Is blogging worth it? 10 reasons why…

10 Blakey Topping (48)

‘Build an author platform’, we are told. As an author platform, is a blog economically viable?

If everyone put a penny in a virtual pot, one for each article they had read in August on Daily Echo, and if I added in any royalties from book sales attributable to the blog, there would be a grand total of £126 in there this month. Divide that by the hours spent writing, researching, finding and editing photos, posting and reading other blogger’s work… and the associated time on other social media, not to mention the writing of the books themselves … and the legendary riches of the author with the cushy job comes to a grand total of rather less than a halfpenny an hour in ‘wages’. From that deduct the electricity, internet subscription, the not insubstantial cost of maintaining the blog itself… not to mention the necessary supply of coffee… and you have to ask yourself… why?

Especially as this pot is imaginary, there are no pennies and thus the vast majority of the ‘funds’ disappear into thin air…

Why would anyone with a modicum of sanity spend so much time and effort on creating a blog in the first place, let alone writing for it every day?

Of course, the first thing that comes into question is that little phrase, ‘sanity? We are writers…

But that is always a purely subjective definition…The sanity, that is.

What, however, can possibly justify that kind of expenditure of time and effort for so little monetary reward? It isn’t as if it is a hobby… not something you are just doing for fun, even if you do enjoy the whole process.

If you blog as advertising, then it is not cost effective. You might as well invest the cash elsewhere…

With walls lined with books, it isn’t as if you are stuck for something to read and with other time consuming irons in the proverbial fire, plus a job to hold down, a dog to walk, or children to mind and a garret to maintain.. all whilst tearing your hair out trying to fit in some decent writing time…it certainly isn’t because you are bored…

Of course, there are the friends you make through blogging. But if you had never blogged, there would still be people to meet… and you might actually get out into the fresh air to do so. Which also brings the added health benefits in terms of exercise too…

…and less caffeine.

And more sleep.

So why would you blog? What is the answer to that eternal question, ‘What’s in it for me?’

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I can’t speak with any certainty for anyone else, of course, but there are a number of things that, to me, are priceless and worth every unpaid moment invested…especially for writers.

Find your voice. – It may be little more than a timorous whisper to begin with, but blogging is a public exercise and you have a different writing voice than you would use in the privacy of a journal, even though you write with the same honesty, from the heart. With its use, it is honed, toned and takes on a richer tone.

• Grow in confidence. Honestly, where else would you find a worldwide network people willing to read and comment on what you have written? Even, perhaps especially, when family are loath to do so!

• Learn. From your own mistakes… from other bloggers…from reading, writing, from the information shared by others who have walked this way and learned before you…or who have the technical know-how that you lack. Learn about editing, proofing, formatting and book covers… all those things the Indie needs to know…

• Share. There is a whole world of readers out there with whom you can share your work, your ideas… odd bits of amusement or sparks of inspiration that wouldn’t fit into a book.

• Preserve. Ideas get lost. Usually on the scraps of paper stuffed safely in a pocket and put through the washing machine…or eaten by the dog…A blog is a notebook full of ideas, not just a phrase long but expanded, explored… and written.

• Practice. When I started learning to paint the best piece of advice I was ever given was to paint a sky a day. Not a masterpiece… but a ten minute sky to explore techniques, adding daily to the knowledge of how to manipulate paint. Writers work with words. A blog post is not a magazine article or a masterpiece of literary art. It can be… but it doesn’t have to be. But it allows us to practice the way a musician practices their scales. Words are the notes of our song and the colours of our sky.

• Play. You can have fun with a blog. There is no pressure, no deadline… no requirement to stick to a single theme or topic. You can post a gratuitous picture of a llama if you wish.

sheffield book weekend 346

• Experiment. If the llama wasn’t enough, you could try a random chicken… or a sheep… or maybe let the romantic novelist write a chilling bit of flash fiction, the thriller writer pen a poem… try something new, see where it leads and broaden your skills.

• Build. If you are going to write a book, you are likely to want someone to read it. Eventually. Possibly. You could just hope that someone will stumble across it on Amazon… or you could try and build at least a possible readership… (Yes, I know, this is where the author platform thing comes in…) Just be aware that numbers don’t matter. You can have as many followers as you like, but only a small proportion of those followers will actually come to your site, read your posts and take notice of the fact that you have a book… even fewer may read in your genre… fewer still will choose to buy the book. But when Amazon tells you that you have sales after writing a promotional piece, or you see the ‘pages read’ count reach the end of that e-book… it all seems worth it.

