Notes from a small dog XLII

snow dog 003Frankly, I feel I should be starting this with ‘Dear Don’.

Sherbert indeed! … I know my colloquialisms and if we are to be talking of folk wandering off to find the odd sherbert… hmmm??? How many pubs can they fit into one little walk?

Yes, I know… she explained… it was an allusion to sherbert fountains… and if that makes it any better, then I’m a cat. It’s just a euphemism for pub if you ask me.

Oh yes, I can use the big words too… self defence… I have to keep an eye on what they’re writing you know… you wouldn’t believe some of the stuff they get up to!

‘N just cause that was a feather in my mouth actually, they needn’t start getting any ideas about a species change… the sex change was bad enough! Do I look like a ‘he’? The name change, for literary purposes (‘scuse me while I stop laughing… literary, yeah…!) well, that I might let them off. They did name my character for a divinity or two after all. They have some perception at least.

‘Daft dog’ though….


Those books have a lot to answer for… I’ll be having words with the ball guy next time he’s here…

It’s not even as if they have any decent pictures… not even one of me in amongst all those colour photos… well! At least my book has lots of pictures of me…

Though I s’pose he did put my picture in his article….

stuff 009I’m not having a good day.

Oh, you can tell?

It’s the builders… they are still crawling all over the house and she won’t let me go and get rid of them, no matter how much I ask. What’s worse is all the birds. Not chase-able ones either. Dead ones.

There was a poorly one the other day and I sang and sang till she came out to rescue it ‘cause I couldn’t get to whatever it was that was tearing it to bits for all the scaffolding. By the time she managed to get to it there was only the head and a feather left. No, not the feather in the picture… I pinched that from her… she’s got loads

Then this morning when we were going out for my walk… we have to go early ‘cause it’s too hot for black fur coats, she says… there was a dead pigeon on the doorstep. She got really upset… she likes birds… has a bit of a thing about ‘em. Yeah, well, so do I, but they know they’re safe… we just play really and I always tell her about the lost babies so she can sort them out.

stonehenge 1028I’m not happy about all the dead birds round the house, though, not at all.

She says it can’t be the builders, but I’m not so sure… even the ginger cat next door wouldn’t just leave a whole pigeon…

So, they can lay off with the species change before they get any ideas… I’m a dog…

Mind you, with their new book coming out any day I’d better do a bit of checking up on what they have written in for me…book 0041

Catch you later,

Much love,

Ani xxx

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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10 Responses to Notes from a small dog XLII

  1. ksbeth says:

    it’s a good thing you’re ever vigilant, ani )


  2. Dear Ani,
    Sorry you are having a bad day. Let me tell you are looking especially attractive in your wonderful coat! Does that help? I didn’t know you have a book out. I am going to buy it for a friend of mine, but secretly read it first and see if it might be good for my sister-in-law, too. Have started Christmas shopping. Yes, it’s early but it all started with some dog toys.
    Why are the birds dying? Very disturbing!! Bees are dying. Bats are dying. Now birds!!!
    You take care, Ani!
    *♡* Ellen


    • Sue Vincent says:

      Oooh Ellen 🙂 Thank you! I’m trying to save up for an automatic tennis ball launcher …you know. for when she can’t play properly. You’ve no idea how often she can’t play… apparently she has other stuff ‘more important’… you know, like eating and going to work… Honestly, you just can’t get the staff….;)

      Yes, I’m concerned about the birds myself. But we do get lots of bees and bats in the garden and fields here. Lots of wildflowers you see.

      Much love,
      Ani xxx


      • Dear Ani, I do hope you do get that tennis ball launcher. That would be way cool. I know, we humans are so unreliable. I am sure your book is terrific. Will order it in a day or so. We have lots of wildflowers, too, in our garden and some bees but the bats have gone– maybe white-nose disease got them. Hope your birds will be okay. Look forward to reading your book. Lots of love, Ellen


  3. Not surprised you’re not happy about all the dead birds around the house! I wasn’t any too happy when the landlord’s cat left a huge not-completely-dead rat lying on the kitchen floor in front of the cooker when I got home! I wondered why she was walking pointedly round the kitchen then I turned the light on… In fact I’m still wondering what she was doing in our house in the first place!! You do, however look very cute and lovely in that top photo!


  4. I hope that little birdie is OK. With Ani’s world-renown fame, she should have staff on hand to launch that ball. 😉


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