback: Grandmother’s chest – #writephoto | Becoming Roots

  2. Pingback: The chest #writephoto – Jane Dougherty Writes

  3. Thanks Sue, I loved this prompt 🙂

    The chest #writephoto


  4. This one…hard to resist. Ours was a steamer trunk that made it across the Atlantic, and later held family secrets. Thanks for a fascinating prompt. 💔


  5. Pingback: The Chest # writephoto | vanbytheriver

  6. Pingback: Grandma’s Secret – #Writephoto | new2writing

  7. Pingback: Thursday Photo Prompt – The Chest – #WritePhoto | But I Smile Anyway...

  8. Ritu says:

    A bit of a strange response, but I thought I’d use your prompt to tie up the loose ends from last week’s entry.


  9. Pingback: Open the Box #short story #writephoto | TanGental

  10. Pingback: Iron Tomb | rivrvlogr

  11. Sri Sudha K says:

    Hi Sue, this time again I combiñed your photo with Rashmi’s Limerick Challenge… here’s the result

    Friday 13th,may


  12. Better late than never., Finally, inspiration struck. Up tomorrow morning.



  14. Pingback: A Writer’s Heart… #writephoto | Magnanimous Word

  15. Alka Girdhar says:

    Hi Sue, I couldn’t see the pingback post so here it is again:

    A Writer’s Heart…


  16. Pingback: WHAT’S INSIDE THE CHEST? – soul n spirit

  17. Here is my entry. I forgot to use hashtag in my title. I will edit it.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Pingback: Gloria’s Chest – #writephoto – Hugh's Views & News

  19. Stella says:

    Hi Sue, I’m kinda new–though I’m familiar with you and your work 🙂 I realize I’m late for this prompt, but it’s so evocative that I might like to write something to it–if so, I’ll link to you. 🙂


  20. Pingback: Generation’s Heart Beats | Stella Seawaft

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