• Find inspiration. Inspiration can be found in anything and anywhere… but it often comes from the words you read or write. The more you read of others’ work, the more words go down on ‘paper’, the more likely they are to spark off a string of ideas… There is a sub-point here of value to all writers: Procrastination. Blogging is an excellent way of wasting time usefully…particularly when the book is reaching the editing stage….

And then there is the other side of blogging… Not the side that looks at what it can gain, but the people. Blogging is an excellent way to meet and engage with people. The other bloggers… the writers, poets, reviewers and humourists. The ones who make that moment when you press ‘publish’ feel like a worldwide party. The ones who leave that surprise review that makes you feel like a million dollars. The ones who ‘get’ what you are saying. The ones who share your stuff unannounced and give your flagging belief a lift. The ones who rally around to help when things are tough and who celebrate the high points with you. The community that over and over shows it has a heart of gold.

Blogging may be part of a writer’s promotional toolkit these days. But without people, we might as well put down the pen and disembowel the keyboard. People are our listeners… our readers… the ones who hear what we write and bring it to life. Without people, our words are dormant, our efforts mute…The most important part of your book is the person who reads it.

Is blogging worthwhile? Hell, yes!

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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110 Responses to Is blogging worth it? 10 reasons why…

  1. ksbeth says:

    hell, yes is right! great post, sue –

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Mary Kendall says:

    You’ve expressed your thoughts so well here. I think you sum up what a lot of bloggers feel but don’t articulate half as well as you’ve done here.


  3. tiramit says:

    I really like the pic of the sheep with earrings that follows the question ‘Why?’ Yes you’re completely right about blogging. Reassuring to read this, I was wondering what my motivation was, thank you…


  4. Blogging is a great way to meet other people, no matter we are writer’s or artists. Very god post Sue.


  5. Wow! Loved this post. You nailed the reasons why we blog – the relevance of each point will vary for everyone in the blogosphere. But hell yeah! This is why we do it.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. stevetanham says:

    Wonderful. Witty and from the heart! x


  7. Aby says:

    Wow, so correct. Thanks for coining this with clarity and simplicity.


  8. davidprosser says:

    Fun and yet you get to he heart of the matter Sue. I blog because I have no choice.It’s my social life and a chance to engage with people, nice people, beautiful people, people who think I belong.
    xxx Massive Hugs xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Ali Isaac says:

    Sue, I think you wrote this post for me! I woke up this morning and thought exactly that… is it worth it, not just the blogging, but the whole writing thing. The ony thing that keeps me blogging at the moment is the people I’ve met though it. Xxx

    Liked by 2 people

  10. TanGental says:

    Well, that was like a good Colombian brew this morning. If you could do ‘ten reasons why we keep the house clean’ …. No, second thoughts, we don’t and I don’t want to startt


  11. You have hit the nail on the head there Sue, You have said what many of us think about blogging, It is the wonderful community we belong to 🙂


  12. Great post and inspiration! 🙂


  13. arlene says:

    Oh, I love this article Sue. They say that blogging has become a way of life. I don’t think much of my followers whether there are only a hundred or a thousand (except for bloggers who follow me and I follow too) most of those followers won’t even bother to click like but I am thankful for those friends I have found here, and the silent readers who make my stats something to be proud of.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Pingback: Is blogging worth it? 10 reasons why… | Al The Author's blog

  15. Ha Ha my answer is hell yes too! Great post Sue, agree with you wholeheartedly. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Serins says:

    Reblogged this on Serins Sphere and commented:
    Just the thing I needed to hear today. Go get ye some blogging motivation!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Solveig says:

    This is a great post Sue. In my case blogging has helped me rediscover my passion for writing. And now I am gaining confidence and have the feeling I am somehow establishing a writing portfolio.


  18. hell yes – you betcha


  19. So good, and yes, sometimes we just need to be heard and have somewhere to express what we’re passionate about!


  20. Mary Smith says:

    Brilliant post, Sue.


  21. …HEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLL YESSSS! great post… now where’s my meds?…


  22. This is an incredible post. I am thankful to you to write the stuff which motivates us to stay here and continue with writing good, bad, ugly posts.


  23. Ditto ing the “hell yes”s!!


  24. weebluebirdie says:

    Thank you for all the reminders that blogging does matter. I love how my blog has gone in so many unexpected directions. I didn’t know what a tanka was until I found them in someone’s blog, now I’m really into doing my own. The sharing and learning and friendmaking is a big part of what makes blogging worthwhile. Just need to work on the practice and publish malarkey ;-/


  25. Helen Jones says:

    So very true, Sue! You’ve expressed it perfectly 🙂


  26. Running Elk says:

    £126? A HUNDRED and TWENTY six good British POUNDS?

