On the edge of dreaming

Image: Google images

Image: Google images

There are Three
One that attracts;
bright in its beauty
beneficent jewel
that dazzles the senses.
one that repels;
darkness and sorrow
cloaking the gift,
Both unknown and unknowing.
One calls the heart
drawing you closer,
greeting the blade
that bars the way.

In the dream there were Three and I watched them dancing on lines of light. About them a sphere, vast as a universe; a pale bubble, insubstantial yet present, containing the within from the without with no boundary yet they stood on its perimeter.

What I am is outside the sphere, observing, a peripheral presence. Not from a single point, but all points simultaneously.

One dazzles, pulsing, glittering, drawing you into its ambit, expansive, welcoming as if with arms open.

One a mere shadow, the darkness of longing made visible, its need repulses; yet its dark wings outstretched hold a promise of sleep.

One is beauty, its glowing heart a thing sought and longed for, yet it is frozen within itself and guarded by the blade.

From the nadir of observation these things are alive; beings, facets… I do not know. I see them, but they are beyond me… separate from my existence, yet also not. Looking up they are to be reached for, strived for, sought and desired.

The I that observes explores each point, seeking understanding, focussing on each in turn… attraction, repulsion and forbidden beauty… the attraction that repels. Drawn to each in turn there is no understanding the one without the context of the other two.

From the place of each point I see the others, incomprehending; unable to fathom their depths through the lens of the one through which I look out, vision veiled in brilliance or shadow; drawn and desiring union with each unknown, yet failing to understand why.

Yet from the apex the observer looks down from a single point of clarity, a point mirrored at the shadowy nadir that sees only the obverse of the Three. Yet from this point the vista below is clear; the facets of the jewel brilliantly refracting the light within and without, coloured each with their own beauty, yet together a whole. The observer observes, seeing that it is both within and without, and the jewel in the sphere is both itself and is not.

I wake and start writing, attempting to capture what was given in dream, in the hope of nascent understanding…

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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