A bad day with good bits

It has not been the best of days, following the worst of nights where I gave up trying to sleep and watched Tootsie instead, that being about the deepest thing I could concentrate on at that point. The afternoon found me struggling to get going after work and I vaguely recall sitting down on the floor with Ani, who was as intent on me throwing tennis balls as I was on explaining it wasn’t going to happen. Not today, when most of my joints feel as if they have been superglued together.

I woke two hours later on a cold, hard floor. The small dog, snoring quietly, was curled in the small of my back, two stuffed birds and a rabbit tucked up close to me, obviously left there by the tender beast in case I should need them, bless her… and so stiff I had to crawl to the kitchen and hoick myself aloft on the cabinets to get to the kettle and the caffeine I now required.

I can’t complain when I’ve been given stuffed toys, after all, and watched over while I slept. I crawled to the computer, trailing a vague aroma of warm dog and groaning at the still-full inbox, where it was lovely to find that the day held some nicer surprises…

My blog became an award free zone some time ago. I was finding it increasingly difficult to give my full attention to the blog awards and it seemed entirely unfair to participate half-heartedly when people had been so kind as to nominate me. Occasionally, a fellow blogger will still include me in their lists … and to refuse feels like being given flowers and leaving them to die.


I would like to thank Hollie, of House of Heart, for the Starlight Blogger Award and Darren, of The Pen and the Page, for the Brotherhood of the World Bloggers Award.


* The design for the STARLIGHT Bloggers Award has been created from YesterdayAfter. It is a Copyright image, you cannot alter or change it in any way just pass it to others that deserve this award. Copyright 2015 © YesterdayAfter.com – Design by Carolina Russo

In accordance with the guidelines, answer the questions, link back to the person who nominated you and pass it on:

1) If you could meet anyone from throughout history. Who and why?
There are so many! But I’d like to meet the guy who designed Avebury stone circle…. I have questions…

2) What is your favourite book and why?
There is no such thing as ‘a’ favourite book! If I have to pick just one, I’ll go for The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám. There are reasons for that

3) Who is your favourite fiction character from any medium and why?
Aslan. Always has been… the Lion taught me a lot.

Nominees… do check out their blogs if you don’t know them already!..:

Judy, Colleen, Noelle, Jaye, and Olga


1) Thank and link back to the person who nominated you for the award.
2) List the Rules and Display the Brotherhood of the world Award logo to your post and/or blog.
3) Answer the questions set to you and then you may create your set of questions for your nominees.
4) Nominate around ten other bloggers and let them know about the award

1.Who are you ?
You can spend a lifetime working out the answer to that one…

2.Do you have any Rolemodels ?
Thousands! Every person I meet teaches me something.

3.Which is the most powerful thing in this world, according to you ?
Imagination. Love would be the easy answer, but without imagination it would be impossible to understand what Love can do. Imagination is the field in which all seeds begin to grow.

4.What is most valuable, charity & social work OR your own responsibilities ?
Responsibility has to begin within, taking our own lives, hearts and actions first… if we do that then the rest follows naturally.

5.What is your “biggest lie” ever ?
“You deserved it.” A litany that I permitted to follow me for far too long.

6.Who is/was your “dream girl” (Feel free to answer, even if you are married 😉 )
I knew there was a catch to being nominated to a Brotherhood! Darren…! Okay… Sophia Loren.

7.Are you a serious guy OR funny ?
I take laughter very seriously.

8.In Which sport you are/were best ?
Snooker. And high-diving. The only things I was ever any good at that could be vaguely called a sport.

Nominees… please visit their blogs if you don’t know them already!

Kev, Ronovan, Hugh, Trent, Patrick, Sally, Jane, AliChris, and Kevin

For those who do not participate in blog awards, please take the nomination as a token of appreciation and accept instead one of the following… ( the banana is just for the Ape)…

golden rose



I can’t nominate everyone… but after more than 2000 posts, 150,000 views and more than 25,000 comments I can say this with absolute honesty…

land of the exiles 021

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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55 Responses to A bad day with good bits

  1. Silver Threading says:

    Thank you so much for you wonderful nomination, Sue. That award is quite beautiful in its design. I went award free too because I could not keep up with all the fabulous awards, write posts (that made any sense at all) and somehow work on writing my first book. I know I have missed many connections this way even though I feel like you do. The best awards are when I get comments and the friendship I have found in this great community of writers. Thanks for thinking of me, Sue. It means a lot. You are in my heart and on my awards page. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Chris White says:

    Well done on the awards.Feel better quick.


