The blogger in question



There is a new blogger in town. So far, only his ‘About’ page is up, but that, I think, will be the start of something special. He has a story to tell and a journey to share.

The blogger in question has just begun a new role… a new chapter in his story, as an ambassador for the Royal Buckinghamshire Hospital. The blogger is also my son.

I have been at him for a while to write, but the problems that poses are big ones. And he wasn’t ready. And anyway, I’m only his mum. But I have written a lot about Nick. Many who follow this blog will know how he was attacked in 2009 and left for dead in a Bournemouth alley, stabbed through the brain. That he is with us still, given the extent of his injuries, is a miracle as well as a testament to the care he was given at the Wessex and the advances in medicine over the past few years. That he is with us as himself is a testament to the sheer bloody minded determination with which Nick attacked every aspect of his recovery.

To say I am proud of him is an understatement. I am proud of both he and his younger brother, who faced those terrifying weeks of coma with so much grief, yet always with a smile when he stood at Nicks bedside.

The past six and a half years have been a journey we have all shared. We have learned, different lessons in different ways and known every emotion from flagrantly irresponsible hope to the uttermost depths of fear and despair. It has not been an easy road.

nick triathlon 336During these years I have watched Nick struggle to regain control from paralysis, deal with the reduction and damage to his eyesight, master the art of speaking again and attack every failure of a recalcitrant body and fractured memory with a focus that cut deeper than any knife.

I have shared some of his triumphs, bouncing with excitement as my fingers tapped out the words, unable to contain a joy I could share in no other way. I have told of those early days, sharing journals written at the time, trying to give a sense of perspective to why I dance like a demented hobbit sometimes… like the day he completed the Para-Tri triathlon or when he and his brother jumped out of a plane. Or the magical morning of May-Day when it really did seem that anything was possible after all.

bluebell mayday magic 080I was not there when he arrived in Brighton, having cycled there from London. He needed to do it alone. I will not be there next week when he stands up and speaks in public at a conference for the first time since the attack. There is a time in every parent’s life when we have to step back and let our children fly without a parental safety net. With Nick, I get a second chance to do so that was never expected and should never have been possible.

Get Nick talking about his vision for what is possible and how it can be achieved and you are caught up in his passion. He is eloquent and speaks with the inside knowledge of one who has ‘been there’, because he is still there. He will talk of the things that can be done… and of how we didn’t know what was available because the gaps in our experience didn’t allow us to know what questions we should ask and where. He’ll tell of how we improvised and responded to his particular needs… and later found that the gadgetry we improvised already existed as a product we could have used had we known. He’ll tell most of all of how hope is often extinguished by the practical need to have patients accept their limitations for safety’s sake, rather than encouraging the exploration of possibilities to see where you can go. Get him talking and he doesn’t stop. Which is how he has trained his voice recognition software so quickly.

flyboys 042Nick’s passion came to the notice of the Royal Buckinghamshire Hospital when he started working with them as a private patient. It was Heather and Eva, his physios from the hospital, who competed with him in the triathlon. The Royal Bucks specialise in neuro-rehab and use every innovation they can find combined with a staff attitude that does not give up on individuals just because statistically their recovery is deemed unrealistic. Like my son, they have a passion for technology and how it can be harnessed to make life worth living. Now Nick is beginning a new role under their aegis, promoting a priceless commodity – hope.

Many of you have followed his journey so far… very many of you have given your support in ways that are both tangible and priceless also. His story has been a source of inspiration to many…including me. There have been hundreds of comments about him and messages for me to relay… now you can tell him yourself.

There are no posts on his blog…yet. There soon will be. For now there is just the ‘About’ page… but that says enough for starters. In his own words. I hope you will go over there and read what he has to say. And press that follow button.

You can find him at

Please click, read and support him once again by pressing follow.

Thank you.

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About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
This entry was posted in Blogging, Nick Verron, Photography, Physiotherapy, Relationships, Surviving brain injury and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

52 Responses to The blogger in question

  1. I know you are proud of your son – his recovery has been incredible. But remember to give yourself a bit of the credit as well. You have been AMAZING!!! Love to you both, Leiah

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Helen Jones says:

    How fantastic, Sue. Nick’s story is extraordinary, and I’ll definitely be following his blog. So very pleased for you both xx


  3. Éilis Niamh says:

    Wonderful! Following!


  4. Ritu says:

    I’ll be heading over there ASAP Sue! Your son is an inspiration Optimus all, and you. As a mum are an inspiration to all us mums! 😘


  5. Ritu says:

    Optimus??!! To us, I meant!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. reocochran says:

    Sue, there have been a few times I have read and got teary eyed but not commented on pst posts. I did write simple messages a couple times.
    I was rendered: Speechless, quiet, pondering the challenges your beloved ♡ son has overcome! Saying prayers for his future endeavors and I hope blogging will bring him joy. He has Hope! 🙂 🙂 xoxo


  7. smackedpentax says:

    Nicks story is such an inspiration, if everyone had the same outlook and determination it would indeed be a much better world…yes, I will gladly follow..


  8. TamrahJo says:

    Done in my silly fashion – liked, followed, commented and, then, just for good measure, willy-nilly hit the “Like” button on the comments already posted – cuz, some things are just too important to be ignored or not ‘Liked” – – LOL – – if I overstepped or inundated Nick with notifications in my excitement at supporting his latest endeavor – just tell him I’m the nut that is safe to ignore – 🙂 Congrats to both of you – for a road walked that you didn’t fall along the wayside on – 🙂


  9. socialbridge says:

    Really looking foward to ‘meeting’ Nick.


  10. jenanita01 says:

    I cannot find the words to convey what I feel, but enough to thank you both for showing me that giving up is futile, something never to be considered.


  11. This is exciting!!!!!!!!! 🙂


  12. Mary Smith says:

    Oh, that’s great news. I’ll definitely follow Nick. I’ll still follow you, too, though! 🙂


  13. I’ve been over and signed up, Sue. Great news to hear that Nick is going to tell us his story. If he’s like his mum (and Ani) then he’s going to be an excellent writer and blogger. I know you’ll help him with any questions about blogging but I’ve also told Nick that I’m happy to help with any questions he has about WordPress and blogging (when Ani and you are busy). 👍


  14. olganm says:

    Wonderful! I’ll sign up too. I’m sure he’ll do a fabulous job and he’ll carry on being an inspiration to all. Hugs to all. I’ll leave before I cry.


  15. macjam47 says:

    Congrats to Nick. I’m heading over to his blog now.


  16. Eliza Waters says:

    I’m reading these posts last to first it seems, but yes, was so excited to hear the news. Great About page and at the time of my visit, 187 followers, whew, not bad for day one! 😉 Looking forward to hearing his views.


  17. Finally, we get to meet and greet the man miracle himself. Excellent! 😊


  18. My heart soars to great heights just reading this, Sue! I’m going to click that ‘follow’ button right now!


  19. dgkaye says:

    Fantastic! Now we get a new POV from Nick himself! 🙂


  20. carolynswriting says:

    That’s fantastic Sue, I’ve checked out his blog & like I suspected, he has inherited your way with words, your wit and way of looking at the world – and how great that he’s using WordPress as that makes it easy for us to follow him 😉 I’m almost out of W words now except for this one – ‘Winning’!


  21. ksbeth says:

    and done! i’m now a nick follower and look forward to all that we’ll see from him. you must be so proud and grateful for him for so many reasons!


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