Notes from a small dog – Thanksgiving

ani balls dark rainbow 007

It was bad enough to be disturbed by her stumbling around at stupid o’clock, without her expecting me to go out in the cold when I was half asleep. Dawn was still ages away when she made my breakfast… then she insisted on having the door open, ‘just in case’, she said, letting all the nice warm out. I wouldn’t mind, but she complains when I do that in daylight when you’re s’posed to be up.

But no… middle of the night and she’s only had one cup of coffee… and she’s already dressed. I know her well enough… so I went out, ‘just in case’ she was up to something. And of course, I was right. Off she went muttering about supermarkets in that voice that sounds like when I pinch help her with her lunch… and I was willing to bet she wasn’t going to be buying turkey.

Now, I know we don’t do Thanksgiving here, but we should; I like turkey. I have experience of turkey… most memorably that Christmas day when she didn’t quite shut the fridge and went out of the kitchen. Well, at least she didn’t have to eat leftovers for days on end…I know two-legses grumble about that, even if she does say she likes turkey sandwiches… and that the shops were shut and there was nothing for tea. Personally, I wasn’t all that hungry…


We do harvest here instead of Thanksgiving… fruit and vegetables and stuff mainly. And while I’m quite partial to the odd pear, let’s face it… turkey is a whole lot better for a carnivore. Which technically, I sort of am, even though she says I’m as omnivorous as a dustbin.

That might have had something to do with the milk carton… well, she’d left a drop in there. I thought it would be a shame to waste it…

Anyway… all this talking turkey has got me sidetracked…

She. Was. Ages. Must have been gone over eight hours. She never leaves me that long! Good job I sleep when she’s out to conserve energy for the tennis balls when she comes in. I could have starved to death!

And she comes in, looking blue and wet and smelling of those cleaning things that make me sneeze. Giver her her due, the first thing she did was open the garden door… I was glad of that. But then she said the ‘B’ word, so I was a bit wary about coming back in until I realised she was stuffing her smelly wet clothes in the wash. She was having the bath. Odd that, when she said she’d been in the hot tub all day… I thought you were supposed to take some of your clothes off? No she said. It had been hot-tub-cleaning day.

Then, just as I’m getting the tennis balls lined up, she dives out again. Mind you, she was only an hour or so and she did fetch treats. No turkey… but better than nothing. There is always something to be thankful for, though turkey would have been better…

So I’ve made her cuddle and play tonight. At least when she goes out, she makes up for it later. So that’s something for my thanksgiving list. If she wants something to be thankful for when she’s been out so long… other than the cuddles… dry carpets. That’s all I’m saying …


I might be able to get another half hour in with the tennis balls before bed if I’m quick… she looks like she’s seizing up again anyway, so it’ll do her good.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates the day!

(And save me some of that turkey!)

Much love,

Ani xxx

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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53 Responses to Notes from a small dog – Thanksgiving

  1. sknicholls says:

    Happy Thanksgiving…even if you don’t celebrate the occasion, I want you to have a happy day…and good treats…every day. Hugs and cuddles, Ani

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy whatever-you-celebrate 🙂


  3. noelleg44 says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you, Ani, and your two legged partner. Wishing you lots of tennis balls and turkey!


  4. C.E.Robinson says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Ani! Hope you get lots of treats! We’re not having turkey either, chicken on the grill! And we get our own without seasoning! Can’t wait! Have a great time with your tennis balls! Sammy & Charley

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Eliza Waters says:

    Too bad you didn’t live closer Ani, I’m sure Wren would be more than happy to share some of her leftovers with you. Among various tidbits, any skin that isn’t crispy comes her way!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. denis1950 says:

    Those beautiful innocent eyes I am sure she could never do a naughty thing, ever , not with those eyes.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I love turkey too Ani, but we’ll just have to wait a bit longer until Christmas. Looks like you had loads of fun with all those tennis balls AND, plus you get lots of cuddles AND it wasn’t you that had to be bathed! You do indeed have a lot to be thankful for 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I have to confess that I am not greatly fond of dogs, but I do love your posts, small one


  9. Happy Thanksgiving.. celebrate in your own way… 🙂


  10. jenanita01 says:

    Reblogged this on Anita Dawes & Jaye Marie and commented:
    give Ani some turkey, she deserves it!


  11. Belinda Crane says:

    Loved this post Sue! Look at Ani sitting there with all her assets! She is beautiful!


  12. Mary Smith says:

    A post to me me smile, Ani. Love the photo of you with your tennis balls all lined you – you have quite a collection. Any sign of the tennis ball thrower yet?


  13. Aw, Ani you always make me smile 😀


  14. Such a cute post!! Happy Thanksgiving!!


  15. Susan Holmes says:

    I remember my first Thanksgivng when stationed in England. I was working the evening shift and walked into the village for a Ploughman’s lunch and a pint. Wonderful memory!


  16. Pingback: Thanksgiving and Pets | Waterside Kennels Mysteries

  17. dgkaye says:

    Omg, tooooooooo cute! I love Ani’s articles. 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving Ani.


  18. Happy Thanksgiving. 🙂


  19. Don’t think you’ve got quite enough tennis balls there, Ani. Next time she nips out…tell her to get some more. Well, you never know…


  20. Ani had it right with that “stupid O’clock” !!! Sweet observations of we two leggers. Love it. ☺


  21. We’re having turkey for Christmas, Ani, cause I heard the humans discussing it the other day. Shame I can’t eat that nice Christmas pudding they have. However, I hope to get a spoonful of brandy sauce. I’d even eat brandy sauce with turkey.

    They’ve even got me my very own advent calendar. I’m not sure how I am suppose to open the windows with my paws, so I may have to tear the whole box open on Tuesday.

    Have a happy woofable weekend.

    Your pal,


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