Nick and the BBC

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“You’ll have to be here by seven…” It was just as well that I was too, as Nick was still fast asleep and he didn’t have long. The phone rang half an hour later and Nick was live on air for a short interview with Julian Clegg of BBC Radio Solent. The interview is available online via the station’s podcast by clicking here. (Skip to 1:13:45 for Nick’s interview.)

Not bad before breakfast…but there was more.

It seems Nick’s determination to ride in the Para-Tri event and raise awareness and funds for brain injury, has stirred up a bit of attention.

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At 10.30 BBC News reporter, Ben Moore, arrived with cameraman Trevor Adamson. Three hours, three locations and a huge amount of editing to produce a two minute feature airing on BBC One’s South Today at 18.30 GMT. A Yorkshireman himself, Ben stands six feet five in his stockinged feet, dwarfing both Nick and I, but the lighthearted banter between he and Trevor soon had Nick laughing.

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To cram six years of struggle and achievement into two minutes cannot be easy, but over the course of those three hours Ben managed to extract the essence of Nick’s story. The main part of the interview was conducted in Nick’s home, then we followed Nick on his trike to an open space where Trevor fitted some snazzy technology to the trike itself. From there it was a short hop to the Royal Buckinghamshire Hospital to meet Heather, Nick’s hydrotherapist. Heather will be doing the 750m lake swim on Sunday, while Eva, his physiotherapist, completes the 5km run… and Nick rides 20km. I am looking forward to seeing the interview this evening… especially as I managed to stay pretty clear of the camera…. I am told it will be available on BBC iPlayer too. I’ll post a link when I have one.

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It was long past lunch by the time we got back to Nick’s. We had barely got through the door before the phone rang. “Hi, this is BBC Online…” So I made my son’s lunch while he gave his third interview of the day, which should go out on Sunday. What next? Personally, I am just waiting for the call from Peter Jackson …

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The Para-Tri Series is rather special in itself, the very first of its kind in the UK, with six events allowing able-bodied and disabled athletes to compete together on a level playing field. It will be held at the 2012 Olympic venue of Dorney Lake in Windsor on Sunday… and looks set to be a fabulous day…if anyone cares to join us?

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Once again I must reiterate our thanks to everyone who has supported Nick so far… by reblogging, tweeting, sharing and donating. The support of the blogging community has been utterly incredible and has moved us deeply. In fact, don’t just take my word for it… the total now stands at £1,366 raised… and look at the graph for the sources of donations as of yesterday afternoon. YOU are as amazing as my son.


Do watch, listen and read Nick’s interviews if you can… and please continue to give him your support. Thank you!

Click here to visit Nick’s Campaign… and please support him by sharing or donating if you can. Thank you!

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About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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76 Responses to Nick and the BBC

  1. blondieaka says:

    Shared on FB please wish Nick Good Luck from me 🙂


  2. OMG! This is brill. 🙂 I just listened to the podcast bit and Nick is amazing! Hopefully I’ll be able to listen in at 18:30 as well, but not sure as I’m in the US. Best of luck, Nick! ♥


  3. socialbridge says:

    This is brilliant, Sue. Best Irish wishes to your sporting son.


  4. Eliza Waters says:

    This is so exciting! I think he’s going to blast past his goal now. 🙂 I feel Providence at work here.


  5. Jack Eason says:

    You must be so proud of him Sue. 😉


  6. Shared everywhere, Sue! You have both worked so very hard with amazing results! Tell your son like Rocky Balboa said, “GO FOR IT”!!


  7. masgautsen says:

    This is wonderful! I think he did a great interview.


  8. Looking forward to watching this – I’m in Hampshire 🙂 Really hope Nick reaches that target, and that all goes well on Sunday. Good luck!


  9. Reblogged this on Alison Williams Writing and commented:
    Not long to go before Nick’s para-tri event this Sunday. Please watch his interview if you can. And please support him – thanks 🙂


  10. Mary Smith says:

    I’m so glad Nick’s getting lots of publicity for what he’s doing. I wish I could be there to cheer him on.


  11. Reblogged this on Richard Ankers and commented:
    Now he’s an inspiration to even more people.


  12. How about Crowdfunding? There are several sites I know of:
    There are others, these are just some sources. Give Forward seems to be the most ‘personalized’ – the goals are all about helping people in need. Let me know if you need some help!


  13. Good on yer, Nick. show them, (and us), how its done!!


  14. Marcia says:

    Reblogged this on The Write Stuff and commented:
    Follow Nick’s amazing and heartwarming story! And please share everywhere you can. This remarkable young man deserves all the support he can get.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Pingback: Nick and the BBC | Ramblings of the Claury

  16. Has your son done a “crowd share” Sue?


  17. Reblogged this on graemecummingdotnet and commented:
    I know I’ve shared posts about this event before, but I really have been so awed by this guy’s story, and want to do everything I can to support him.

    If you do nothing else, look for the link to the radio broadcast and listen to his story in his own words.

    Oh, yes. And support him in any way you can


  18. jburns58 says:

    How wonderful, good luck!


  19. Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
    Fabulous news for Sue Vincent and her son Nick who is competing in The Para-Tri Series at the beautiful Dorney Lake in Windsor on Sunday.. I have MC’s there for a charity walk and if you can support Nick and the other atheletes in their events it will make the day even more special.. Nick on the BBC spreading the word.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Saw it on BBC South at 18:30, and watched it again at 22:30, Sue. It must have been quite a day for you all. It was lovely to hear Nick’s voice and for him to tell his story.
    I’ll be cheering him on tomorrow.


  21. Helen Jones says:

    This is just wonderful 🙂


  22. Reblogged this on Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog and commented:
    Author Sue Vincent’s Son Nick is on the BBC…
    Nick’s Target has still not been reached (64% there) so please Donate if you can AND call over to Sue’s Blog and Tweet, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and StumbleUpon the post to spread the word and help him reach his target 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Pingback: Sue Vincent: Nick and the BBC | The Linden Chronicles: The Wolf's Moon by Patrick Jones

  24. Sherri says:

    This is fantastic Sue, and wishing your son nothing but the very best for tomorrow…and you too of course!


  25. macjam47 says:

    Shared on Twitter and Google +. Best wishes to Nick.


  26. Kev says:

    Excellent! Bravo Nick! Sharing this to all socials, Sue! 😀


  27. This is just great, Sue. 🙂


  28. Kev says:

    Reblogged this on Kev's Great Indie Authors and commented:
    A very special reblog for Kev’s Rollover Sunday folks… PLEASE visit Sue’s blog for more information on Nick’s story and his campaign.


  29. ksbeth says:

    nick is the true meaning of celebrity.


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