12 signs you have a book addiction and why it matters #mondayblogs

There is a strange urge to turn into that scruffy looking shop… a calling that drags at your gut until you succumb.Dust and grime covers everything; there is nothing in there that you would touch without a hazmet suit and yet… there in the corner is a rusting metal basket full of foxed and battered paper. You spot a title you have been searching for since your youth. Suddenly the world is a beautiful place.

You may have a problem…and there are other signs…

  1. Waiting in queues becomes quality time with your mobile phone. The Kindle app is a godsend…
  2. You hope the appointments are running at least two chapters late.
  3. Flu is welcomed as a six-book-a-day event.
  4. Decluttering means throwing out the TV to add another bookshelf.
  5. Getting an early night means a few extra hours reading and even less sleep. (Well, you only had another couple of chapters to go…)
  6. Handbags and pockets are chosen for their book carrying capacity.
  7. No-one can ever find their library card… they are all in your pocket. And full.
  8. You read yourself to sleep by struggling to stay awake just one more page.
  9. Holiday luggage contains more books than clothes. Travelling light means taking just the Kindle.
  10. Half your books have been with you longer than your friends.
  11. There is no such thing as Life Before Books in your memory.
  12. There is no such thing as a straight bookshelf…they all bow under the weight.


Self diagnosis is easy. You will probably have a book on it somewhere… but if not, admitting to any one of the above means you have tested positive.


The why it matters? I was going to share this great infographic on the health benefits of reading from Raphael Lysander, but Nicholas Rossis beat me to it 🙂

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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89 Responses to 12 signs you have a book addiction and why it matters #mondayblogs

  1. alesiablogs says:

    Haha. I have one!


  2. lorigreer says:

    This is hysterical and so true!


  3. Guilty. And not ready for a recovery program.


  4. ssunshine14 says:

    Yeah,so true..I love it,when I have to wait for something,because even that moment doesn’t go without reading on wattpad..For your information,I loathed waiting,but now its contrary..


  5. Ritu says:

    I sat here nodding at pretty much all of that list Sue!!!!


  6. Hahaha! Love the cartoon! 🙂


  7. barbtaub says:

    Hey! I resemble that list…


  8. Ha ha, brilliant! I can tick them all off 😉 As I read number 10 I glanced at my bookshelf and nodded enthusiastically – yep, my books have been with me much longer! 🙂


  9. Great post! I’m sorry I beat you to the infographic, but I still think you should post it here as well. The more, the merrier, right? 🙂


  10. socialbridge says:

    Resonates totally!


  11. Rosie Amber says:

    Fantastic Sue, sums me up and I love the last cartoon.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. jenanita01 says:

    but we are all willing victims, aren’t we? I couldn’t imagine a world without books in it…


  13. Mary Smith says:

    I tested positive 🙂
    Love the cartoon at the end.


  14. KL Caley says:

    Reblogged this on new2writing and commented:
    So true! I’m not even ashamed!! Great Post By Sue over at Daily Echo…
    A Good Book + Tea = A Happy Me


  15. BunKaryudo says:

    So that’s my problem! It’s great to have a diagnosis at last.


  16. Reblogged this on Poetry by Pamela and commented:
    This is an addiction that is okay to have.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Reblogged this on Don Massenzio's Blog and commented:
    Here is a great post. I have at least 12 of these 12 signs.


  18. quiall says:

    Yep! And I will fight to the death any talk of a cure!


  19. Ha ha ha. I could relate to all of these! LOL.


  20. I have come to believe the invention of the Kindle has saved me. I can have thousands more books even though there isn’t any room for even ONE more bookcase.

    How many sunrises have I seen over the top of my book … the one I’m reading that I’m going to stop at the end of this chapter … or the next … or the next …

    I can quit ANY time.


    • Sue Vincent says:

      The Kindle helps enormously as far as volume is concerned (wonder if that word/concept is a coincidence?) but real books feel different …and are one addiction I would hate to quit.


  21. Most of those apply to me, too. There’s reading books, which includes ebooks, of course. But a subset of this affliction is acquiring physical books, which is what leads to those bowed and sagging shelves. The books sitting on them are like doors to other worlds. Even if you don’t take them all, having the potential to do so is intoxicating. Which is why we keep buying, borrowing, and otherwise acquiring books.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Pete Hulme says:

    Reblogged this on Everybody Means Something and commented:
    I couldn’t resist reblogging this ridi-, sorry meticulous piece of research into a syndrome from which I feel I am in partial remission, given that I now fall asleep halfway through a chapter when reading in bed, and sometimes even during the day.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Mahnaz Ala'i says:

    Definitely an addict!
    One more sign –
    “Can’t resist buying yet another book, even though I haven’t yet read the ones I already have!”
    Every time I travel, I am so grateful to my son and daughter for the birthday gift of an iPad , with my iBooks – but still like the actual books!
    Many thanks for your wonderful blog, even though you are to blame for some of the books I’ve bought over the last few years!


    • Sue Vincent says:

      I accept full responsibility…gratefully… for adding to anyone’s bookshelves 🙂 I have a Kindle which is useful, and the Kindle app on my phone, PC and laptop…but I also have walls lined with books and I much prefer holding them to a reading on a screen.


  24. naema says:

    Damn i have a chronic condition… and my mom wants to cure it… even though its not curable…


  25. Ali Isaac says:

    Oh yes, guilty of a few of those… 😁


  26. macjam47 says:

    Haha, Sue. I’m addicted.


  27. macjam47 says:

    Reblogged this on BOOK CHAT and commented:
    Do you have a book addiction?


  28. M. L. Kappa says:

    Yes! I recognize myself!


  29. M. L. Kappa says:

    So many books, so little time…


  30. Ah, yes, library cards. I remember those…


  31. Running Elk says:

    13. You have returned home (on more than one occassion) with a box (or two), already earmarked to save lives / cure cancer / feed the hungry, claiming that “the charity shop has too many and are not taking book donations at the moment… it’s a pity to just throw them out so we’ll keep them till the charity’s stock goes down a bit, shall we?”


  32. Pete Hulme says:

    After checking out the article you shared on StumbleUpon I’ve tried liking this via that route. I’d be interested to know how it worked, if it did!


    • Sue Vincent says:

      It is hard to say exactly, Pete. The articles are randomly selected to be delivered as you Stumble, from within your areas of interest. You only really notice the effect when something fits a popular category and gets Stumbled… then the stats go right up. Mine from Stumble have been up for the past few days.

      Liked by 1 person

  33. Norah says:

    Love it! I tested positive – multiple times!


  34. Laughing 🙂 I think I may have a book problem… 😀


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