Toxic crusader

My son was still in bed when I arrived and we established, very early in the morning’s proceedings, that I am still feeling fragile. Largely because I was curled up like the small dog, groaning on the foot of his bed while he reeled off the list of jobs for the day, apparently unconcerned. Nay, enjoying himself even.

Smoothies were first on the menu.

Now, I have mentioned these smoothies before, in a post aptly named Gloop and Purple Porridge. On that occasion I referred the reader to the appalling gunge that can be concocted from perfectly acceptable fruit. Particularly if you add spinach.

That was bad enough.

His heroic efforts towards good health and recovery have now led him towards the pinnacle of the culinary ski slope and, if this morning’s shenanigans are anything to go by, it is all downhill from here.

Yesterday I made him a batch of nice, healthy vegetable soup with lentils and things. He was moved to compliment me on the taste and savour as he ate. He face was a picture of gastronomic delight. It may be in retaliation for having to voice that compliment that he had me start on the smoothies today.

In principle, I understand the reasoning behind green smoothies. In principle, I get it. I really do.

I prepared four handfuls of kale under protest and was quite pleased I managed to talk him out of the broccoli. The carrots, avocado, fresh peas and tomatoes I could live with. The cucumber and sweet pepper too. “You’re not going to like this,” he said, passing me the onions, four cloves of garlic and the chillis. He had a point. Steaming kale on an empty, delicate stomach first thing in the morning was already bad enough. Then add garlic. “I’ll have to get some seaweed,” he says. Personally, I would rather eat the blanket weed candyfloss I’d just dug out of his pond.

20140926_091920I headed to the door in search of fresh air for a moment before returning once more to the fray. We frequently share breakfast, but there was no way I was going to be able to stomach anything this morning… even if I would still have to cook it.

By the time the basil had gone in he was ready to blend. The resulting fluorescent green stodge resembled nothing as much as something left over from the Toxic Crusaders cartoon of his childhood. I flollopped a pint of it into a glass and encouraged four further pints of the stuff to crawl into containers.

Then reached for the phone. It has a camera.


About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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33 Responses to Toxic crusader

  1. alienorajt says:

    OMG, Sue: Yuck, yuck, yuck! Nick’s face is priceless as he looks at it! It is just like something from ‘Fungus the Bogeyman’! Don’t you think, Drear?! Hope you’re all right; I’ve been out of touch over the last couple of days and you sound a tad under the weather. xxx


    • Sue Vincent says:

      Just a coldy-type thing. More concerned about Ani, who is none too good.

      Nick’s face was amazing… worth every heaving second… and still four pints to go 🙂

      There are some perks to house-hobbitdom 🙂 xxx


      • alienorajt says:

        Oh no, what’s wrong with lovely Ani? I’ll have a look back through the last couple of days – as I have read nothing (been so busy moving posts to new site!). xxx


        • Sue Vincent says:

          Not sure… but she has a very bald rump and is hiding under the sofa cushions a lot. Unless there’s chicken. xxx


          • alienorajt says:

            Oh, poor little sweetie; how very worrying. Could it be worms? They do tend to drag their posteriors over any surface available when in that kind of discomfort. Hugs to her. xxx


            • Sue Vincent says:

              No, it’s all the back end of her spine. Vets says she’s clear of everything she should be… fleas, ticks, mites etc… She’s on antibiotics, steroids, antihistamines and a coat conditioning diet and supplements. Not happy though.
              Hopefully she’ll be fine, but we have to go back and look deeper shortly if not. xxx


              • alienorajt says:

                I am so sorry to hear this, Sue; she is such a live wire under normal circumstances, isn’t she? They tug the heart strings when they’re under the weather, don’t they? Jumble, now twelve, is on a pain medication (possibly arthritis; possibly one of his lipomas – to which border collies are very prone as they age – pressing on a nerve). It is upsetting to see a beloved animal suffering. Let me know how she’s getting on. xxx


              • Sue Vincent says:

                Oh, poor Jumble!
                Ani, I think, may simply be hiding under the cushions in embarassment. It really isn’t a good look, you know.. the bare faced cheek, so to speak.
                Very cuddly at present though… which tells its own tale. xxx


  2. G. M. Vasey says:

    Well, that really doesn’t look like a yummy – gimme more of that face now does it? It looks more like the face I imagine I made back in the day when told to eat my sprouts…. LOL


  3. G. M. Vasey says:

    Sue – can you add an edit function to the comments please? Every comment I make I seem to have typing issues and appear dyslexic.


  4. Ewwwwww it looks like the pond scum! Everyone knows the cure for a hang over is a little grease (think cheeseburger (sorry brown cow)) and if its this respiratory “crud” I have today, uff! I don’t know how you can eat at all. I just want to crawl back in bed and bury myself in covers. Which I think I will do right now. Hats off to you if you got that down. 😛


  5. As I sit here eating my smoothie, which is delish because it is mostly Greek yogurt, whey, mango, strawberries and sunflower seeds but I often add Kale, anyhow am most disturbed that Ani is not okay!! Please keep us posted. Will add her to my prayer list.


    • Sue Vincent says:

      Yours I might manage, Ellen 🙂

      His I might if I could cook it and serve it as soup…

      Thank you. She’ll be okay, I think , with a bit of care. I hope so anyway. But I am grateful for your prayers for her.


  6. Ick. Yuck. Eww.
    You couldn’t pay me to start my way with green anything.Priceless pictures, though.


  7. sknicholls says:

    The closest I’ve gotten to that was a pear and avocado smoothie with tapioca balls in the bottom, a boba tea. Good for ya though 🙂


  8. Lisa says:

    Hahaha! …”the pinnacle of the culinary ski slope” Hahaha! That’s great, Sue!


  9. Éilis Niamh says:

    Yuck! My ex partner loved those things… green smoothies I mean. He persuaded me to have a taste, once. Never again! Seems to me you were quite the heroic mom on two counts, showing up while sick and dealing with the green sludge. 🙂 Hope your son knows it! 🙂 Seriously, why not just stir fry the vegetables, throw in some eggs or something, and have a normal human breakfast?


  10. Eliza Waters says:

    LOL – too funny!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Pingback: Going for the burn… | Daily Echo

  12. Actually… seeing his face I thought that he would vomit at any moment…
    it happened to my child once I added the spirulina powder (too much) to a mixture of fresh fruit juice… I had to clean up half the kitchen! :-)c


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