Notes from a small dog XIV

I'll cuddle anyone

I’ll cuddle anyone

Hmmm.. I’m jumping in here while I can… has to be my turn! And she’s busy with a database. I don’t think you can throw them, but she looks as if she would like to….

So. She went off and left me. Missed my birthday.

It doesn’t matter that I got loads of new balls and pigs ears and a bone. Or that she left me with my best friends and I ran riot for a few days playing. Or even that she painted my paw print on that canvas thing. She wasn’t there.

Now, I know, she had another birthday to take care of, and she couldn’t take me with her. I wouldn’t have fit in the car with all the stuff anyway. And to be fair, she did bring me a new toy when she came back… a really nice toy called Benjamin who learned to throw balls really quickly. I like Benjamin. He let me up on his knee and let me lick his face, I’m not usually allowed to do that. It didn’t take me long to work out how to play with him best. You have to be gentle sometimes. Even me.

But do you know, just as I got him trained… he even gave me bacon!… she took him out in the car and didn’t bring him back. She does stuff like that. She says maybe he’ll come and see me again… I hope she is right. I had a feeling about that when he picked up the black leather bag thingy, so I snuggled up to his legs and gave him a last cuddle, just in case. You never know, do you? He even mentioned me in his poem.

‘Course, I have another friend coming on Friday… and he’s well trained with my toys already after last time. And he sneaks me food. If he’s forgotten I’ll soon lick him into shape…

Always in the market for cuddles

Always in the market for cuddles

Then when he goes home, she says I have to be good and behave… well, we can all see that happening when pigs fly. I mean, come on, this is me! I do behave! I am good! Just not necessarily how other people understand the idea….or so it seems.

But we have a lady and two gentlemen coming. I’m not sure about that. Do ladies throw balls? Sure she does, but I’ve had ages to get her trained. For some reason I don’t think the female of the species is as easy to train… and I should know. She keeps telling me so.

I shall still need cuddles though… behaving or not. You have to get the cuddles. All these visitors coming in to my life, I love them all, especially once they have succumbed to the ball, but you know, what if they don’t come back? So I have to get the cuddles while I can. Store ‘em up. Just in case.

I have her pretty well trained with hugs. She dropped the act ages ago and stopped pretending she doesn’t need them too. She hugs her people and lets them know she loves them, same as she does me. What is the point of pretending you don’t? Everyone needs a cuddle, once in a while.

She doesn’t scratch their ears though. That’s just for me.

Cuddling Benjamin

Cuddling Benjamin

I’m her whirly girl.

Much love,

Ani xxx

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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10 Responses to Notes from a small dog XIV

  1. Ani, you are such a dear dog. ((hug))


  2. Fran Keegan says:

    Dear Ani!


  3. alesiablogs says:

    Have you asked your mum for membership into her organization so you can attend meetings?


  4. So sweet! Godiva trained a human female to throw the ball for her tonight. She managed to get a full hour of ball playing in–and a swim in the lady’s pool too. Godiva attempted to teach George to swim but he was a little nervous. Perhaps next time…


  5. Hope you had a fantabulous birthday, Ani. Hugs. ❤


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