
snow weekend 019I drove home this morning as the long gold of a soft morning painted the world in pastel and shadows. I finally had a dawn to drive home with after the long winter darkness. By ten past six I was high on the moors, with just a sliver of light on the horizon as I reached the hills outside Sheffield, growing slowly to the blue of a virginal morning and blushing at the birds.

snow weekend 003It had been a good weekend in the north and there was much to think about, much to plan and an awful lot to do as we begin the final stages of preparation for the Silent Eye’s April workshop. My mind was flitting between costumes for the principals, the crafting of a ritual and occasionally wandering off to smile at the odd moments and laughter that had been shared.

snow weekend 001It had been a productive weekend too as we finalised our new little project and prepare for its publication. It is surprising how much work you can actually get through when anyone looking on would simply assume you were relaxing with a glass of red wine.

snow weekend 122There had been churches and history, stone crosses and standing stones… even prehistoric rock art. There had been sunshine and spring flowers, as well as hail, rain and snow. We had watched bluetits and chaffinches in the woods and kestrels and buzzards in the air. We may even have managed to visit the odd hostelry or three. Well, maybe a few more…

snow weekend 098I drove straight back to work, to hailstones, an overflowing of inboxes and followed that up with a crisis before managing to collect Ani at tea-time and bring her home. The house had been tidy till then… within ten minutes the cushions are back off the sofa, the toys all over the floor and the birds in the garden duly chastised for their trespassing. In spite of the winter cold and the lateness of the hour, she is sitting in the open doorway watching the night while I freeze. Suddenly I know I am back. But I upload the photos from the weekend and then… well, I could be anywhere or any when… except that these are the colours of home.

snow weekend 027

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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25 Responses to Anywhere…

  1. roweeee says:

    That happened to my house yesterday when the kids arrived home from school. Today is my daughter’s 9th birthday and the kitchen was invaded by a wide array of cake decorating sprinkly bits. It was great fun though. Good to hear things are starting to warm up over there. Still hot here. Best wishes, Rowena


  2. barbtaub says:

    What a beautiful post! (And I agree with Ani: neat houses are boring.)


  3. noelleg44 says:

    A smorgasbord of things to savor through the weekend, and not only the wine! Love the sheep photo – could see that animal asking Why are you taking my picture? As for Ani, I’m sure she’s feeling left and just has to know she’s THERE. Pay attention!


  4. KL Caley says:

    As always you take some wonderful pictures tracking your adventures, and your writing is just beautiful. Lovely work. 🙂


  5. It will be a sad day when the house is always tidy (this is what I say to myself when I am about to go over the edge of madness due to mess frustration). The best part of travelling for me is returning home. Obviously I have been nowhere other than family weddings for a few years now 😛
    I felt the desire to say ‘hello sheep’. 🙂


  6. Heartafire says:

    Lovely photography, the lovely little animals, the crisp flowers, beautiful and perfect shots.


  7. Always good to be home…great post 🙂


  8. Nothing like having memories, but finally being back home. 🙂


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