    I need to turn up my volume… and quality… and interest groups… for I, dear lady, am sitting with a paltry 69p in my account… though the number itself does tickle the immature inner child in me, it aint gonna buy a lot of cheese… 😉

    Other than that – couldn’t agree more. There are things on here that wouldn’t (like EVER) see the light of day without blogging. ‘Twas thee, I believe, opened my eyes to the possibilities of blogging, and the old witchy woman of Peterhead who pushed me to WRITE…

    Just don’t do it for the numbers… :p

    £126. Sheesh! 😀



  27. Reblogged this on Barrow Blogs: and commented:
    A lovely optimistic post that reminds us why we blog. Thanks Sue.Jx


  28. I loved reading this post. You have a really have a knack for communicating truths. There was one paragraph that described my life!


  29. It’s not always about the money. Sometimes when I’m doing a post I get an idea for something else. Creativity is hard to monetise


  30. All great reasons, Sue. And the you can’t stop!


  31. That was awesome! new blogger here 🙂


  32. Silver Threading says:

    Sue, you nailed this! I totally agree 100%. Thank you for saying what all of us think! ❤


  33. Silver Threading says:

    Reblogged this on Silver Threading and commented:
    If you wonder why you blog… read this! It explains everything you always wanted to know and then some! Many thanks to Sue! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  34. patgarcia says:

    Blogging does have its advantages. I am glad I do it. It was one of the tools that help me find my own voice.


  35. Amy says:

    Absolutely! Every time I start to wonder whether it is worth it, I am encouraged by another blogger who gets it. For me, it is all of the things you outlined above. Thanks for the reminder.


  36. Perfect, Sue, you speak for so many of us. Well articulated. Hell, yes. ☺


  37. alohaleya says:

    I love this post – perfectly sums up my blogging experience!! 🙂 Aleya


  38. What a great post to encourage ALL bloggers! Thanks for choosing to follow my humble blog! I will enjo!xploring yours – glad I found yours via another blog. Wishing you well in all your writing


  39. Sacha Black says:

    Nail – Massively smacked into the head right here. Couldnt agree more with everything you said. It’s like Gestalt said – the whole is more than the sum of its parts – I feel like that with blogging. 🙂


  40. It was funny for me to read this Sue, after an absence of many months from blogging….I’m easing back in slowly….I lost thousands of followers in my absence of course, but was astonished at who was still there waiting and responding as soon as I published a post 🙂 For me blogging is simply a creative space to play with my voice, my images and the magic of nature…..and to stay close to my heart. That’s what I began to miss….and what brought me back. Well that and the fabulous friends I’ve made…and gone on to meet in the flesh 🙂


  41. Couldn’t agree with you anymore, Sue. I’m so pleased you aded the bit in about numbers. I’ve been having a few conversations with some well known bloggers who say that numbers do matter, especially the number of followers. They don’t seem to be able to grip my recent posts about those ‘ghost followers’. I suppose not everyone is going to agree with what we write but I most defiantly agree that Blogging is worth it.

    I’ve also had a few say that community does not matter and that they don’t come here to be sociable. Well, so be it! I think building and being part of other bloggers communities is one of the nicest parts of blogging.


    • Sue Vincent says:

      Each to their own… and of course numbers matter if the primary focus for a blog demands high volume…nor will community matter to some. Everyone has their own reasons for blogging… and their own reasosn for enjoying the experience. Or I hope so… if you cdon’t enjoy it, I can’t really see the point…


  42. Pingback: Coffee with Barb and Paul Curran: a trucker’s response to bureaucracy | Barb Taub

  43. D.G.Kaye says:

    Fabulous summation of all that blogging encompasses here Sue! Shared around town! 🙂


  44. I love blogging, and over time have connected with a diverse range of people. The only thing which struck me recently is, I have been blogging for over four years now, and get a decent number of comments on my posts, but none of them from anyone on my Blogroll, bar one. There is something both glorious and facile about blogging which is an experience many people pass through rather than settle in so that, when their lives move on, you lose touch with them, leaving you with the question about how real are contacts made through blogging. The connection can be very real, but most are movingly peripheral.


    • Sue Vincent says:

      I think blogging merely highlights the transience of many of the relationships we enter into with people as we go through life. Most come and go… even those we feel very close to. Just a handful remain lifelong. The public and immediate nature of blogging does make the fragility of those contacts stand out though. Most of us count many fellow bloggers amongst our friends, yet would have no clue how to get hold of them for a real sit-down conversation over a cuppa.

      Liked by 1 person

  45. reocochran says:

    This has excellent reasons to write, create and yes, blog. Sometimes I wish I could stop at a certain time and sleep more! Thank you, Sue. 🙂


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