  3. socialbridge says:

    Hope you feel better, Sue, and take it easy.


  4. Hope you are feeling better soon and enjoy the warmth of your award💐


  5. Congratulations andI hope you’re feeling better soon with all of Ani’s TLC. My little Lacey used to do the same thing.


  6. Feel better soon.


  7. Love this, and love your final image. Would love to borrow/steal it from you some time. I have been nominated a lot for awards, and am conflicted about accepting/doing justice to the process. I’ve been meaning to address the Award-Free Blog issue. You did this so well. Kudos, Sue. ☺


  8. Hug the small dog for me – how sweet to bring you her toys to make you feel better!!


  9. jmgoyder says:

    I hope you are feeling a bit better by now. I am with you re awards.


  10. noelleg44 says:

    Thank you so much, Sue, for thinking of me. And I am honored to have been nominated by you! I hate that you spent several hours on a cold, hard floor, although at least your back was kept warm by a small dog. I am also an award free blogger, but I will accept a wag from Ani, one of my favorite canines, and a thoughtful pup. Nice to know that we have The Lion in common.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Sue, my admiration for you knows no bounds! You’re a wonder, finding the good in everything. Glad you have Ani; I so miss my companion, Lucy, and her snoring in her bed next to me in my study. She was a comfort as well. It’s a month today that she died. Anyway, the main reason for this comment is an apology; I’ve just realised you nominated me a while back and I think I forgot to thank you. I’ve checked all these lovely bloggers and think you’re right, they are great. ; I should follow them. Hope you weekend is a good one. I’ll be splitting mine into writing, sorting out events for my latest book, gardening and cooking meals for me and my very patient husband. I say patient because, when I’m writing, his meals turn up on the table at very odd times (i.e. when I remember). We worked out a system a long time ago; he shops, I cook.He sticks to his bit!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sue Vincent says:

      You must miss her like crazy, Judith. They are such special creatures. I don’t know what I’d do without the Beast.
      No worries about the nomination! I’m happy just to do so 🙂
      My weekend is pretty much the same as any other day unless I’m away.. I work, write and walk the dog… and meals are even more haphazard here as there is only me to cater for. Ani reminds me of her mealtimes 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  12. jenanita01 says:

    Thank you so much, Sue for this very special nomination…
    Sending all the healing thoughts that we can muster, hoping you bounce back brighter than ever!


  13. I hope you are ok now Sue. Thank you for nominating me for the award, I decided to be award free a little while ago, but I really appreciate you considering my blog for this award in particular, I am really flattered! 🙂


  14. Eliza Waters says:

    Congrats and how nice to now that Ani takes such tender care of you, but I think you should try to train her to cover you with a blanket! 😉


  15. Sue, thank you so much for nominating me for this award. Like you I chose to go ‘award free’ back in March this year when I held my Mildred Awards ceremony. I was finding it too tough to keep up with accepting awards and not responding to them was not the kind of thing I felt was acceptable, so I decided to go award free.

    It is such an honour when ever I get nominated and mentioned by a fellow blogger for an award, so thank you so much for thinking about me.

    I am so sorry for the delay in response but, having moved house last week, the lovely British Telecom has left us without a landline and broadband and are telling me they can not fix it until at least July 6th!! Hence, I am using a mobile broadband device (which Geoffrey West told me about). It gets me on line sometimes, but vast amounts of the day it won’t connect and, when it does, it is very slow. However, it is better than having no access to the web at all.


    • Sue Vincent says:

      July 6th? That’s terrible! I’m assuming you havea dongle-affair, which I swore by until recently. My own internet is eternally dodgy, being right on the edge of the decent signal area. We will be waiting for you when you get here 😉


  16. willowdot21 says:

    If anyone deserves that award it is you!


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