Writer’s Quote Wednesday and #BeWOW

I’m cheating for Colleen’s Writer’s Quote Wednesday and Ronovan’s #BeWOW posts this week.. it seems the right thing to do. My son has just started blogging… finally… and ended his ‘About’ page with the perfect quote from Christopher Reeve. If you know my son’s story, you’ll know how appropriate this is… and if you don’t, he’s on nickverron.com 🙂


About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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31 Responses to Writer’s Quote Wednesday and #BeWOW

  1. Eliza Waters says:

    Oh, goody, I’m heading over right now! 🙂


  2. TamrahJo says:

    Remind me, Sue, is a pic of the day he walked up the hill? Or am I mis-remembering? Nick, bless his heart – replied to my comment and forgave me my observations on the sanity of jumping out of a perfectly sound airplane – LOL — 🙂


    • Sue Vincent says:

      Yes, that was that day 🙂
      Nick is quite used to women ( or at least one of them) making such observations. Trouble is, with me he just answers, ‘Genetic…’ 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      • TamrahJo says:

        I’m sure we’ll get along fine, cuz he can say, “Genetic” and I can say, “Oh – Right – ya got that male DNA strand thingee going on – sorry I was surprised….” LOL


        • Sue Vincent says:

          LOL… perfect 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

          • TamrahJo says:

            For the last couple of years, I’ve been known to over-quip the following to the man-child unit in my household, “well, that’s okay – it’s hardcoded into your DNA, you just can’t help not putting a new roll of toilet paper on the holder, you are genetically pre-disposed to balance it on top of the empty one – – ” LOL


            • Sue Vincent says:

              We may be related… 😉

              Liked by 1 person

              • TamrahJo says:

                So – I immediately thought “YES! and typed the reply, “In spirit, sure we are..:” Then realized, maybe this was a subtle way of letting me know, if I end up in a place next year where I visit you or Nick’s ‘in charge of’ space – I’ll need to be a good guest and put your toilet paper on the spindle for ya — LOL – either way is okay – YOU get a pass – figure you were just corrupted by all those years of being exposed to high testosterone levels – LOL


              • Sue Vincent says:

                The love female in a household of males for AGES… sighs… 😉


  3. Pingback: Writer’s Quote Wednesday and #BeWOW | oshriradhekrishnabole

  4. Your son is has strong will and determination and this sounds so true for his story… 🙂


  5. Dalo 2013 says:

    Awesome ~ what an inspiration and a proud Momma 🙂


  6. Mary Smith says:

    I signed up to follow Nick’s blog yesterday. I’m looking forward to reading his posts.


  7. Lovely post Sue. I am thrilled that Nick is starting his own blog, I have been over to say hello and look forward to hearing more from him, 🙂


  8. macjam47 says:

    Great quote and so fitting. Hugs to you and to Nick.


  9. Pingback: Sue Vincent: Writer’s Quote Wednesday and #BeWOW – Nick Verron | The Linden Chronicles: The Wolf's Moon/The River

  10. olganm says:

    Thanks Sue. A fantastic post. He’s a natural, of course!


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