Smorgasbord Book Promotion – Air Your Reviews – Judith Barrow and Vashti Quiroz-Vega  – from Sally Cronin

Reblogged from Smorgasbord:

The first author is Judith Barrow whose latest release A Hundred Tiny Threads has received another wonderful review.

About A Hundred Tiny Threads

It’s 1911 and Winifred Duffy is a determined young woman eager for new experiences, for a life beyond the grocer’s shop counter ruled over by her domineering mother.

The scars of Bill Howarth’s troubled childhood linger. The only light in his life comes from a chance encounter with Winifred, the girl he determines to make his wife.

Meeting her friend Honora’s silver-tongued brother turns Winifred’s heart upside down. But Honora and Conal disappear, after a suffrage rally turns into a riot, and abandoned Winifred has nowhere to turn but home.

The Great War intervenes, sending Bill abroad to be hardened in a furnace of carnage and loss. When he returns his dream is still of Winifred and the life they might have had… Back in Lancashire, worn down by work and the barbed comments of narrow-minded townsfolk, Winifred faces difficult choices in love and life.

The most recent review for the book

A Hundred Tiny Threads’ by Judith Barrow – the prequel to the Howarth Family Series is the backstory of two characters in Barrow’s acclaimed historical WW2 series and explains or illuminates at least, where they come from as people. Starting in 1911 over the years we uncover the threads that bind Winifred and Bill together. If you, like myself, missed the characters of Barrow’s series, here is a welcome encore.

There is no doubt that Judith Barrow is one gifted writer. The book is well-written, full of great characters and instilled with an impeccably authentic feel of the times.

The story begins with Winifred and her struggles with her mother, who is as oppressing for her daughter as are the politics of the time. It is the era of the Suffragette movement and Winifred’s Irish friend Honora drags Winifred into the movement and introduces her to her handsome brother.

It is also the story of Bill, injured in 1911 in the mines and abandoned by his sort of family. He’s in love with Winifred throughout.

A lot happnes, so even if you have read the other books in the series, there are enough surprises and twists for you to take delight from. Besides the parts on the Suffragettes and their clashes with the police, the novel also includes war segments and sections about the conflict between Blacks and Tans in Ireland. Details on war fare, mining, women’s rights and irish politics make this a rich and rewarding read.

Great characters, engaging subplots and a love for details are among the many strength of this author. Barrow is a master at bringing the times to colorfoul and breath-taking life. This is moving, gripping and heart-wrenchingly good.

Head over read the reviews and buy the book:

and at Amazon UK:

Also by Judith Barrow

Read all the reviews and buy the books:

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Head on over to Sally’s blog to read a Five Star review The Fall of Lilith byVashti Quiroz-Vega:   Smorgasbord Book Promotion – Air Your Reviews – Judith Barrow and Vashti Quiroz-Vega | Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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