
birds 2 005

I never want to hear Ani scream ever, ever again.

And I work with a system that teaches non attachment…?

Yeah, right.

There is a fence that runs down the garden, a low wooden fence designed to keep Ani out of the flower beds. It hasn’t worked for some time. There was a cat.

So since then I leave the little gate open for her, mainly because although she can jump in with no problem, she isn’t keen on jumping out … the deck isn’t the best place to land, so she will usually sit inside the gate singing to me till I come and open it. So I just leave it open.

However, it must have blown shut and Ani decided she wanted to play in the flowers. I can’t blame her for that. She jumped the fence.

I was on the phone to my son and we both heard her screams. My chair flew over as I flew out… its only yards… and poor Ani was still screaming, her legs somehow tangled in the fence, her chest on the top bar. It wasn’t a yelp.

I picked her up and carried her in, still crying and shaking like a leaf… I mean Ani, bless her. Fearing the worst… expecting broken legs, while Nick waited on the phone worried sick, not knowing what on earth was happening.

She is not that small for a small dog. About the size of an English Setter like her mother…but with her father’s heavier retriever build. She sat on my knee for ten minutes, shaking, digging her claws into my thighs like a cat, her head on my shoulder.

I couldn’t find any damage when she finally let me put her on the floor, still shaking, though there may well be a few bruises. Certainly on my legs if not hers. And within five minutes she was chasing a therapeutic tennis ball… which let me check for movement and limps… she seems okay…I think she’ll do.

I personally could do with a stiff drink now the reaction has set in. I was scared stiff.

The fence has to go.

To hell with the flower beds.

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About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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40 Responses to Panic

  1. How scary! I’m glad Ani’s OK. You were probably as rattled as Ani was. Our animal companions … they’re like children. They bring us joy and great concerns. Stay safe. 😉


    • Sue Vincent says:

      It doesn’t sound that bad, but to see her there was really scary… she must have been terrified and was obviously in pain. She’s curled up on my feet now and I think a quiet evening is in order,


  2. Christine Ledford says:

    Aw, bless her heart! Years ago one of my dogs had a similar experience. He went to jump a chain link fence and got a paw twisted in one of the kinks, dangling him in mid-air. I can understand the scream you heard; it’s horrific. Happy to hear Ani is resting and will be fine. 🙂


  3. Morgan says:

    Oh Bless both of you. Hoping she will recover without any Permanent damage.


  4. CJs In Sight says:

    Aww, sitting here with tears in my eyes but a smile on my face. Bless Ani, glad she’s OK.


  5. Morgana West says:

    oh lor !

    BIG hugs and cuddles to you both.


  6. So glad to know Ani survived the mishap. Poor dear, Sue- and you, too. Deep breaths- And hugs to both of you. XXOXX E


  7. I know this experience all too well, Sue. So glad Ani is okay. And yes, the flowers can go, for your and her sake.


  8. ksbeth says:

    how scary for both of you


  9. Poor Ani! Good thing she didn’t get her leg stuck. The rescue group that fixed up George had to put 100 stitches in his left back leg. Their theory is he jumped a chain link fence on the 4th of July when he got spooked by fireworks or gunshots (I know, idiots) and got caught. Now he’s scared of loud noises. Hope your nerves are back to normal soon.


  10. nutsfortreasure says:

    OH How I know of things like this happening with my pets So glad she was no worse for the wear and when fence is down and it is open and free she may ignore the area altogether 🙂


  11. mikew66 says:

    Beautiful Ani, I am glad she is ok


  12. alienorajt says:

    Oh, Sue, I’ve only just seen this – how absolutely terrifying for you, and Ani. I really felt for you both as I read it – and wanted to magic myself up to your place to give you a hug (and a large glass of something restorative). I do hope the lovely Ani is all right now. Poor little soul. xxx


  13. The scream of a dog is horrible and spine-chilling. Glad there’s no obvious damage … but be on the lookout for back problems. They commonly show up a while event the precipitating event. Out of the 4 dogs in this house, two have back problems, one from a fall on the steps, the other a combination of getting old and a missed jump (or two) to the sofa. And both have arthritis, which we didn’t know until the back problems showed up.


    • Sue Vincent says:

      She seems fine still today… moving beautifully. She was on her chest rather than her back and didn’t fall.. I lifted her off the fence, so hopefully she’ll be ok. Thank you, Marilyn


  14. elizabeth says:

    So glad she is okay.


  15. I see this was some years ago Sue and before I was following you. Poor Ani. Glad she was Ok though. It is scary when they let forth a cry that is not a yelp or whimper, and something we never forget.


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